
Into You: You Are Mine Ryder

Ryder Zenobia, a female knight who was in the front-line to kill the enemy without hesitation came back with victory. As the celebration banquet was held. An unexpected situation happen. She encounter a man at the banquet, the Emperor Cessair Le Doux, notorious and frightening person of all in the Kingdom, The Tyrant who does not know the word mercy. They spend the night together without knowing what will happen in the future. Is it a one night stand affair or will it lead to a much more interesting story?

Milo_Zepeto · Teen
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12 Chs

Part Nine

~chiirrppp... chiirrppp... chiirrppp... chiirrppp...~

I wake up with the realization that I did it with someone I just met last night. It felt heavy so I look at my body.

There are hands hugging me tightly. I faced him and saw a handsome man. Is he a noble or a knight from another squad? It is my first time seeing him.

As I stare at his face, I vividly remember what we did last night. We did not do it once but....

I will not count how many times we did it. It's a pleasure that will soon fade since he might live and not come back.

I touch the tip of his nose, his eyebrows, his hair and his cheeks. A very manly feature. He moves me closer to him and suddenly open his eye and give me a peck on the lips and forehead.

"What a great morning. Is this a dream? I have a beautiful woman lying in bed and cuddling with me?" He murmured and give me a flashy smile.

"Stop smiling, you're too handsome." I told him. And he just laughs. Even his laughs are handsome! What flaws does this man have?

"I need to get up and go to the training ground, I bet my knights are lazing off their asses" I told him holding his arms to release me.

"I need to go back as well. Someone might be flipping the whole place just to look for me." He said and dressed up.

"What is your name my lady?" He asks me.

"You can call me Ryder." I bet giving my name is okay since, this will be the last time we will meet.

"Then my lady, just call me Kei. Until we meet again." He bid his goodbye and leave the place.

I immediately take a bath and eat some bread so my stomach is not empty. After finishing the food I went to the Fourth Squad training ground.

A few knights are resting, it seems they started training early in the morning. No time to slug off. Commendable, I will decrease the time of the training for this week.

As the other knights notice my presence, they stop what they are doing and greeted me. I saw a group of people on the corner laughing.

Oho! I see that you are having fun. Want something more exciting that will match your energy?" I suddenly show up and talk.

"Ahhh, good morning commander. You seem to come here late? This is new." Amazed with a sarcastic tone.

"Stop with your none sense Zandra. Do they start their training as well today?" I asked them pointing to the three people, Leticia, Timmo and Artur.

"Yes, ask Carol to train Leticia. It will be good to have another person that knows how to treat wounds." I command.

"Yes, that's good I thought we will be having Leticia to wield a sword." Jeremy sigh in relief.

"She can practice archery or wield a sword, it's good if she knows how to defend herself." I point out.

"I will let you train these two young men here Zandra. You know what to do right?" I ask her.

"Yes, I will handle them well. As you command." She replied.

"Good to know, let me know if you have anything you need. I will practice as well. I think I might get rusty if I do not practice at all. Wanna have some sparring with me?" I ask them.

"HAHA! I love my life; I won't risk it just to satisfy you." She said in a sarcastic tone.

"Try to ask other knights, they badly want to spar with you. All of the knights over you alone commander." Jeremy said.

"What? It does not make sense how will she fight all those knights alone?" Timmo and Artur said in confusion.

"Have you forgotten? She annihilated a whole troop of bandits before and even took down over your kingdom." Zandra reminded them.

"I can hear you, stop gossiping about me." I told them.

"Dear my friend, it is better to talk about you when you're around, rather than you're not here, no?" She rebuts.

"Yeah Yeah, talk all you want. Let's start practice I want to release some fats. I ate a lot of food last night."

"What kind of food? Hmm.." Jeremy and Zandra started to tease me again.

"A food that is not served last night." And I gave them a meaningful smile.

"HAHA! Dear me, this friend of mine already graduated!" She suddenly said.

"Who would have thought, from which squad? Or family?" Jeremy asks.

"I think he is a noble from the way he dressed and talked, his features are above and a little bit scary face since his glare is too sharp." I explain.

"Good Job! You completed the task of a one-night stand partner!" Zandra and Jeremy cheered.

I walk towards the knights and tell them... "Who wants to spar with me? Let's have some fun activity today."

"For someone who's interested come forwards. You can be a group or solo. Quantity does not matter to me." I spoke and warm up my arms and legs.

"Looks like all the knights what to team up against Ry. Haha. Should I join her?" Zandra said. The other knights look hesitant.

"The Commander and Vice-Commander are too strong. If Sir Jeremy will join you as well we do not stand a chance." They whined.

"Then Jeremy, and those guys will be the spectator of this event." Zandra said.

"Alright, please go all out with what you've got. I will assess your improvement and give you a report so you can practice what you lack okay?" I explained and they all agreed.

"Every, be ready.. one.. two.. three.. start!" Jeremy signaled and the knights started attacking Zandra. HAHA!