
Into the World of Bleach

Not Mine https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13518332/1/

natlin1999 · Theater
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Chapter 26: Aizen Makes His Move

AN: Hey everyone, I know the update was fast. Anyways, canon timeline starts, but as you'll see in the story we aren't going to be following what Rukia does in Karakura Town.

Anyways, as always, thanks for your continued support!

Vocabulary Terms:

*Baka (Bakamono) = Fool/Idiot

*Onii-sama = Big Brother

*Obasan = Aunt

*Chappy = Most popular soul candy with a cutesy personality and depicted as a bunny.

Reading the story:

-Scene change: "888"

-Rated M Scene: "XXX"

-Hello, how are you? (Someone in their own thoughts)

-Hello how are you? (Zanpakuto Spirit speaking in a Shinigami's mind)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Bleach.

Chapter 26

8 Years Later

Currently resting in the shade of a giant tree was Kishin as he laid silently on the neatly cut grass outside behind his office quarters. His arms gently cushioned his head underneath him as his legs were somewhat crossed relaxedly, however he was anything but relaxed given by his furrowed brow on his forehead. A reigar was nestled between his lips releasing a scent of cinnamon into the air since he had heard how the smell could possibly calm one's nerves, but it did absolutely nothing to soothe his worries. And the source of his worries? Kishin breathed out a plume of smoke and sighed deep in thought as he recalled the events of 1 month ago.

Flash Back 1 Month Ago

Kishin sat at his desk currently going through some paperwork that came in for him today. The sound of his pen could be heard as he scribbled some notes down. He was completely focused on his work since he was intent on getting everything done for the rest of the month. Just as he picked up the next sheet of paper from the stacked pile on his desk he paused, his fingers twitched and his grip tightened, slightly crumpling the sheet of paper in his hand.

He frowned as he read the contents of the document. He read it twice just in case and three times for good measure. Finally he let out an annoyed sigh and clicked his tongue in frustration before setting the piece of paper down on his table.

"Haaah...isn't this a bit odd? Then again I suppose if it was seen as her choice it wouldn't really raise any flags. Most people would just wonder out of curiosity what she's thinking. It's not too hard to find an excuse either…"

Kishin glanced once more at the document of Hinamori Momo's transfer notice into the 13th division and recalled his meeting with Aizen 8 years ago inside this very office.

So the modified plan he was talking about is to send Hinamori to the World of the Living huh? Then...what does he want Rukia to do? That bastard. Don't tell me he wants to send Rukia just to toy with me?

He clenched his hand into a tight fist feeling a bit irked. Just then he heard the sound of Rukia's voice.

"You...look stressed."

Kishin immediately perked up at her presence and relaxed his hands. "Senpai, what're you doing here?"

She puffed out her cheeks and walked inside. "What? Am I not welcomed?"

He simply grinned and strode over to where she was standing. "What's mine is yours." He stated matter of factly.

She pouted a bit at his answer. "Hmpf. Trying to suck up so you don't get hit?"

Kishin just smirked and hugged her close to his chest taking in a deep whiff of her intoxicating scent. "I haven't seen you for a week. Are you avoiding me?"

A smile found its way to her lips as she snuggled her head into his chest wrapping her arms around him before taking in his scent as well. The top of her head barely reached the bottom line of his pectorals. "I wasn't avoiding you. I was...ahem...preparing a gift."


Rukia nodded and broke away from their tight embrace. She then held out a bag of cookies in front of her. "These...ahem...these are for you."

Kishin widened his eyes in pleasant surprise. He pointed to himself to make sure that she was talking to him. "Me?"

Rukia's cheeks instantly flushed pink. "Idiot, who else am I talking to?"

He felt a flutter in his heart and immediately took the bag opening it. The sweet smell of cinnamon wafted into the air. He couldn't help staring down at the bag of slightly disproportionate Chappy shaped cookies before glancing back at Rukia.

"You...made these?" He somewhat cautiously asked. He was both incredibly touched and incredibly wary, wondering if they were edible.

Rukia was inwardly ticked at his doubtful sounding question so she balled up her hand into a fist. "You! ...Fine, seems you don't want them."

Just before she could reach out and snatch back the bag of cookies, Kishin stuck out his hand and held her at bay. The length of his arm kept her far from the bag. He just smirked and shook his head.

"No, if you made them then they're all mine."

He immediately popped a cookie into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed. His curious expression was soon followed by a blank stare, then a horrid one before an awkward one.

S-Salty! ...did she use...salt instead of sugar?

He glanced over at Rukia's expectant gaze and could see the excited look behind her violet colored eyes. Instantly he knew that she had spent a long time trying to perfect these cookies.

"S-So? How is it?" She nervously asked.

Kishin put on his best fake smile still feeling the dryness in his mouth that was caused from the excessive salt of the cookie he ate. With as much confidence as he could muster he simply praised, "They were great! The best cookies I've ever had."

He saw her eyes beam and sparkle at his comment. He couldn't help noting just how cute she was. After 8 long years they had grown even closer than before, though they still hadn't really made it clear to one another what the nature of their relationship exactly was, Kishin didn't care. As long as he could be with her he didn't mind the small details and it seemed that Rukia still had a lot on her plate. She wasn't ready to make any kind concrete commitment yet. A main factor was that Byakuya didn't really seem to approve of Kishin's involvement in her life and so he figured he'd need to win Byakuya's approval first. He just hoped that he continued to have the patience to chip away at the stoic Kuchiki's personality before he had the urge to murder him.

As he was lost in his thoughts of Rukia he noted the empty feeling in his hand and widened his eyes in shock and panic. The bag of cookies he was holding was back in Rukia's grasp.

"Wait! Senpai, give those back!" He shouted and stretched out his hand to take back the bag, but Rukia had already grabbed a cookie and popped it into her mouth right after commenting, "These were the only cookies that didn't burn so I couldn't taste test them, but I'm glad that they turned out okay."

She chewed only once before her eyes widened in shock. She immediately spat out the cookie and coughed at the extremely salty taste in her mouth. "BLEH! Keh, Geh, Eh!"

Kishin immediately slapped his hand over his face. Right after Rukia finished gagging from the horrible taste of the cookie she glanced up at Kishin with an angry glare.


Kishin guiltily rubbed the back of his neck not knowing what to say. "Uhhh...haha...Senpai, sorry?" He attempted.

A thick vein popped on her head in anger, but then she let out a sigh and stared at the bag of cookies in her hand.

That idiot...he still ate it and told me it was good even though I accidentally used salt instead of sugar…

The feeling of butterflies in the pit of her stomach made her warm and bubbly as she returned her focus to Kishin with a soft and gentle look. "You idiot. Why did you eat it if it was this bad?"

He just let out a defeated sigh. "Isn't it obvious…"

Rukia clenched her hand over the bag already knowing why he ate it. It was simply because she made it. She didn't know why, but Kishin always treated her so well...even though he always threatened to kill other people he didn't like. She was the only one he'd ever handle with gentle care.

Kishin noted the defeated look in her eyes and smirked. He immediately dipped down and kissed her. Their kiss lasted a good 5 seconds before they parted lips. A calm feeling of serenity passed between them as the sound of their satisfied breath filled the air. He gently touched his forehead against hers as he licked his lips and whispered beneath his breath, "Mmm...there. Now the cookies taste much better."

Her cheeks flushed pink as she also whispered out, "Idiot."


The sound of the cookie bag hitting the floor echoed in the room as she dropped them in favor of wrapping her arms around Kishin's neck dragging him in for another wet impassioned kiss. He gladly obliged snaking his hands around her waist pulling her close into his chest. Their make out session lasted for another 5 minutes before Rukia managed to break away. Somehow they had ended up on the couch in Kishin's office with her lying down on the cushions and Kishin propped up above her. She stabilized her hands against his firm broad chest as they both heavily breathed for air. Kishin growled at her for stopping him and was just about to pick up where they left off, but her being the more sensible one immediately pinched his sides.

"O-OW! Senpai...why do you keep doing this to me?"

Rukia grinned as they both sat up on the couch. She lightly patted the top of his head as he rubbed the side of his stomach.

"There there. It's okay."

Kishin just clicked his tongue. "If anyone else were to do this I'd kill them."

Rukia gave him a playful yet daring look and commented, "And that's why I keep doing this."

"Tch." He leaned back against the couch and stared up at the ceiling. "I let you off for now, but…"

"But what?" She curiously inquired.

He turned to stare her in the eyes, a mischievous and serious gleam sparkled past his irises. "But keep it up and one day I'm really going to have my way with you."

Her cheeks immediately turned crimson red. As red as Kishin's hair.

He grinned at her reaction and seductively whisper in her ear. "All of you."

The softness of his warm breath sent electrical tingles down her spine and his words painted blinding explicit images in her head and she felt her body instinctively react with want, desire, and lust...

If anyone else were to tell her those words she would have immediately been repulsed, but when coming from Kishin's mouth she couldn't help but slightly anticipate the pleasure his touch would bring her. She quickly coughed and walked over to his desk distancing herself from him before she lost control of her mind and decided to jump him instead.

"Ahem. I have work to do so I can't hang around here all day." She then noticed the document on his desk and tilted her head in curiosity. "Hm? Are we...getting a new transfer? Eh? Hinamori Momo? Isn't she the Lieutenant of the 5th division? Why does she want to transfer to the 13th division?"

Kishin just stared back at the ceiling unconcernedly. "Her transfer document states that she wishes to gain some more experience in the World of the Living and to do so, it was in her best interest to transfer here. She wants to expand her knowledge and experience new things before she transfers back to the 5th division."

Rukia raised her eyebrow questioningly. "Really? That's...odd, but I suppose it's not unlike what you did then right?"

Kishin inwardly laughed as he knew the real reason was because of Aizen. "Well, it's not like I can just refuse her transfer without a reason." He said nonchalantly as he walked over next to her.

Rukia glanced up at him and tilted her head in confusion. "Were you actually going to reject her entry?"

He glanced down at her and smirked. "If only I coul-OW!" He cried out and rubbed his side where Rukia pinched him.

"Why would you deny her entry? You should help out Hinamori if she wants to gain more experience."

Kishin just slowly wrapped his arms around Rukia hugging her from behind while sneakily slipping something into her pocket. "Senpai...can I lock you in a room for a year?"


"OW!" He groaned out as Rukia slammed her foot on his toe, but he didn't let her out of his arms.

"What kind of twisted thoughts are you having?" She commented from within his warm embrace.

He just shrugged and comfortably rested his chin on her shoulder. "Nothing, I figured you wouldn't agree."

She lightly leaned the side of her head up against his, feeling a safe comforting warmth flow through her as she worryingly asked, "Kishin, are you alright? Something seems to be on your mind?"

He just let out a sigh. "I'm fine. It's you I'm worried about."


"Mhm. By the way, you said that you had some work to do. What is it?"

"Oh, right. I'm being stationed in the World of the Living and I'm supposed to show a rookie around." She then glanced down at the transfer notice on Kishin's desk and continued, "I'm guessing the person I'm showing around is Hinamori-san."

Kishin gritted his teeth at her answer.

Aizen...that bastard. Why does he need Rukia to go to the World of the Living as well? Two Shinigami's in Karakura Town? For what?

Rukia noticed the sour look on his face and curiously asked, "Are you sure there's really nothing wrong? You seem more stressed today than usual."

Kishin just snuggled into the nape of her neck. "Can you refuse going to the World of the Living? I didn't even receive a notice."

"Hm? No, I can't." She then pointed to his stack of paperwork, "The notice is probably in there. You didn't finish your work yet."

"Tch." He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Fine. Just promise me you won't do anything reckless."

"Okay...I promise."

"And remember the promise we made a while ago?"

"Oh, you mean about accepting a gigai from someone named Urahara Kisuke?"

Kishin squeezed his arms around her tighter. "No. I said to NOT accept a gigai from him."

Rukia let out a light chuckle at his worried response. "Hahaha, alright. I got it. Jeez, what's got you all worked up?"

Once more he snuggled closer into her warmth as if trying to leave his entire scent and being on her body. "You are...so important to me Rukia. You are...my light. You're everything that I never had. I promise to protect you, but sometimes things might get a little rough in between. Just bear with it for a bit, okay?"

Rukia furrowed her brow and turned around in his arms to face him. "Now you're worrying me. Are you really okay?"

A few seconds of silence passed between them before he pulled out a thin black necklace with a lotus flower ornament on it and gently laced it around her neck.

"Everything will be fine. Just think about me if things get rough alright?" He said with a soft whisper.

Rukia was momentarily stunned at the sudden gift that Kishin had given her. She lightly touched the necklace lost in thought before a huge smile found its way to her lips. She then playfully poked his head. "Hmpf. Do you think that if I think about you that I'll feel better when I'm in trouble?"

Kishin innocently smiled back at her. "Don't you?"

She let out a light cough before wiggling her way out of his arms. "Ahem. That's for me to know." She then walked over to the exit opening the door. Just as she opened it preparing to leave she halted and turned back to face him. "I've gotta go and prepare to leave. I'll be gone for about a month. From the looks of it, Hinamori-san's transfer is today right? It's pretty sudden but I'll go greet her before we leave. I'll see you in a month, okay?" Her eyes reflected a warm encouraging look.

Kishin just rubbed the back of his head having no choice but to go along with everything for now. "Alright. If you're gonna go then go before I really tie you up and lock you away for a year."

Rukia grinned and stuck her tongue out at him. With one last glance she softly commented, "T-Thank you...for the necklace. I love it." Her face turned red as she quickly dashed off leaving only Kishin in his office. He simply stood in place watching the spot where Rukia had just been standing lost in thought.

As long as she doesn't take off that necklace then I can track and monitor the status of her soul.

He then stared down at his desk which showed the details of Hinamori's transfer. "Why her? She'll start out as the 4th ranked officer here. Rukia is currently the 5th ranked officer, but those two together in Karakura Town?"

He frowned and seriously tried to think what Aizen was planning.

From what I know, Aizen sent Rukia to Karakura Town, had a Hollow attack Ichigo, and then had Rukia turn him into a Substitute Shinigami.

A tapping sound filled the silent room as he rhythmically drummed his fingers atop of his wooden desk. "Doesn't this all seem a bit too much like a gamble though? What if Rukia ended up killing the Hollow instead? And...after spending time training with me there's now way she'd lose to some random ass Hollow."

Kishin ruffled his hair a bit, having trouble understanding Aizen's plan. "This time he's sending Hinamori so…"

He frowned as Rukia's image surfaced in his mind. "I have no idea what he's planning. I wonder if I can somehow sneak into Karakura Town…"

He decided to go for a walk to clear his head when he bumped into Jushiro on his way out. "Eh? Captain Ukitake?"

Jushiro weakly smiled and waved his hand in a welcoming gesture. "Shin-chan! It's good to see you."

He simply nodded but frowned soon after. "Captain...you're not feeling well today are you?"

Jushiro just let out a ragged cough before he guiltily rubbed the back of his head. "Ahaha...just a tad bit. Oh, by the way we have a new transfer, but you probably already knew that."

Kishin let out a sigh. "Hinamori Momo right? I saw."

"You don't seem very enthused…"

He just shrugged. "Captain, who was it that assigned Hinamori and Rukia to the World of the Living?"

"I believe it was Central 46 who decided on it. I'm not sure how they came to that decision but Central 46 is Central 46."

"Unfortunately..." He condescendingly remarked. His eyes reflecting an expression lost in thought.

Central 46? Those old codgers are good for nothing. More like Aizen decided on it. Wait...how did Aizen decide on it? Did he use his Kyoka Suigetsu on Central 46? Or did he get rid of Central 46 already?

Jushiro noted Kishin's silence so he asked, "Is everything okay Shin-chan? I know...I mean I recall our conversation a long long time ago but...unfortunately I was powerless to overrule Rukia's appointment to Karakura Town."

He simply waved his hand nonchalantly. "It's fine. I think senpai should be okay now." He then noted Jushiro's semi-haggard look becoming worse and worse. A concerned look flashed in his eyes. "Captain, you're definitely not well today."

Jushiro let out a wheezing cough before he weakly scratched the side of his pale colored cheek. "I'm alright...for the most part. I'll be spending most of my time in the Rain Dried Hall so you can find me there if you need anything."

Kishin nodded. "Then please go there immediately. You're getting worse. I'll handle anything that comes up."

Jushiro nodded apologetically. "Sorry to trouble you."

He just shook his head. "Just rest well Captain."


He watched Jushiro disappear around the corner of a building before he frowned and blurred into the distance arriving just outside the Central 46 compound. Several guards were stationed on the roof around the compound causing Kishin to raise his eyebrow questioningly.

Well...I wanted to check for myself. Since I'm not under Kyoka Suigetsu's effect I'd be able to tell if those guards were made from Aizen's illusions, but it seems they're actually real. Does this mean he hasn't eliminated Central 46 yet then?

Just as he was lost in thought he frowned when he sensed Aizen's familiar presence walking towards him.

"Ohya. Lieutenant Chigetsu. I thought that you might show up."

Kishin leaned relaxedly against the wall of a nearby building and nonchalantly replied, "Oh, were you waiting for me? Then I guess I should have come later and made you wait for a few more hours."

"Hahaha, you've retained your sense of humor I see. That is a good sign."

"You mistake humor for sarcasm."

"Oh? Is that so? My apologies."

"Alright Aizen, enough with the niceties. Why did you send Hinamori to the 13th division?"

Aizen grinned at his question. "I was wondering when you'd ask. As I told you years ago, I've modified my plan."


"And like I told you years ago, you need not know the details. Just let things play out as I have calculated."

"How did you get Central 46 to agree to your outrageous conditions?"

"What outrageous conditions are you talking about?"

"Hinamori is a former Lieutenant. Rukia is the 5th ranked officer. Even if the purpose of Hinamori's transfer is to gain some more 'so called experience' in the World of the Living there's no way Central 46 would have agreed to send both Rukia and Hinamori at the same time."

"Ohya, I told you did I not? There is no need for you to know these things. And regarding your beloved Kuchiki Rukia, should things go as planned then she will be unharmed. No need to fret."

Kishin furrowed his brow in obvious doubt and stared Aizen in the eyes. They held each other's gaze for an undetermined amount of time as neither one of them gave way. This only caused Aizen to grin even more. "What's the matter, Lieutenant Chigetsu?"

Kishin simply turned around and began walking away. His voice, low and dark as he growled out, "She'd better remain unharmed. Aizen." His ominous reiatsu slightly flared up as a warning causing Aizen to narrow his eyes in amusement. For a moment Aizen felt his fingers tingle with a sense of wanting to draw his sword. He watched Kishin's retreating form in the distance and grinned with expectation. He couldn't help seeing a slight reflection of himself in Kishin.

My oh my...Chigetsu Kishin. What astounding progress you have made. Even now 8 years later you continue to grow even more powerful. Just how strong are you now? I wonder…

As Aizen was lost in his own thoughts, Kishin had stormed off deep in thought himself.

That bastard is strong. I can tell just from his reiatsu. I wonder...should the two of us fight right now who would have the advantage…

End of Flashback

Kishin let out the last puff of smoke from his reigar watching it disintegrate into pure reishi particles. His eyes finally opened revealing the jewel like glow of his golden colored irises. The various branches and leaves from the tree above him were the first thing that came into his line of sight.

"Rukia should be coming back today right? It's been exactly one month so…"

He clenched his fist with doubt as he thought about Aizen.

"It wouldn't be that easy would it? He said that she wouldn't be harmed but...he never said that she'd be free from trouble. It's Hinamori who's been implicated..."

Kishin pulled out his denreishinki and flipped it open, seeing a red dot on a map of Karakura Town. It was precisely the tracker that showed the whereabouts of Rukia as well as the status of her soul. He let out a relieved sigh as he took note that she seemed fine. "No damage to her soul. Seems like she's not moving anywhere right now."

He turned a bit into a different position to get more comfortable when he felt his hand brush up against the letter that lay beside him reminding him of something important. He gently unfolded it and read its contents once more. An amused grin found its way to his lips as he temporarily put his thoughts on Rukia and Aizen's plan on hold.

"Kinji finally made it to Kido Corps Commander. Guess I should go pay him a quick visit. I'll check on Rukia's status later. I hope she chooses to come back instead of remaining behind..." His voice faltered a bit towards the end, doubting the little hope he was giving himself.

He walked out of the division grounds heading towards the direction of the Tsunayashiro Clan while deep in his own thoughts. In fact he was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn't even notice he had just walked past Byakuya and Renji. To Renji it seemed like Kishin was ignoring them so he was immediately incensed.


Kishin just kept on walking, not registering Renji's shout. That ticked Renji off even more so he stormed over and shouted again while gripping Kishin's shoulder.


The instant Renji's hand touched Kishin's shoulder he immediately retracted it on pure instinct. He suddenly felt like he was standing on death's door for a moment. His back unknowingly became drenched in cold sweat as he simply stood unmoving from his spot. It was then that Kishin took note of Byakuya's and Renji's presence so he turned around and stared amusedly at Renji's stunned expression.

"Oh? Lieutenant Abarai and Captain Kuchiki. I didn't notice you two walk by. How is everything?"

Renji finally snapped back to his senses. His heart was still beating a million miles a second, but he had no idea why. The aura around Kishin was normal like it always was, but he could have sworn that not a second ago he felt something dark and cold from Kishin's presence. He gave Kishin an awkward look and hesitatingly replied, "Y-Yeah…"

Byakuya on the other hand narrowed his eyes in caution. For a split second he thought that he felt Kishin's reiatsu rise to a higher level than even his own.

No...that is impossible. For a mere Lieutenant who came from Rukongai and has not even trained for 100 years to have reiatsu more powerful than even myself…

Kishin took notice of Byakuya intently staring at him so he raised his eyebrow questioningly. "Something wrong Captain Kuchiki?"

Byakuya furrowed his brow and simply turned away walking off into the distance leaving only Renji and Kishin behind. The relationship between the two Lieutenants was somewhat awkward. It wasn't friendly per se, but it wasn't hatred or something of that like. The awkwardness stemmed from both of their personal relationships with Rukia of course.

Renji had started to slowly act like a friend again to Rukia, but he liked her more than that.

Kishin on the other hand had a more...ambiguous but intimate relationship with her if it had to be put into technical terms. This in turn caused the both of them to have mixed feelings when interacting with one another. Well, mostly for Renji than Kishin. To Kishin, he didn't actually care much about Renji. For the 8 years he and Rukia spent together he had effectively confirmed that she held no romantic feelings for Renji. No, rather...she confirmed that she may have once had a hint of those kinds of feelings for Renji, but due to their distancing from one another and Kishin's intrusion into her life she had long since moved on.

Renji gave a slight cough before he questioned, "Ahem...so, Rukia is supposed to return today right?"

Kishin nodded but was inwardly doubtful. "That...is the plan."

Renji just raised his eyebrow in confusion at Kishin's hesitant answer. "You don't sound too sure of yourself."

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "I trust Rukia."

His answer didn't leave room for Renji to comment so they both just awkwardly stood there in silence.

"Lieutenant Abarai, your Captain is long gone by now."

"E-EH?! C-Captain Kuchiki?" Renji turned around to look for Byakuya only to find no one.

Kishin just shook his head. "Well, since it seems that we're BOTH busy people, I'll take my leave first."

Renji immediately stuck out his hand and shouted, "W-Wait!"

"What is it?"

Renji awkwardly shifted in place before a strong resolve shone in his eyes. "I won't give up on her."

Kishin narrowed his eyes and smirked disapprovingly. "You did for more than 40 years. You already had your chance." He disappeared after speaking those words leaving a frustrated Renji behind.

He soon arrived in front of the familiar large Japanese style compound of the Tsunayashiro clan. A lush green bamboo forest surrounded the area. Their giant green stalks and leaves slightly swayed in the wind as a gentle breeze passed by. Though it was only his second time visiting he felt that the scenery around here painted a somewhat peaceful atmosphere. That was, however, broken by the sound of someone's snake-like voice greeting him from behind.

"Well, if it isn't Lieutenant Chigetsu."

Kishin mentally cursed before turning around and nonchalantly greeted, "Tokinada-san. It's been a while since we first met."

"Hahaha, yes...yes it has. How have you been?"

"Fine, and yourself?"

Tokinada placed his hands behind his back taking slow steps forwards as he replied, "I'm doing well myself. Ever since I took over for the clan it's been a bit stressful, but I'm managing. Oh, my apologies. You must be here for Kinji correct?"

Kishin simply nodded keeping his answer short. "I am."

Tokinada gave Kishin a thoughtful look, taking a moment to stare at him as if trying to discern something before walking off towards the bamboo forest nearby. He waved his hand in the air and said, "Then it would be rude of me to keep you too long. It was nice seeing you again, Chigetsu Kishin-kun."

Kishin narrowed his eyes as he watched Tokinada disappear into the forest of green bamboo.

"Creep." He said to no one in particular not caring if anyone heard. It wasn't long before he arrived in front of the familiar dark purple colored building that belonged to Kinji. He didn't even have the chance to knock before Kinji appeared in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Kishin, I thought you might stop by."

Kishin just smirked and noted that Kinji still wore a purple colored haori, however it now had the mark of the Kido Corps on it which was a black circle symbol with three protruding peaks around it printed on the middle of the back. Furthermore, above the symbol the words Kido Corps was inscribed whilst below the symbol the words Commander was inscribed.

"Well look at you. Pretty fancy and official now aren't you?"

Kinji's cheeks turned a light pink color in embarrassment as he let out a light cough. "Ahem. Well, I mean...it wasn't easy getting into this position you know?"

"Hahaha, sure sure. Anyways, congratulations on your promotion. It looks good on you."

"Thanks. Wanna come in a-" Kinji never got to finish his sentence as they were interrupted by the sound of Toshiro's voice.

"Oh? Your new haori is...flashier than I had imagined."

Kinji just rubbed the back of his neck. "You know the only difference is the symbol and words printed on the back otherwise everything else is the same."

Kishin turned his attention towards Toshiro and smirked in amusement. "Seems you grew again, but...162cm huh? Haven't gotten more of those pills have you?"

A thick vein popped on Toshiro's forehead as he pointed accusingly at Kishin. "You! I was denied more pills because R&D said they ran out and aren't currently producing, but I know it was actually you who told them not to sell me any!"

Kishin just laughed. "Hahaha! Where's your proof?"

Another vein popped on Toshiro's forehead. "You bastard! Eh? You grew again didn't you?"

Toshiro immediately stood next to Kishin and measured their difference in height before scowling. "Tch. You grew another 5 centimeters. So? Did you finally stop growing?"

Kishin shook his head. "I just stopped taking the pills. I may only be 185cm tall right now but I feel like I've got another centimeter or two left in me."

Toshiro just crossed his arms at Kishin's boasting. "Hmpf."

Kinji just let out a lighthearted laugh at their banter. He himself stood at a solid 186cm tall so he was technically still the tallest of the group, but at least Toshiro wasn't the shortest anymore. That spot now went to Yushiro who was only 154cm tall. It was then Toshiro turned to Kishin and commented, "Right, Hinamori and Kuchiki are returning today aren't they?"

Once again Kishin gave the same answer he gave Renji. "That's...the plan."

"Oi, what's with that reaction?"



Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "Give me a break. I'm stressed."

"Eh? Why?" Toshiro curiously asked, however he then smirked amusedly and teasingly said, "Haha...is it cause Kuchiki-san's been gone?"

Kishin took a moment to simply stare at Toshiro ignoring his comment as he knew that Hinamori was being dragged into some plan that Aizen concocted.

Well...no need to needlessly worry him right now. They might still return today. Who knows. Aizen did say he modified his plan and from what I've seen things did play out somewhat differently than expected...but...And Toshiro may be my friend, but Hinamori isn't. Sorry Toshiro. If someone's going to take the fall, I won't let that be Rukia. For now I'll have to wait until Rukia is back in Soul Society so I can easily reach her before I try to involve myself further.

He rubbed the back of his neck unconcernedly and simply replied, "Not everything has to do with Rukia-senpai you know?"

Kinji lightly chuckled and interjected with a knowing glance. "Haha, even if that's the case I've seen the way you treat her."

Kishin just waved his hand in the air. "We're getting off topic."

Toshiro gave Kishin a strange look. "Right...what is going on between you two anyways?"

Kishin raised his eyebrow at the look Toshiro was giving him. "What are you talking about?"

Toshiro just rubbed the bottom of his chin. "Nothing. It's just...knowing you and with how you act around Rukia…" Toshiro's cheeks immediately turned red as he thought about what possibly went down between his friend and Rukia. He immediately turned his back to both Kishin and Kinji changing the subject. "Ahem. Ah, right, Kinji. Congratulations on your promotion."

Kinji just gave both of his friends an awkward glance before acknowledging Toshiro's comment. "Thanks. Anyways, you both sure have a lot of free time if you can hangout this care freely in front of my house. Want to come in?"

Toshiro shook his head. "Actually I've got to get back to the 10th division. I know that Matsumoto is probably slacking off on her work right now because I temporarily went out."

Kishin also refused. "Sorry, but I just came by to see you for a bit. There's still some work left for me to do as well."

Kinji just let out a sigh. "Haaah...figures. Well, since I was just promoted to Kido Corps Commander today I actually need to head to the Kido Corps archives and sort some things out. I wouldn't have been able to entertain you guys long anyways."

Toshiro nodded. "Then let's part here. We should find some time to meet again. When was the last time we all sparred? Yushiro included?"

Kishin thought for a good moment. "A long...time. Years maybe."

A nervous smile found its way to Kinji's lips. "Is it okay for all of us to be sparring like we used to? I feel like we might really hurt one another this time."

Toshiro grinned in response. "Have more confidence in yourself Kido Commander." He then waved and left, leaving only Kishin and Kinji. The two of them stared at Toshiro's retreating form in the distance before Kinji curiously asked, "By the way, how's your original Kido spell coming along?"

Kishin simply grinned. "It's not really complete yet but...let's just say I've made more progress than I originally thought I would have."

His answer sparked a surprised look on Kinji's face. "Eh? What does that mean?"

Kishin just waved his hand in the air. "That's a secret. At least for now. But just know that I think...sometime in the future Kido in the 100's may not be impossible after all. At least for me." He gave Kinji a playful wink before blurring off into the distance.

Kinji was simply left dumbfounded with his mouth hung agape for who knows how long.

Several minutes later and Kishin arrived back at the 13th division grounds. He rubbed the back of his head feeling anxious. He already tried to rest to calm his nerves. He walked through the Seireitei, talked with Renji, congratulated Kinji, met Toshiro, for some odd reason he felt like a piece of him was missing.

Damn it...I never knew that people could grow so attached to other people. Maybe I really should have just tied Rukia to the bed and locked her away for a year…

"Tsk." He clicked his tongue in annoyance before pausing and frowning in his step. He looked over to his office building and felt another headache coming on.

Aizen? If he keeps visiting me like this then people will start to think that we're friends.

He didn't waste any more time loitering around and walked into his office, closing the door behind him. As he had already guessed, there sat Aizen in one of his couches reading a book.

"Ohya. You've returned, Lieutenant Chigetsu."

Kishin simply strode over and sat on the couch opposite of Aizen. A familiar sense of deja vu settled in. He leaned back into the soft comfortable cushion of the couch and got in a relaxed position before asking, "So? What did you do to Rukia and Hinamori?"

Aizen smirked. "Now now, what makes you think I did anything to them?"

Kishin ignored Aizen's remark and continued, "Let me guess. They aren't returning today like scheduled. Is that it?"

Again Aizen simply smirked. "I see you understand quickly." Before Kishin could ask about Rukia or lash out, Aizen placed a small projector-like object on the table between them and pressed a button. Immediately the image of Rukia appeared on the screen. Kishin watched the video play all the way through before returning his attention to Aizen.

"What do you think? Lieutenant."

Kishin crossed his arms with his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "You expect me to believe this video as proof of Rukia being unharmed?"

Aizen closed the book he was reading and turned his full attention to Kishin. "Yes. I told you already didn't I? I keep my promises. I did not harm Kuchiki Rukia."

"Then why do I hear a 'but' coming on."

"Heh. Very astute. I did not harm her, but her presence in the World of the Living is still needed."

"For what?"

"Come now Chigetsu-kun. You mean to say that all this time you haven't formulated your own thoughts on why I've done what I've done."

Kishin furrowed his brow. "Are you having fun toying with me?"

Aizen simply remained indifferent. "Has your desire to kill me grown?"

"Who says that I have the desire to kill you?"

"Oh? Are you not attaining more power for that very reason? Is it not because you know the truth about me that you have resolved yourself to grow stronger in order to defeat me?"

"Is that what you want?"

Aizen simply changed the topic. "Kuchiki Rukia will remain unharmed as promised, but she will remain in the World of the Living for a little longer along with Hinamori Momo."

"And how do you know that Rukia will simply remain behind and not return?"

"Hahaha! Come now Chigetsu-kun. You should know that answer better than anyone else. So, you tell me. Would she leave an injured comrade behind for herself?"

Kishin frowned as he didn't recall seeing Hinamori anywhere in the video. "What did you do to Hinamori?"

"Why nothing that you need to concern yourself with. I assure you that she's still alive...not that you truly care about her well-being anyways correct?"

Kishin crossed his legs and stared at Aizen with contempt ignoring his last comment. "You know, I may not have had a desire to personally kill you before, but I'm starting to change my mind."

"Ohya, you say that as if you can kill me anytime you want."

"Maybe I could."

"Now that, I would like to see."

The tension in the air had suddenly risen to extreme levels as they both raised their reiatsu inside the building. They both controlled their reiatsu to simply swirl around them and not spread any further than the room they were in. The table between them shattered into dust, the walls cracked and the bookshelves crumbled. The sound of glass breaking, wood creaking, metals bending, and floor shaking could be felt and heard. For several long moments this continued on between the two of them before they both slowly reigned in their spiritual pressure. Neither one of them seemed to be fazed in the slightest, however they each had their own thoughts during their little test of each other's strength just now.

Aizen kept on a relaxed facial expression and fixed the glasses on his head.

Ohya...it is as I thought. The force of his reiatsu is even more powerful than it was when he fought Tosen. One day soon it may even rival my own. The rate of his growth reminds me almost of my youth. How amusing.

Kishin on the other hand simply lit a reigar a blew a puff of smoke into the air showing a completely unperturbed expression.

This bastard. I definitely won't come out unscathed if we fight. I'd lose an arm and a leg at the very least if we seriously fought. And that's the best outcome. Although I'm pretty confident he'd lose an arm himself. Tch. All these meetings with Aizen, it almost makes me seem like an accomplice…

He breathed out another cinnamon flavored smoke with it once again, not doing anything to alleviate his stress. "So? You didn't come here just to show me that Rukia is unharmed did you?"

Aizen momentarily closed his eyes in a relaxed manner. "Yes. I did. I wanted to put your mind at ease."

Kishin just stared for a long moment at Aizen in silence before commenting, "If Rukia doesn't return then she'll be labeled a traitor by Central 46. You think I'll just standby and let that happen to her?"

"Yes. You will. That is, if you wish for her safety." Aizen said straightforwardly.

"How is Rukia being labeled a traitor keeping her safe?"

Aizen let out a light chuckle. "Do not worry. Since you miss your beloved Kuchiki Rukia so much then I will send you to her when the time comes. Before then, simply wait. I will make another promise to you right now that I will ensure her sentence is not severe."

"You…" Kishin felt a burning urge to kill Aizen right now, however his reason won him over.

Aizen stood up and began to slowly make his way to the door. "Lieutenant Chigetsu. Shall I give you a piece of advice?"

"What is it?"

"Well...perhaps it is too late for you, but I shall tell you anyways. The path of the strong is a lonely one. It is a path in which you must walk by yourself. Only then can you have no weaknesses. Had you not fallen for Kuchiki Rukia then you would have been quite a thorn to my plans."

Kishin simply scoffed at Aizen's comment. "You say that now, but if you couldn't find a way to take advantage of my situation then you would have likely killed me decades earlier. Isn't that why you placed the entire Gotei 13 under your Kyoka Suigetsu? Had you not done that then the moment any one of them became a problem you would have simply killed them."

Aizen just smirked and opened the door. "See? You would have been quite a thorn to my plans had you truly walked the path of a lone warrior."

Kishin watched as Aizen left his quarters before smirking and shaking his head.

I wonder if Aizen bought my little act just now?

A small square shaped device soon appeared out of his reivice and into his hands. The moment he powered it on, the image of Rukia walking around with Hinamori and Ichigo through Karakura Town appeared. The small spy cams he planted on Rukia before she left for Karakura Town allowed him to keep tabs on how she was doing in the World of the Living. It was precisely because of this that he had a fairly good understanding of what happened. His eyes then fixated on Hinamori and Ichigo.

"As I expected, Rukia never turned Ichigo into a Substitute Shinigami, but Hinamori did. What did Aizen do to her?"

He watched as a Hollow appeared in the town and noted how Rukia was teaching Ichigo how to properly fight it. Unknowingly he began to slightly pout in disapproval.

"Tch. Senpai, you're too nice. And why does it look like you're so close to him?! Wait...Y-You aren't living in his closet ARE YOU?!" He shouted at the small device in his hands. His current disposition was a bit comedic as he was talking to himself yelling at a screen monitor as if he were watching his favorite character make a poor life decision. Even if he was monitoring how Rukia was doing with spy cams he didn't overstep his boundaries and spy on her when she went inside the Kurosaki clinic. He knew she was temporarily living there with Hinamori and assumed that they were given proper guest bedrooms, but it was only now that he recalled how she lived in Ichigo's closet from his former knowledge of events.

His reiatsu unknowingly leaked out of his body as he thought how close Rukia and Ichigo might be and how it was possible that she was staying in the same room with another guy. Furthermore, he just recalled that Ichigo greatly resembled Kaien and would definitely bring back old memories of the late Lieutenant in Rukia.


It was then that his door was suddenly flung open as Kiyone dashed into the room with a concerned expression on her face. "Lieutenant! Are you alright?! I felt a-"

She paused mid-sentence as she took in the completely destroyed room. Her mouth hung agape in shock and confusion. She wanted to question Kishin about what happened, but the second she made eye contact with him she felt her entire body shrink in fear. She felt like her life was incredibly threatened at this moment so she simply stepped back outside the door and apologized.

"I-I-I'm sorry for disturbing you…"

She immediately closed the door as quickly and quietly as she could before hightailing it out of there. Her intrusion brought Kishin back to his senses as he let out an irritated sigh. "Haaaah…"

He watched for another hour before turning off the device. "So Aizen somehow got Hinamori to transfer her powers to Ichigo. She doesn't look...very well. Rukia wasn't at the scene when Hinamori transferred her powers so I'm not too sure what happened, but it seems she's in a gigai. If I guess correctly then Urahara must have offered his help. Originally it was supposed to be Rukia."

He put away the monitor device before he began to clean up his destroyed room. "Don't tell me Urahara hid the Hogyoku in Hinamori's gigai? But if he did...doesn't he know the relationship between Momo and Aizen? What's Urahara planning?"

Kishin scratched the top of his head wondering what was going to happen. In the end he simply lit a reigar and stared at his personal Senkaimon that was miraculously unharmed.

"Guess I'll have to play along with Aizen's little game for a bit. Rukia, I'll come to get you...soon. Wait for me just a little longer."


Soooo...Hinamori's been implicated. Interesting. What will become of Hinamori and Rukia...

Anyways, seems Kishin has made some progress on developing his own Kido and has gleaned some insight into what level 100 Kido Spells would look like. How will they manifest in the story later and what spells did Kishin create exactly? Also, his own level of strength seems to be steadily rising near Aizen's own power. Will they fight in the near future? I wonder...

Anyways, as always, thanks for everyone's continued support!