

A new adult been transmigrated to a world of swords and magic, precisely in the wildest dreadful forest where he can't rely on others but himself, only theeselves could help him to survive, physically and mentally, but would struggling to survive be enough?? What he's going to achieve after? In this world similar to games in a way or another....!!!

DrNoob · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Ch - 003 - The Babe

Band of mine workers who looks like barbarians grouping around one single woman, in the wild...

Not as it seem in the first sight

A woman here is a first

A first for every native

Me included


Right now am hiding behind a tree

Not sure why and don't know what to do

I mean to get out of this situation safely

Like what should I tell me guys, to get the woman for me self??

Such a tough situation

For the woman too


What are you doing here?

Come on answer the damn question!

Where did you came from? And how?

... So many loud questions

And the confused woman sitting at the ground, so confused that she's not answering

Not answering at all that she seems to be ignoring the bad situation

Is she that shocked???


Still don't know what to do

Not yet...

But here I am, going forward

Like a couple of minutes ago

I have to do something

Regret or not

It's better than regretting doing nothing, right?

At least when I make a mistake I learn something new...



What a shock!!

Me heart stopped beating for moments

Is she calling me that??

Please help me!!

She's really calling for mine help

Not just that

The moment me guys loosen their grip when they saw me coming, she jumped at me

Am not moving at all

Me and mine guys are all speachless


The woman held me arm

And stand behind

Like hiding from danger


Oops!! I almost let a laugh slip out

Because me workers turned to be like the bad guys, while am the hero who's saving her for the second time


So am the savior here

I must act as such

Now the woman is ok

What remain is a good place to have a good talk to know each others


What are you trying to do to me lady??

I said that, while at the same time mine other hand sends hidden signals

Me signals are easy to understand

It's just a "shoo"

And mouth say "shush" silently

I don't want them to reveal me relation with them, not right now while the woman in a very bad situation, in this unknown region to her.



Won't let it go next time

You better be prepared next time

Sigh, what a drag...

Seems that they understood me signals very well, that they're acting like strangers to me while leaving

Their acting is not very convincing

But am sure the scared woman behind me won't notice that while in her uninveiable case

After all

She's using me

A complete stranger to hide behind


Shall we??

I turned to the left

Not looking at her for convenience sake

So we can start a proper conversation

Without me drooling...




She's looking me in denial

Of course am looking at her face too

Because her reaction doesn't add up

Like, why is she shocked now?

Am saying that we have to move, to a better place so we can talk.

So I said, but...

She let mine left arm and retreat one step back

Realized just now??

I do wonder how she's thinking.

"better place??" like where in this deadly forest??

She's asking in doubts!

Can't blame her if she thinks that am weak to protect her from the dangerous forest

But right now we still in mine territory

Which mean that we are safe

Of course she doesn't know that

But hey woman!! have you already forgotten who saved you?

Not saying that

Also not bragging

Just that I find it so strange how she thinks


I think that both of us have lots of questions to ask each others, but don't you think this place is not very appropriate to chit chat...!

At least wear something

I took of me cape, so that she cover herself

Reluctant for seconds, she accepted the offer and wrapped herself...

Have to say

She's really big

Ahem, I mean mine big cape barely cover her whole body

But now is way better than nothing


I took the lead

A route that we won't stumble on the other guys...

The strange woman followed me

Step by step she follow

Am not looking back

But am sure she's following like me shadow


I am a native here


Finally we arrived after so long


Although I said that am taking a walk not that far away from me base, but the walking back took longer than should be

Mostly because she's not used to walking in the wild, which makes me wonder...

How did she end up here???

But it's not the time for such deep talk


This is the soon to become Castle of mine

So I introduce me huge cave

Luckily all the guys are not to be seen around here, that's good for now

But the woman still silent!!

She seem to be afraid to enter, so I preceded inside in hurry, brought some women clothes

These clothes been found just recently

We put them in special place isolated

No moistur means no musty clothes

And here comes the first use for it

There's more inside to pick what suite you...!

I said that well aware that what I brought won't suite her size!!

Hopefully she find what she want

But oh well, what's on hand is a modest dress for a young noble lady, this meant to express that no dirty thoughts involved.


Took her so long to get back

Women I guess!!

After she took the dress from me, she entered to where I directed her and waited outside, although it's very big cave, there's no way to lose track and it's not dark inside because the "infinity torch" There...

here I am, waiting to let her feel comfortable

Such a gentleman I am, right!!?


Indead a beautiful woman is what makes the dress a piece of art.

Yet another thin clothes, with what seem like thick robe...

Not the perfect dress, probably she didn't find what suite her the best

But I find it pleasant what she's wearing right now, it's red color fit well with mine black robe



Although I prepared some fresh fruits that I collected from near plants, there's no where to sit on but the stone ground

Because the gentleman I am, once again I take of me cape already, so she sit comfortably on it

As for me, mine ass used to such

Offered to her me favorit fruits, kiwi...

To start with and after finishing the simple meal, end it with kiwi too, needless to say water at the very end.


How long has it been?

Two hours maybe?

Can't be sure, but the woman took her time to tell me some basic informaions in this world and a vague idea how she ended up here powerless...

By the way, it took me a longer time to convince her that this place is safe, till she started speaking!

All in all...

As expected, this forest is a taboo, like a place of no return, yet she was running away from her pursuers to such deadly place

What a destiny that brought her to me


Hope she didn't notice mine grin

Losing her magical power is not surprising for me, I had a theory about it and this confirm some doubts

I won't be revealing it, but the fact that her magical power won't return shocked her, as it seems like death would be a better choice if she can choose...

This how the conversation ended

How disappointing

Damn it

As an introvert, this is all I can do

Me social skills are close to zero

Or close to 2/10 at best

Maybe I won't be having an intimate time so soon with her T-T