
Introspection of Unwritten letters

A character who is born into a world without a purpose to fulfill, and so through the influence of others and the shades of other people, Thales gains a purpose that he strives to seek, whether it’s for spirituality, for strength, Thales seeks out this purpose that is engraved through a concept in the story called The Mystery. In a world where gods roam freely, organizations hold power with mighty beings, where diverse races all have different origins...a universe so vast that purpose has yet to be found. This is a journey of seeking, through adventures in all sorts of unique environments never seen before- Hidden societies that seek justice and righteousness- A Shadow Land plagued by lost souls and magical beasts! Each character has philosophical dilemmas or moral ones, and they all search on an answer to their confusion and curiosity. "I-am alone. That was obvious though. I’d not a clue what nightmare I have awakened from, maybe it was that I’d rather forget? Did the world hug me too coldly or did I run from the world?" Will Thales attain the knowledge he so desperately seeks for unknown reasons. This is the journey of knowing, I hope you join us.

Verlumin · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Entering the Lion’s den

"Well these schemes I have cooking if magic truly existed in the way I could experience it I definitely believe I could do this."

"However if I believe in this system I doubt it I suppose I'd have to cheat and scam this world."

"However in the way I can scam it it's quite theoretical I'd like to explore on where this tree supposedly was located then I'd see if it possible I'd trust my intuition but I hate using it because I don't know if it truly is a sixth sense But I'd abuse this world, who's going to stop me? God" Thales scoffed after this as he was lost in his thought.

"This is not your land it's our land, whoever if you exist you're welcome to it just live like us this time... Man what am I even saying even I don't know."

Thales was walking to the location Beato told him about his half sister Eir's domain he'd need to ask her for her aid because he couldn't do this procedure on himself even if he could do the science and engineering.

He required 7 years to complete his work so he didn't have much time to spare.

He had eaten the fruit while he was there he had no clue what would happen from now it was up to the faith of his fellow humans experience being validated.

"I've already fallen so who cares who needs faith when I am fine in my garden isn't it natural to eat fruit from a garden you're frequenting."

He knocked on the door 3 times quite mechanically.

"Hey woman, I require your help you seem to be alone that shouldn't be a problem of you I've heard your talent in all fields of anatomy and medicine."

"It moved me, wouldn't you share it with me." Thales thought he churned this sentence out quite smoothly.

"Fine cur, then prostrate yourself before me."

Thales observed her and then did what she said without debate or taking offence. He expected her to be surprised he was so complicit.

"Hehe, you arrogant b*tch what is pride, meh what is shame but temporary illusions that stop you from what really matters in life, real meaning." He thought inwardly.

Thales didn't expect to see an emotionless kick to the face.

"Who are you to ask me of anything? You lowly worm, you have no strength you have no charm, being a child means nothing here boy. Get in line or piss off. You want something? Who doesn't, why would I care for an ignorant swine." Somehow she said these cold words to her flesh and blood so emotionlessly it was doll-like like she was following instructions from a program.

Thales just stared at her as if he couldn't believe it.

"You're unreal." He thought.

He also thought back to the dinner party they were demons with no presence and now when she is alone it's like the cruelty is intensified as if the environment and failing to adapt to it created this outcome.

She beat on him for hours before finally having a servant remove him, she was a woman. Of course it was humiliating it wasn't as if Thales couldn't fight back, either. He was a child so maybe he couldn't but that wasn't his reason it was more twisted.

"Ha-ha dance puppet how long can you stay as this mindless animal I'd really like to know, in the end you'll follow my script and help me... I'd not even punish you one day what's one man's fury to a myriad of joy that you will indirectly bring." He thought as he couldn't even want to lick his wounds and definitely needed to avoid Beato.

This method was what he cooked up with his rank 16 level heart cultivation. To act weaker than you are to allow person benefits of being stronger so they don't view you as a threat.

He'd let this continue for a few months at least maybe longer even Thales couldn't predict the human heart.

Beatrix was right too he opened up all 3 paths immediately, her intuition scared Thales, but he enjoyed it too he would use it as a book to read, to learn from carefully.

What Thales wanted to do next before eating, was to explore the forest and then after he'd eat he would cultivate, cultivating was simply meditating but it would place you in a flow state where concepts are crystal clear and flow like a river many possibilities. Thales wondered how many ways they could be shaped, for example did the heart not only let you come up with methods to use a human's nature but did it also allow for one to read it if your cultivation was proficient and how did you actually cultivate at different ranks.

Speaking of ranks, they were 4 stages of 4 levels each, the bottom one was called survival tier where you were scum who had to figure out everything and anything to survive but couldn't necessarily do those things merely vaguely imagine things and even that was not omniscience.

The next tier was called the prodigal genius where you were a rising star with well rounded excellence you could create possibilities the common rabble couldn't even imagine, talent is where you were good at things people did while genius was where you came up with novel things no one did.

The next tier was called Exalted Venerable, for what is genius if you had not the experience to properly wield it. Usually old monsters cultivated to this level and yet by calculation a few siblings were low venerable. They pretty much had the best of both worlds learnt everything to live and made things to go beyond merely living, but how do they beat the genius if they merely can do what they do you ask? They simply know every trick the genius has before they have it; things extraordinary are commonplace for them.

The final tier was the eternal sages. The apex only the best of the best in the wisdom cultivator world could be a sage in fact only 6 were sages, they practically had what looked to be omniscience but that wasn't possible or they wouldn't be human still it was just profundity beyond words they were seeds that made you revaluate human potential as a whole a quality venerable could be one in a billion but could they really say they were once in an era. Not even Thales's father was a sage but never say never