
The Call

Busy evening,weary body and an empty stomach.I just quitted my job and decided to drive home and since I was a bachelor I decided to take my favourite dish;chicken accompanied with Ugali at a nearby hotel.As soon as I was done I drove my posh car right home with some flashback questioning in my mind.So I got home really fast took a shower and relaxed on my sofa trying to comfort my mind with a movie.No sooner had I relaxed than a deep sleep got hold of me,then a bright coloured light appeared above me.A kind of dream it was but it appeared as undoubtable reality.A melodios tingling of a kind of cymbals could be heard at a distance accompanied by a sweet,soothing angelic humming.It was truly beautiful beyond explanation.Then a humanoid creature stood by me,tapped my shoulder and called out.''Wilson you have to come with me you are the Choosen One.