
Intricated Marriage

Jeon Seojun ,son of one of the biggest business man in S.Korea is known for being a cold hearted person and is the CEO of his father's company.Stubborn and spoiled brat he is. Ava Manoban, daughter of one of the biggest chef in Thailand is a very virtuous lady and is a dancer. She can be a bitch though. The word "Opposite" is made for describing their personalities and their world. What will happen when one day, suddenly they are made to marry? Will they fall in love with each other? A journey filled with hatred, anger, heartbreaks, betrayals, tears, confusions and maybe love and affection?

crescent_d · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


The sun shine was hitting directly Ava's beautiful face, making her groan and cover her face with the comfortable white duvet which didn't smell like her perfume.

Her eyes slowly and lazily opened. And she lazily sat up while keeping her hand on her forehead.

She was having a very bad headache.

After a minute she looked around to find that she was in a foreign place, it seemed like a hotel room.

Her eyes widened and the first thing she did was peep under her duvet. Upon seeing herself dressed properly she sighed in relief but her headache was killing her.

She jumped a little when the door opened but sighed in relief when she saw the person coming in while holding a tray in which there was hangover soup.

"Oh my god, its you" Ava said and massaged her head.

"Yeah obviously its me. Seriously Ava how careless can you be. Drinking alone in a new place where you know no one?" Isabella scolded her and placed the tray on the table.

"I'm sorry Bella. I wanted to have fun." Ava said while closing her eyes. Isabella's lecture wasn't helping her headache at all.

"Fun? Hello Miss Manoban do you think having FUN in a new place all alone won't cause you any harm? You were lucky that he helped you and brought you here. Do you even know what would have happened to you if it was some horny old guy who found you?" Isabella lectured the other in a furious tone.

She was very angry at her friend and disappointed too. No matter what problem or situation ,this friend of her would always make the best decisions.

And this rebellious act from her made Isabella disappointed.

"Wait what do you mean by 'he'? Weren't you the one to pick me up from the bar last night?" Ava asked confusingly.

She has a very low tolerance for alcohol so last night's memory was very blurry right now in her head.

"Off course not. Incase you forgot I'm not God Lisa how would I know where you are when you don't inform me? A guy brought you to my hotel room at midnight, you should be thankful to that kind guy." Isabella replied

"Ahhh" Ava groaned in pain. No matter how much she tried ,she couldn't remember who that person was or how he looked like. Off course she was not the type to just ignore the kind act from someone especially when that someone is a stranger.

"I can't remember anything. How did he looked like Bella. Do you know him?" Ava gave up and asked her friend who was now stirring the hot soup.

"I don't know him. He is for sure a stranger to me but I think he knows you. But he was so damn handsome. Nice face+ nice body. And I think he has good background too ,judging by his branded clothes. If you remember anything about him then do give me his number." Isabella smiled and handed her the soup which the other obediently took and drank.

"Did you just say that he knows me?" Ava asked while drinking the soup.

"Yeah... Well he did know your name and it seemed like he knew you." Isabella replied

Ava nodded and just drank her soup. She didn't want to think about it anymore, it only made her headache worse. So she just thought of keeping it aside for now and remember it afterwards.

"And what about my parents? Did they call you?" Ava asked worriedly.

"Don't worry. This friend of yours got your back. I told them that I called you since I don't feel like staying alone and that you didn't inform them since it was late." Isabella replied proudly.

Ava gave her friend a 'thumbs up' and headed towards the bathroom to take a cold shower to ease her headache.


She sat down on the chair and stared at the man sitting in front of her with dark eyes.

"What are you staring at? Order." Seojun said as he caught her staring at him with an 'I'll kill you' look and looked down at the menu.

She sighed in annoyance. She was not feeling good right now. Just when she thought that she'll have a peaceful day, she was stuck with this jerk.

It was not even an hour after she came back from shower, he texted her saying that Mr.Jeon reserved them a private room for lunch in a famous 5 star restaurant and that she should come!!

She was left with no choice since Mr.Jeon personally called her and told her to have lunch with Seojun since he left at the engagement day.

"Why do I have to suffer because you left me all alone? I don't understand it." Ava said angrily

Seojun did an 'I don't know' gesture and summoned the waiter to place the order which made Ava more angry.

She scoffed.

'Is he seriously being shameless right now?'

"We'll have the special sushi, pork dumplings and the spicy noodles please."

Seojun placed the order,the waiter nodded and left.

"I don't like sushi." Ava commented but Seojun pretended as if he didn't hear it at all.

"Come on it's not even a real lunch date so just eat, leave and give a good report to my dad." Seojun replied flatly.

"I don't even want to eat with you let alone enjoy a real date." Ava said while rolling her eyes.

'He's so full of himself. Does he think that I'm desperate to have a date with him?'

"Good then." Seojun replied.

After that silence engulfed them but neither of them spoke ,both focusing on their phones.

It was not until Seojun remembered something and broke the silence.

"Ah right. I heard that you made an excuse to everyone saying that I had something important to do so I left without notice."

Ava didn't bother looking up and just replied while still keeping her eyes on the phone.


Seojun chuckled.

"I'm confused why did you do that?" He was amused to find that the girl who hates him made an excuse for him, even though she could have clearly used it as an opportunity to break their ties off and continue live happily.

Ava pressed her lips and didn't answer.

Seojun raised his brow.

'Is she planning something?'

But he highly doubted that this silly girl would even think of planning something towards him.

Seojun opened his mouth to say something but closed it when he saw the waiter entering the private room that they were in with dishes.

The waiter was skilled and didn't take long and left early.

It was only when after the food arrived, Lisa kept her phone on the table and started eating, while treating him as air.

"Hey aren't you going to answer my question?" Seojun stopped her chopstick from taking any dumpling with his chopstick and asked seriously.

Ava sighed.

"Why are you making it an issue? Shouldn't you just say 'thank you' for my kind act towards you?" Ava faked a smile and ate the dumpling with the spoon.

Seojun tsked.

"It won't hurt to answer my question." Seojun replied

"And it won't hurt to stop this topic." Ava replied while chewing the sweet pork dumpling.

"Why are you being so stubborn? I just don't understand can't you just answer it without being annoyed or rude?" Seojun asked while raising his voice abit.

There , it was enough to make Ava lose her calm.

"Then what would have I said to them. That you were making out with your girlfriend on our fucking engagement day?" Ava shouted at him.

He didn't replied neither did his face changed. Only the heavy breathing of Ava was heard in the room.

"Oh so you saw it?" Was his reply after a minute.

It was calm and his face wasn't even showing a hint of shame or anything.

Ava couldn't help but be speechless.

'Such a shameless jerk.'

"I'm going. Do not call me for eating out in the future." And with that Ava left the restaurant with a frown.

Leaving behind a confused Seojun.

"Did I say something wrong?" He mummered to himself but nevertheless he ate his food.

He didn't really cared about her catching him with his girlfriend.

It was an hour before the engagement ended, that Haeun called him informing him that she was around the area for some work. She asked him to meet her since they hadn't met in the past week due to his engagement and the boy hesitantly agreed.

Upon reaching the place she suddenly pulled him into a hungry kiss as soon as he arrived. He was quite shocked because it was his first time to see his girlfriend in 8 years so fierce and dominant.

He thought that it was her jealousy and insecurity but little did he know that it was because the girl saw his fiancé.

Haeun then requested him to drop her home so that's why he left the engagement before the end.

Ava walked out of the restaurant with anger that she didn't notice a person coming from the opposite direction.

Just as she took a few steps,she bumped into a hard chest and she almost fell on her butt. She was ready to feel the cold and hard floor on her butt and shut her eyes tightly.

But it never happened. Instead she was supported by two strong arms on her waist.

She slowly opened her eyes to see two cat like eyes looking at her.

Wait she saw this eyes somewhere. Just where was it?

She was lost in her thoughts when he awkwardly coughed and she hurriedly straightened up.

"Oh thank you so much." She looked down and thanked him with a red face.

She internally scolded herself for being such a weirdo.

"We met again Miss Ava Manoban." The man smiled and looked at her.

His voice was deep.

As she heard his voice she looked up to see his face clearly.

"You- it's you Mr.Handsome. No wonder you looked so familiar." Ava said and immediately closed her mouth upon realising with what name she called him.

'You and your stupid mouth Ava.' She internally scolded herself.

He chuckled lightly.

"I'm very much happy with that name but you can call me by my real name." He smiled.

Ava smiled embarrassingly. She can't remember his name!!

She wished that the floor would eat her up now as she was embarrassing herself for the nth time that day.

"Ohh ummm" she smiled but the trouble in her face was visible.

"It seems you don't remember much about last night. Its fine, understandable. Here, let me introduce myself again." He didn't seem offended but was being rather kind.

"Hi I'm Jeon Jeongho . Nice to meet you again Miss Ava Manoban." He offered her his hand and she shook it with a smile.

He was indeed a handsome refined gentleman. He was wearing a dark navy blue suit with plain white shirt inside, 2 buttons unbuttoned showing a bit of his strong chest to the girl.

"You can call me Ava. And thank you so much for yesterday." Ava smiled and thanked him.

"Oh its nothing. It was just me helping a beautiful lady." He replied.

She blushed abit. And shook her head.

"No really I'm very thankful to you. If it weren't for you then I don't know where would I have been in this foreign place."

"It's lunch time, let me treat you to a meal." Jeongho offered gesturing her towards the restaurant that she just came out of.

"Oh its very kind of you to offer but I ...umm. hate sushi. Instead let's go to the French restaurant on the next street. I heard that its a must eat place. And my treat since you helped me yesterday." Ava said and Jeongho didn't refuse it.

"OK then French cuisine it is. Come, let me drive us there. I brought my car." And with that Jeongho led the way followed by Ava.

'Such a turn of events. Just when I thought that I'll have an empty stomach till evening but now I'm going to eat French.'

She was gonna sit on the back sit but Jeongho stopped her and opened the front sit for her.

"I don't want people thinking that I'm the driver of a beautiful lady." Jeongho joked and she chuckled.

She couldn't help but compare this gentleman with that jerk.

'So compare less.'

She really felt that her luck was just not good.

So she didn't protest and sat on the front sit.

And with that they left towards their destination.