
Into The Woods : The rise of dark

INTO THE WOODS... Humming my favourite song always made me feel alive everytime I felt lonely or a little depressed. But right now the situation was different. I was unable to overcome that loneliness rather I was terrified to utter a single word out of my mouth. I wanted to scream loudly but the only thing I could do at this very moment was to remain calm and silent. Silence surrounded me from every direction that ever existed. This lonely road was carrying me with its darkness. I checked the battery of my mobile phone again. I realised only 10 percent battery was remaining. I hurried following the strange glow from my mobile. This eerie place made me tremble all over again. My hands started trembling watching the battery of my mobile phone drain faster and faster. CRASHHHHHHH......... I felt a chill running down my spine as I saw my mobile phone falling down from my hand and crashing on the earth loudly, screen shattering into million pieces.

Vasundhra_Sharma78 · Horror
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8 Chs

3. The Bracelet

I glanced at the bracelet kept on the table. I still remember how I found it with John while digging the backyard when we used to live in California. I kept this bracelet since then. It seemed as a mystery in itself, I felt lucky whenever I wore it. It's elegant beads were so eye catching, maybe that is why good luck seemed to be so attracted towards it. I shoved all the thoughts aside and wore it gently. I rushed back downstairs with my charger.

"Cash! Cash! See those trees, they are so tall !", my brother screamed at the top of his lungs. "Shut up John! Don't act like you have never seen trees before in your life.", I shouted back at my little brother. He was such a silly boy! I looked through my car window and felt happy to gaze at those huge trees, These trees are really popular in California. Looking at them reminded me of uncle Aaron. He was really tall but obviously not as tall as those trees.

"How much more time will it take Dad?", I asked my father. My father told me that it wouldn't take much time as the country side was only 5 miles away. I felt quite relaxed. I really enjoyed long journeys but today I was feeling a little fatigued. I kept gazing out of my windows. The trees seemed to be running backwards as if scared to collide with each other.

After few moments we reached our destination. My father parked the car outside a black gate that seemed familiar. I immediately rushed out of the car and hugged my Aunt. Uncle smiled looking at us but was there something creepy about that smile?