
Into the world of Teyvat, Pokémon edition

The world of Teyvat is filled with creatures known as Pokémon, they roam the land, the sky, and the oceans. Only certain people are able to tame and train these Pokémon, they are known as Vision holders. What if a person from the modern world was transported into this world, but as a Vision holder of the Fairy Type.

Magic_Sword_7369 · Anime & Comics
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A harsh Journey

The salty water of the ocean surfaces into the sandy beach before receding back.

The light-colored sand turned dark from the water that was soaked into it.

Creatures resemble crabs and lobsters scurrying towards the ocean that send them out of their home.

Seagull-like birds flew down taking this opportunity to feast on the fleeing crustaceans.

But there was an odd one out of this cycle, it was similar in resemblance to a Sea Lion, but it was blue in color and had a bright pink nose.

It was doing an equally odd thing, it was poking around a seemingly human corpse, a boy with pink hair, with the strangest clothes by this world's standards.

The blue Sea Lion prodded around the boy, looking every bit confused as to why the boy isn't awake.

Touching, shaking, and moving, the tiny sea lion did all it could before a droplet of a test started to weld into its eyes, as it climbed onto the boy's chest, it hammered its flippers into his chest with a great force.

The boy suddenly erupted upwards throwing the Sea Lion off with a thud onto the sand.

He violently coughed a fit as sand and water forced out his lungs and mouth.

As his vision cleared, he soon recognized where he was as he was stunned in shock.

The Seas Lion yelled in happiness seeing the boy awake as it walked towards the boy.

The said boy turned his head towards the little creature as his eyes shone in slight recognition but that look ultimately went away as quickly as it came.

He slowly backed away in fear as the creature neared towards him. His breath started to get heavy as he attempted to stand but ended up fumbling down to the sandy ground again.

The Sea Lion managed to get one of its flippers to touch his leg making him flinch in pure terror and then started to tremble.

The Sea Lion turned his head in pure confusion as it didn't understand what was wrong with the boy.

It withdrew its Flipper as the boy slowly got up and backed away, as made some distance, he turned and started running in the opposite direction.

As fast he could he ran, running down the only visible path from the beach.

It looked like an animal from the ocean, flippers, and tail made for swimming, so ground chasing was almost impossible for it, this was the boy's frantic thought process as he ran.

He soon ran out of breath and almost fell down from fatigue, he looked back behind him as he jumped in shock.

The Sea Lion was just right behind him looking a bit playful, but the boy interpret as the creature treating him as prey to play with before finishing off.

The boy seemed perplexed by the creature as he began to walk away.

He knew that the creature could outrun him, and outlast him, from the pain when he woke up, he assumed that the creaturs most have been breaking his bones to make him easier to eat.

He sighed as his will to live started to crumble into a fine flour, ready to make dumplings.

Sighing he continued to walk down the path, not seeing the need to run for an asthma attack.

As the boy walked down the path, his back straightened as his shoulders rolled back, his neck went into a leveled and relaxed position.

Due to the high stress he had just been in, his posture was uncontrollable, but now he has calmed down, he subconsciously fixed his posture to the proper position.

Not long after, he happened upon a ledge that was taller than he was, a tres sat in front of it, but it looked like it would snap like a twig at a bit of weight.

He attempted to climb the ledge but he strained multiple times but ultimately failed to even lift his small frame.

Feeling the aftermath of overusing his arms, his forearm and wrist were sore, but there wasn't a change in color.

Huffing and puffing he held his chest as he looked at the same animal which was following him on top of the ledge, perfectly fine.

He sighed, feeling dejected from his lack of athleticism.

He turned back to the beach, intending to look for another way around.

But after an hour and turning over bushes only to see steep cliffs and a few doses of self-doubt, he turned back to the original path.

After the hour, his arm no longer felt sore and hard to move.

Before he simply tried to push himself over the edge, but this time, he started running from quite a ways away towards the ledge.

Reaching ever near he jumped and Springboarded himself of the edge and over the ledge, using his feet as an extra push against the wall to push him further, and thus barely made it over.


" 11580 Seconds," "Pop!" "11581 Seconds," "Lilo Lilo!" "11582 Seconds,"

The boy with pink hair continued to walk up the path that quickly turned more and more a paved path.

" How much is 11583 seconds in hours again?"

He asked no one specifically as he sighed as he thought of his grandmother who taught him how to do math in his math.

" 60 seconds is a minute, 60 minutes is an hour and that means that 11585 seconds is 3 hours and 13 minutes with some change,"

The boy with the Sea Lion continued to walk up the path until they saw a cliff.

They walked towards the edge as the boy stood still in surprise as tears started to flow down his face.

A Valley overlooked by tall massive cliffs that have the image of a straight path.

Spots of Trees littered the area as a lake surrounded what seems to be a stone statue, in the far distance, one could see a city that closely resembled that of German architecture.


The boy screamed into the air hysterically as the Popplio jumped from the sudden shout.