
Into the World of Doraemon as Nobita

He couldn't remember how it became this way. He didn't asked this to happen. He didn't want this to happen. But if fate want it this way then so be it .....

Fitz_Shinoi · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

The Betrayal

The party of five, mesmerized by the ethereal beauty of the kingdom, ventured deeper into the heart of Kingdom of Dogs, Puplantis. As they walked along the winding paths surrounded by lush fields and the rhythmic hum of water wheels, their senses were overwhelmed by the harmonious blend of nature and canine civilization.

With each step, their anticipation grew, eager to uncover the mysteries hidden within this extraordinary realm. Their thoughts, however, were interrupted by the distant echo of armored footsteps. Peko, ever vigilant, swiftly signaled for the others to take cover behind a thicket of bushes, their hearts pounding in unison.

Peering through the leaves, they watched as a patrol of soldiers, adorned in regal armor, marched past, engrossed in conversation. Their words carried on the breeze, revealing that they had been summoned to the royal court by the imposing Minister Daburanda. The urgency in their voices hinted at a sinister undercurrent within the kingdom.

When they were about to pass them, one of the soldier felt as if he heard a slight disturbance behind the bushes. But before he could look further, his fellow soldier called him out as if they were to stop even for a moment they would be late.

Once the coast was clear, Peko and others breathed a sigh of relief. Peko explained the situation, revealing that Daburanda, the kingdom's minister, had usurped the throne from Peko's father, the rightful king.

Cautioning the group, Peko shared that his loyal bodyguard, Burusasu, may have fallen victim to the treachery as well.

"Friends, we must tread carefully," Peko warned, his voice tinged with both anxiety and resolve. "The usurper Daburanda holds my kingdom in his grasp, and loyal allies like Burusasu have vanished. We must seek answers and gather support to restore justice."

Nobita, with a mixture of concern and determination, spoke up, "We won't let Daburanda get away with his treachery, Peko. We'll stand by your side and uncover the truth behind your father's demise."

Suneo, though visibly uneasy, reluctantly agreed, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Alright, but we must be cautious. We can't afford to risk our lives without a plan."

Peko nodded, acknowledging the validity of Suneo's concerns. "Indeed, my friends. We shall seek refuge in Burusasu's home. Perhaps we will find clues to his whereabouts and the unfolding conspiracy."

The journey to Burusasu's residence was filled with anticipation and unease. The once-vibrant home now stood desolate, covered in a thick layer of dust. The air was heavy with silence, heightening their growing apprehension.

Peko's eyes scanned the room, disappointment etched across his face. "It seems Burusasu hasn't been here for quite some time. His absence only deepens the mystery surrounding our predicament."

Nobita placed a comforting hand on Peko's shoulder. "Don't lose hope, Peko. We'll find the answers we seek and rescue Burusasu. Together, we'll dismantle Daburanda's regime and restore peace to Puplantis."

As the group pondered their next move, Peko recounted the chain of events that had led to his current plight.starting from the fateful day when he received the news of his father's death while taking a stroll in the garden with his fiancée, Spiana. Rushing to the royal court, he was met with the shocking sight of his father's lifeless body and the presence of Daburanda and his sinister accomplice, Dr. Kos.

Daburanda falsely accused Peko of regicide, using a goblet that Peko had gifted to his father as alleged evidence. Surrounded by soldiers, Peko managed to escape but was soon cornered by the army commander, Saberu. Defeated and overpowered, he was thrown into a deep gorge, enduring immense hardships until fate brought him to Nobita's path.

Suneo, listening intently, couldn't help but shudder at the sheer audacity of Daburanda's betrayal. "It's hard to believe that such darkness exists within the kingdom's walls. But we won't let him get away with this."

Peko's gaze intensified, his voice trembling with determination. "You have my deepest gratitude, my friends. With your unwavering support, we shall rise against the tyranny that has befallen Puplantis."

The group, now aware of the gravity of the situation, found themselves torn between fear and determination. Suneo, feeling uneasy about the escalating danger, contemplated retreating. However, with a collective decision to stand by Peko and save the kingdom from the clutches of tyranny, they resolved to press forward.

Just as they pondered their next course of action, the distant sounds of commotion reached their ears. Curiosity piqued, they cautiously approached the source, ready to face whatever awaited them.

A/N :- Well the real story is about to begin. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also I know there are minor changes but nothing that can affect storyline. Also I have decided to add some of my own mystery into upcoming chapters, so stay tuned for that.

Enjoy !!

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