
Into the unknown- Adventures in the kingdom of Nelph

Change is inevitable..... No matter how or what your life is.... it will change. Whether it is big, or small. And it will happen, when you least expected it. --------------------------- Kevin Moore, a 22 yr old young man, who is content with his daily life, doing a job as a driver. The constant life comes to an end, due to the abrupt changes suddenly happening to him. Because one moment, he is following his daily routine, doing his job, and the other moment he finds himself in an unknown place, which is nothing like the place he is used to... Join him, to a weird , action filled adventure with the spice of emotions and feelings mixed in, to an unknown place called Nelph.....

sanghmitra1111 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


"He's waking up."


"Shh....I can see that...you know."

" Ok quiet now!" Someone whispered harshly.

I felt my consciousness returning to me. When I opened my eyes it was all blurry, but soon I could make out two figures stating down at me.

I took a deep breath and tried to sit up when something pushed me down.

I groaned and heard a firm voice " Stay down!!"

I opened my eyes and saw a blade just millimetre from my eyeballs barely brushing my eyelashes.

I yelped in surprise and tried to back away when my whole body erupted in pain.

The shifted my head to the side and saw a girl huddled at the corner of the room watching me cautiously. She had green eyes and chestnut hair and wore a pure white dress.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

She sat up straight and shifted her gaze beside me. I followed her gaze and found the blade shifted to my chest.

At the other end was a young woman with icy blue eyes glaring down at me. Her raven hair curled slightly which may have looked beautiful, if  she wasn't looking so intimidating.


She narrowed her eyes, a scowl adorning her lips. I noticed she wore the same white dress but slightly larger.

"State your purpose" she growled.


"I said state your purpose dammit!" She screeched.

I flinched and looked around. I was in some sort of hut with healing and medical things all around. I saw no machines.

My attention returned to the girl when I felt a slight sting at my chest. The girl was stabbing me!!

"Wait! Who are you? Where am I ? Where is my car?!" And screamed in frenzy. This girl was scaring me!

Her hold in the blade faltered but she still kept her stance. "Don't act foolish. You are one her spies, aren't you?!? I swear if you don't spill the beans, I will gladly carve your heart out."


What was she talking about?! Me... A spy ? Yeah right...

The whole situation was scaring and confusing me...The throb at my head, leg and side didn't help the situation either. I was getting so confused..... Where was I ?!!

"What are you talking about? Who is she? And a spy?! Look whosoever you are lady, I have nothing to do with this 'she' you are taking about!!"

Her grip on her weapon slackened but she still questioned me, "Then, who are you?"

"I could ask you the same question!" I yelled.

Her eyes narrowed again and gripped her weapon tighter, ready to slash me. "Why you!!"

I yelped and closed my eyes, bracing myself , ready for impact when another voice rang through the room.

"Its enough Matilda."  A calm voice said. I looked up and saw a middle-aged woman with raven hair and kind onyx eyes.

She smiled warmly at me and asked," Who are you dear?"

"My name is Kevin. I don't know where I am. Who are you? And how did I get here?"

"Well I could ask you the same question. How did you get here?" She asked calmly.

"I don't know. The last thing I can remember is a truck ready to trample me while I was stuck in the car, injured." I told her frantically. "And yes! I had my master's mysterious box with me too!" I added.

"A box?"

"Yeah, it was a golden box with a lot of carving and gems. It wasn't big but a portable size."

"Hmm...you say a golden box, and a car?" She was pondered silently for a while then shook her head again smiling at me.

"Well dear, I think you've gotten yourself in quite a pickle. We don't have any 'car' you speak of but maybe I know something about that box."

"Really?! Where is it? Do you have it?!!" Finally I was getting somewhere!

"I am afraid not, but, maybe~ I might be able figure out how you got here." She informed.

"Until then" she added," enjoy your stay. My name is Gale." She pointed to herself, " that's Nina" she introduced pointing to the small girl.

"And you've already met Matilda!" She exclaimed happily.

Nina was smiling softly at me while Matilda was glaring at me. I squirmed at my place thinking about the situation I got into.

Suddenly a thought struck me and I asked..hesitantly," Where am I?"

Gale smiled again but now there was something in her eyes that made me feel confused. She was hesitant but she answered anyway, "Dear, you are in the grand and magical kingdom of Nelph."

All I could think was Where in the hell was I?!!