
Introducing Minecraft in The World in Ruin!

* Just a reminder, I'm just a translator, I'm just making this readable and not something that's an abomination of words. * * I'm also a newbie, so appreciated if you point out some words that I might've missed! * ______________________________________ Being isekai'd in another world with the ability of Minecraft , Senju was wandering helplessly in this ruined world full of steel. He thought he was the only one here. It wasn't until he met his companions that he found the goal of survival. He traveled with them and was with them. Going forward together, even if in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, he will find a way to break through the desperate situation and lead to survival. After breaking through the desperate situation, Senju discovered that the world really had many pitfalls. In order to live a leisurely life, Senju began to look for an ideal home. Volume 1: Girls Last Tour: The Human World - 70 Chapters Volume 2: Girls Last Tour: The Uninhabitable Deep Zone - Chapters idk Anime: Girls Last Tour Note: I do not own this fanfiction, I just wanted to translate this/make it readable to people who don't know the Dao of MTL. Before I write the link, I should warn you that in later chapters in the raw, their names would be...messy, that's why I'm translating this. ______________________________________ 75 Stones = 1 Chapter! Here's the link for the raw: https://trxs.cc/tongren/8398/1.html

Bruh20 · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Chapter 18: Abandoned Arsenal

After the three walked along the passage for a long time, Senju also gradually discovered that this factory was beyond his imagination.

He thought that he had learned enough about it after being here for many days, but it seemed that he was just here a few days ago. He knew how the city operates on the surface, but didn't understand the city's true power.

After all, when Senju first arrived here, he looked at the building in the sky and knew that there might be a similar space under his feet.

And after he was lucky enough to find enough food, he used small amounts of explosives for fear of destroying this place. A big hole was blown, but after wandering around the factory for so long, he realized that all the explosives he had piled up were not enough to break the foundation of the entire city.

The surrounding temperature gradually warmed up, and the three regretted that they would have come here if they had known earlier.

It was too cold where they slept last night. After a while, everyone came to a row of huge doors with numbers on them. However, some doors had collapsed, some were half open, and some were tightly closed. The sound of the machine came from inside the sealed door. Chito stopped here and walked towards several doors. Yuuri who leaned in front of the closed door, preparing to find a way to open it.

After Senju saw this, he asked the two of them to step back and watch him perform. He put the lever on the wall next to the door. As soon as he pulled the lever, the door opened with a bang, and the sound of the surrounding machines suddenly became louder.

After entering, everyone saw a tall machine still running, and a huge hammer was constantly hitting the cushion below, as if it was processing something, but the machines around it had stopped and would never be used again. Something has come in for processing.

After a few minutes checking out the surroundings, they discovered that there were many broken small robots around. They seemed to have encountered various accidents. In addition to these, Yuuri also found several huge metal brackets piled aside...like the skeleton of a giant.

After some searching, Chito found that there was nothing that could they could take.

This is just a part of a processing workshop. Then she searched other workshops, where the machines had stopped long ago, and the ground was littered with fallen parts and shells.

After the three searched for a long time, they found a few trophies, a small cart used to transport goods inside the factory. It was small in structure, about the same size as Chito's car, but it had a roof on it and a small empty bucket behind it. It seemed that It was a vehicle used to transport small parts. Yuuri took some cannonballs and loaded them in the back, as if she wanted to take them out and use them.

Originally, according to Senju's opinion, this small car was of little use, because his own car was much better than this one.

Senju felt that he was missing one, but he wanted Yuuri to move these shells away first, because he wanted to give it a try, the shift in the lever was that in Yuuri's somewhat dissatisfied voice, Senju loaded these cannonballs. He did not want to die because of these cannonballs one day, although Yuuri had always said that these were safe and would never explode.

However, Senju's final modification was successful. The car was able to move after being modified with a tie rod, and there was no need to add other fuel. However, the disadvantage was still the same as before. It would be divided into two things when put away.

After getting a new car, Senju followed Chito to search for other places, and soon came to a huge iron door. It should have been opened by a machine. It was not enough to look around and know that there was no more door. It's possible.

Fortunately, Senju's things are very unreasonable. No matter how sophisticated the mechanism is on the door, it can be opened with a lever. When the door is opened, what appears in front of everyone is rows of tanks and several assembled robots. Everyone only then did realized that this place was originally a factory specializing in the production of tanks and robots.

Looking at these weapons, Yuuri was very interested, but looking at the way she drooled, you could guess what she was thinking. Senju tried to put away a tank, and saw that it was identified as a 'damaged tank' , this is the case after several replacements. It seems that they have been broken due to too long time.

At this time, Yuuri stood next to the robot and asked Chito to take pictures of her. She seemed much smaller next to such a large robot. After Senju assembled the robot one by one, he discovered that they had not been assembled yet, because the identification The result is debris. If you look inside the robot, you will find that the corresponding machinery has not been installed inside. These robots are now just empty shelves.

Although Senju felt a little disappointed, Yuuri had a lot of fun. After taking the photos, she found a six-barreled machine gun and fired at the wall. The two next to her were so frightened that they rushed out of the warehouse with their heads in their hands. , the gunfire stopped after a while, and Yuuri walked out, "It's so comfortable, Chii-chan,Ju- Chan let's bring one too."

""No!"" Chito stepped forward and gave her a hand chop. Senju was also a little surprised at the side. Did he underestimate the physique of the people here? They could actually use such a heavy machine gun casually.

Then there was a loud noise inside, as if something collapsed, and then everyone saw Yuuri blushing and looking embarrassed. The two of them didn't know how to complain about Yuuri being like this.

After leaving the warehouse along the road, they went deeper and deeper into the factory, and the surrounding workshops became smaller.

After searching one by one, everyone found that it was also filled with various machines, but they had all stopped operating. , Chito pried away a lot of parts from here, preparing to replace the parts on her own car in the future.

Finally, everyone came to a huge workshop with many tall machines, which seemed to be used for final assembly. There was a giant robot lying in the middle, but it didn't seem to be the final product, because only the upper half of it was here. , there are still many machines on the back, and in front of it you can see a big hole leading to the outside, and next to it are two twisted doors, as if it was broken in by the enemy from the outside.

After taking a few photos of the giant, everyone discovered from the big cave that the wind and snow outside had stopped, and the sun was shining in from the outside.

The group of them didn't know how long they had been wandering around here, so a few people stopped here to prepare. Eat something.

Senju took out some grilled fish and bread and put them on Chito's oil stove to be heated. While Chito used Senju's electric stove to boil water. Yuuri, who was lying on the car was humming continuously.


Although the lyrics were just about food, she sang happily, but after a while she smelled the aroma of food and was washed away.

After eating and drinking water, everyone took a short rest before preparing to leave and continue heading towards the snow-covered city outside.

Hmm~ all that food talk made me hungry~~


♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)

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