
in the university


Beniei · Teen
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36 Chs


Alicia at first thought of going to the ICT lab to while away sometime before she went back to the hostel but then she later decided to go for the library, I mean she was supposed to be free right, she was in the university now and her life didn't have to be like her high School days, from hostel - class from class to hostel,no she wasn't going to be like that,she was going to make the most of her days in this university because after this phase she was going to be a woman and they wouldn't be anytime for all these.

Asking for directions,she finally arrived at the library using her ID as a pass at the entrance, upon entering, she met just few students in the huge library which looked like another entire planet on its own except that it contained only books.

After greeting the librarian, Alicia walked straight to the large novel section as she started to search for a particular novel she had been looking for a long time ' Gone girl' by Gillian Flynn, well she didn't have to search too long before she found it because she went straight to the author's collection, she was damn happy that she found the book written by her favorite author, she loved all his books especially this one because few months ago,she had read it only halfway on the internet after which she was asked to pay to continue,it was so sad that she didn't have a bank account yet hence she wasn't able to pay to continue but here she could read it for free.

Alicia hurriedly took a seat and buried her face in the novel,she let herself go and became lost in the novel world such that she became so unaware of time and her surroundings.

Hours later,Alicia looked up only to see that the lights in the library had become far brighter, her eyes immediately darted towards the window. ' what!!! ' it was already dark and everywhere outside was covered in pitch darkness.

Alicia's eyes widened as she quickly took out her phone from her purse to look at the time and holy moly!!! it was already 15 minutes past 8:00 p.m.!!! 'How the hell did she just sit for four hours without knowing', she looked around the huge library with numerous fans whizzing at every corner and apart from her and the librarian,no one else was in the library,she was the only student.

Alicia quickly stood up fixed the book back into his position before she moved to rush out of the library but not before waving at the librarian.

Alicia's heart was pounding as she hurried out of the library,she checked her phone again to see that Tammy and Sophie had called her so many times,she quickly called back an extremely worried Tammy and told her that she was already on her way back to the hostel.

Alicia's heart was beating wildly as she made her way out of the library building, she had never been out this late and she was scared. However, her fear soon subsided when she got outside and saw that the campus ground was fully lit and bustling heavily with students even more than in the day itself,she could also see that the well lit halls and classrooms around were filled with students gisting amongst themselves, people going in and out of cafeterias, people having late night picnics,others walking and holding themselves.

Alicia's racing heart finally calm down a bit, she had thought that there would be no soul outside by this time but it seems she was very wrong, anyways she picked up her pace and hurried towards her hostel direction which was about 10 minutes walk from where she was.

Alicia tried to retrace her steps from the morning to try and locate her hostel block since it wasn't that far from the place and she was doing it just fine but however she became over confident and entered into a supposedly wrong block thinking it was hers because it looked exactly like it.

Alicia had taken about 42 steps inside the block when she noticed that this place was not lit like the other hostels and it definitely didn't look like anybody resided here.

Alicia stopped walking and paused to look around the place, there was no sign of anybody here as it happened to be an old abandoned hostel under renovation that was similar to hers.

Alicia swallowed hard realizing that she had missed her way into a seemingly dark and lonely place void of any soul.

Alicia took a deep breath and turned around to go back when she noticed three figures claded in Black suddenly jump out from the dark abadoned building behind her,Alicia at first wanted to rejoice that she had finally seen some people that she could ask for directions but when she noticed that they were boys wearing hoodies covering almost half of their faces Alicia's heart jumped in fear and she immediately turned around and continued walking, faster this time, going further into the abandoned block causing the three boys behind her to smirk,they were bad boys who had just been in the building discussing about something when they saw the beauty in skirt walk into the place,it seemed she was a lost fresher because indeed she looked fresh enough to ate.

Alicia didn't know why but her instinct kept telling her to run and not to walk towards them .

Alicia hastened her pace when she saw that they were following her and the boys also picked up their pace and Alicia knew she was done for.

Alicia began to run and the boys went after her as well " hey sweetheart why are you running come on let's have some fun " one of the boys yelled before all three of them burst into laughter,this was going to be a really lucky night for them.

Alicia ran with all her might especially when she saw that they were almost catching up with her, at first she thought she should call Ryan to come help but what if he wasn't on campus?and even if she had to call anyone she couldn't do that while running as it will slow her down,she would have to hide but how could she do that,these boys were on her tail and there wasn't any place she would enter that they wouldn't see.

Alicia knew she was cooked and tears began to gather in her eyes as she thought of what the boys will do to her if they caught her, they were obviously gonna Force themselves on her, the thought of three boys forcing themselves on her made her dizzy, why her ?for Christ sake this was only her third day in this school and now this.

Alicia had already began to lose strength from running and the boys noticed it so they slowed down laughing hard,now there was no escape for her.

Alicia finally stopped to catch her breath to avoid fainting,she turned around to see the boys smiling devilishly as they walked towards her " p-pease help I I i'm lost " she begged as she cried hoping they had pity on her and let her go but never!!

"It's okay baby we're lost too why don't you come with us so we all can find a way together huh" the tallest of them said as he licked his lips

"Ha ha ha ha ha" the other two boys laughed

"P-please" Alicia cried,her tears flowing non stop as she stepped back.

Just then her eyes noticed the big Gates behind her and a ray of light suddenly shone in her eyes,maybe this gate could lead her back to the main campus ground,without warning she braced herself gathering all of her left strength and entered into the gates to the other side.

"Bitch" one of the boys cursed before they went after her again..

Upon entering the gates Alicia soon began to regret because this part looked even more deserted than the first one but then her eyes suddenly sighted a bright red car parked far ahead of her,the car looked new hence someone had to be there.

Alicia ran even faster towards the car for help while the boys followed suit,however as soon as they were few inches away from the car, the boys suddenly stopped chasing her and halted in their tracks,their eyes wide open as though they had seen a ghost,they even almost stumbled on their own feets as soon as their eyes zeroed in on the car and it's customized plate number,no one needed to tell them to retreat and that with the presence of the owner of that car there,that place was a danger zone!!,a keep off area!

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