
Introduction to the Life of Zhang Xiangqian, a Farmer in Anhui, China

Zhang Xiangqian, a farmer in Anhui Province, China, with a junior high school education. In 1985, he was taken to a highly developed and distant alien planet and lived for a month. He learned a lot about aliens there, including their lifestyle, culture, and advanced science and technology. This is his autobiography.

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The scene of encountering the aliens at home reappeared vividly in my dream yesterday

In the early summer of 1985, when I was 19 years old, I was taken by aliens while sleeping at home and traveled to an alien planet for a month. However, on Earth, it was only one night's duration. Their time is different from ours. I felt as though I spent a month on their planet.

Last night, I vividly re-experienced in my dream the encounter with the aliens from 1985 [the last time, as I've had no contact with them since], when I was sleeping at home.

This morning, I immediately turned on my computer and described the dream. My routine is to write an article for my public account in the afternoon.

In the early summer of my 19th year [1985], the weather wasn't very hot, and we hadn't set up mosquito nets yet. I was sleeping alone in the second room from the west of the front row of houses at my family home, while my parents slept in the first room.

This row of houses consists of five rooms in total, with the main entrance in the center and houses with windows on both sides. The two rooms adjacent to the main door, on either side, didn't have windows. I slept in the room to the west of the main door, which had no window and no separating wall from the main hall.

Especially in last night's dream, it became vividly clear that the room where I slept had a stove on the north side, and I slept against the wall on the south side of the room.

Previously in my articles, I described the house as being made of brick and stone walls with six rooms, which I now realize was a mistake. The house in my dream yesterday had five rooms and was made of mud walls.

When the aliens took me, I went directly through the wall, not out the main door. While passing through the wall, the earthy smell left a profound impression on me, if it had been a stone wall, how could it have had that earthy scent? 

The existing six rooms made of stone and brick may have been renovated after 1985, with an additional room added on the east side. But in 1985, those five rooms were all made of mud walls.

Below is an article I previously wrote, describing the scene when I encountered the aliens:

In 1985, not long after I lay down, half-asleep, I felt as if something was hovering over the roof of my house. The familiar sensation from my childhood of "they are coming, they are coming..." appeared again. 

Suddenly, I felt the room turn bright red. Startled awake, I got up from the bed and stood beside it. I saw a glowing liquid seeping through the wall, emitting a dark red light mixed with some light purple. As this liquid fully seeped into the room, it gradually formed several human shapes.

These people's bodies appeared as if composed of countless tiny red bugs dancing together, moving swiftly and chaotically.

Intense fear made me tremble uncontrollably, and my hands, feet, and throat stiffened and stopped responding to my brain.

These mysterious visitors didn't speak, but I seemed to hear a standard male voice in my mind saying, "Come with us".

At that moment, I was fully awake and remembered clearly that it wasn't a dream.

As I was bewildered, I suddenly felt an invisible force hitting me hard from the front, instantly taking control, especially of my head. It felt like it was suddenly filled with liquid and sand-like substances, creating an intense feeling of numbness and fullness.

My consciousness seemed to be powerfully controlled by this mysterious force, becoming blurry, and my brain's ability to think and judge slowed down. I became less lucid, and all my sensations seemed dulled. My body felt light and unsteady as I walked. Gradually, my trembling stopped and my fear lessened.

I saw them pass through the wall, and it appeared to become semi-transparent. I followed them through. After passing through, I realized I was barefoot, wearing only a sweatshirt and underwear, completely disheveled.

The earthy smell of the wall left a deep impression on me. Passing through the wall felt as if every molecule of the wall uniformly moved through my body, rather than the wall opening a crack for me to pass through.

Also, when passing through the wall, every part of the body experiences a sensation hard to describe, different from not passing through it. It felt like countless tiny sand particles gently rubbing inside my body, accompanied by a slightly pleasant feeling. The speed of passing through wasn't fast, similar to a normal walking pace. As I was about to exit the wall, my heels felt numb. Once I was out, the numbness disappeared.

For decades, I've often dreamt of passing through walls. Sometimes I succeeded, other times I failed. When failing, I would remind myself: Face the wall without fear or hesitation, don't force it, just calmly walk through with a clear mind.

In my dream last night, I added some more details. The bed I slept on was made of wooden planks, not a proper bed, and it was placed right against the south mud wall of the house. The area where the mud wall and the bed touched was covered with newspapers to prevent dirt from the wall from falling onto the bed.

On the north side of the room where I slept was a stove, with the side for burning fire facing west, the pot platform [The side of the stove that is closest to the pot] on the east, next to a large water jar. There was a small window near the pot platform.

While sleeping, my head was facing east, next to a pillar that was covered with various hanging items, as was the beam above it.

My feet were facing west, about 1.5 meters away from where my parents slept. The aliens entered from this 1.5-meter section of the mud wall, and we left through it too. 

My parents' room door was also not far from this spot. Back then, the floor of the entire house was earthen, not cement.

It's been 37 years since then, and many of my memories have become blurry. I hope netizens can forgive me. Currently, many people doubt and attack me, and I'm under a lot of pressure. I hope for understanding from the netizens.

I am certain that I encountered aliens in 1985 because I wrote many letters at the time, stating I was 19 years old. According to our rural calculations, being born in 1967 meant it should be 1985. It's not that I checked the calendar upon my return; I didn't have the intention to seek evidence then.

Many of the letters I wrote later were lost. Some netizens asked me to find these letters. Recently, I went to my old home and found a few.

Seeing these letters brings bitterness to my heart. I didn't expect that after 37 years, I would still be in such a wretched state.

For 37 years, much of what has happened seems like a dream. Under many people's doubts and intense attacks, I sometimes force myself to consider it all just a dream.

However, these letters pull me back to reality. For 37 years, I have been writing letters, trying to communicate this incident to the outside world. Could this act of writing letters also be just an illusion?