
Into The Woods : The rise of dark

INTO THE WOODS... Humming my favourite song always made me feel alive everytime I felt lonely or a little depressed. But right now the situation was different. I was unable to overcome that loneliness rather I was terrified to utter a single word out of my mouth. I wanted to scream loudly but the only thing I could do at this very moment was to remain calm and silent. Silence surrounded me from every direction that ever existed. This lonely road was carrying me with its darkness. I checked the battery of my mobile phone again. I realised only 10 percent battery was remaining. I hurried following the strange glow from my mobile. This eerie place made me tremble all over again. My hands started trembling watching the battery of my mobile phone drain faster and faster. CRASHHHHHHH......... I felt a chill running down my spine as I saw my mobile phone falling down from my hand and crashing on the earth loudly, screen shattering into million pieces.

Vasundhra_Sharma78 · Horror
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

5. The Sunset

"JOHN! You scared me.", I screamed at my brother. "I am sorry, but I intended to!", my brother said while laughing with hands over his tummy. "THAT'S NOT FUNNY!", I screamed at him angrily. Then we both sat there together and enjoyed the serenity in the lap of the nature. The sky was a beautiful shade of red, young birds chirping on the way back to their nests. Sun was carelessly drowning behind the mountains. The view made me feel nostalgic.

"Boys! Come inside, it's getting dark now.", my mom yelled at us from the window. We obediently got up and went inside the house. We were never allowed to go outside after sunset in California. We often heard about people disappearing in the forests. The forests were full of wild animals but the legends of the forests were also quite famous. I trembled thinking about it.

The aroma was delightful inside the house. Dad and uncle sat laughing near the fire place in the living room. The smell of burning wood burnt my sorrows away. Mom and Auntie were cooking something delicious in the kitchen. I looked outside the window. It had turned dark outside now. The house was away from the main countryside, on the edge of the forest so the only thing I could see clearly were the trees near the house. I started feeling a little uncomfortable looking out of the window so I shifted my gaze back to the fireplace. Uncle looked at me for a moment and curled his lips in a strange way as if forcing to smile.

We all had our dinner and went to our rooms to sleep. Me and John took out the blankets from the cupboard. I tucked myself up in the blanket and closed my eyes, unaware of the surprise awaiting for me on the next day.