
Into The Skies

Amethyst is a normal 21-year-old who's living a very mundane life and what the only thing she thinks is interesting is Greek mythology, so what happened when she fell into a place known as Olympus when Gods and Demigods are real in this world and chaos brewing inside, and to top that all she meets 7 demigods that might help her get back to earth, and find out her true purpose on being there, was it a coincidence she was there? She will embark an adventure with 7 different demigods and realise that then there's more than just tumbling inside another world like Alice in The wonderland. The quest for finding the way back home isn't easy as it seems

Ephipanians · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs



"her... Moira? That's her name. Who is she?" daringly I asked the boy in front of me, he was debating on something as he looks at me Jacob retracted his hands, his comforting hands that were once holding me withdrew when I asked the question, he seems disappointed somehow. Something tells me I wasn't supposed to know or even think about it. Fearing that I shouldn't have asked I sigh.

"I"m sorry for being so nosy and I -" Jacob looks at me and smile reassuringly.

"It's okay, she... was somebody we used to know.'' He silently whispers to me," she's someone that we all agree to not bring up again. Still, I was desperate, so I had to.: his doe eyes that once held the shining stars were drained in a second and the atmosphere suddenly drop it didn't right to blurt out the question as touchy like that, but curiosity killed the cat.

I softly look at the silent demigod in front of me, and I look at him as I silently gesture if he's okay to continue, but he stayed quiet.

"She must be someone special, huh?" I lighten the mood a little,' I'm sorry for bringing such a sensitive topic Jac.'

His eyes instantly light up as he heard me called his nickname.

She's finally warming up a little bit, he thought happily.

''Don't worry about it,'' he smiles forgetting the unhappy thoughts he had a few moments before,'' just don't mention it or asked about it to Yoongi hyung especially. He's a little sensitive around that topic as you see that's what started all of this.''

I'm glad he wasn't as gloomy as he was before.

We both look at each other's eyes yet again as the silent air lingers, but there is something with the exchanged glance that we like to do, no it's not a connection but something more. It felt like I had hoped the exchanged was done by someone else, so I had to pull away from Jacob's gaze, and sounds came behind us.

Right on time

''Well if you're done," I look over to Adriel who had his eyes looking like us and if I'm not mistaken directly to me. His burning stare is always what I look back into the same thing happened before. Dex was behind Adriel who was confused over the tightening tension in the room.

I tore away my gaze at Adriel and ignore another burning stare from him as I look at Dex,' since we are here stuck for a few days until we can figure out why you're here Amethyst and how do we bring you back to earth," he sat down in one of the chairs and usher the others to do the same.

"Might as well start telling how you got here,' Dex smiled at me as he helps Adriel on the chair beside Jacob. He gestures his fingers as the cupboard start to fly open, and silverware start to dance away to the table.

As all sat down, I start to tell how I get here.


''So you basically, fell inside the door? tsk...'' Adriel muttered as his twirling the fork in the air.

''Yeah, I guess,'' I looked down as I answered and Dex looks at the two of us.

''And all of this happened because you went into a room full of pictures?'' Dex asked me,'' a room full of pictures of us?''

''Well not exactly pictures, they were more of a painting of you guys to be exact 7 painting, it was easy recognizing you three since there were nameplates on each painting,'' I recall the painting I saw, how the art felt when I touch them, it felt so real.

''7 of us?''

''No, the three of you and four more, they look around your ages, do you perhaps know them?" I asked them as Dex looks at Jacob and Adriel who had his eyebrows raised

''do you remember the other four names?''

''yes I think, I was since you're Dex, Jacon and Adriel,'' as I pointed to each of the demigods.

''I think it was Raymond who you somehow hate," pointing at Adriel who rolls his eyes," Ramses, Jase and Silvester,'' I told them the names and Dex eyes widen while Jacob looks at his brother while Adriel who was slumping in his chair sudden sit straight.

The looks of their face scream worry, something is not right.

"Is... something wrong you seem quite as I recall those names?" I wonder, and they all stood silent for a minute.

''Well, for starters it was a shock for us three to have our pictures and names being hang up in your world as if the world really put us to a falling piece of destiny, and to see our painting in there instead of our parents,'' Dex smiles at me.

''it seems like you are really meant to be here after all, after you recalling the other familiar four names.''

'Should I be worried about the other four?' as I wonder. The world is a very peculiar place, somethings in life that you wish was aligned never came true but greater things that we didn't know could exist was aligned.

''If you... or all of us are as a matter of fact should come together you don't really have to worry about anyone that's for sure, as for Raymond we know where he is, and you don't have to worry we'll make sure you don't have to see him,' Hoseok smiles

'As for Ramses...,' as Dex was about to explain when Adriel cut him off,'' you don't need to see him at all.'' He glares.

''right...'' Hoseok smiles.

''And the others? Jase and Silvester,' I look at the three demigods.

''We don't know where Silvester is exactly, but we can tell you his somewhere not far.''


'Silvester... Son of Poseidon, he's somewhere in the water obviously,' Adriel shrug,' but we don't know which part.'

''As for Jase...'' Jacob looks at you,'' we think he's inside Olympus, but we're not sure either, we haven't seen each other since forever.''

"Well it's settle we don't know if the destiny is true anyway,' Adriel smiles,' we need to find a way to bring you back, and we don't have to meet all of the others.'



I look at Adriel who was going to argue again with Dex when suddenly he looks at me for a moment, and I took the courage to talk to him,'' I need to speak to you.''

He looks at me, and he didn't budge,'' why...''

''Please just a moment, I'll never bother you again.''

''tsk... as if,'' Adriel huffs but nod regardless and he looks at me as he stands up,'' come on...''

I was about to walk with him when someone held my wrist, I look back to see Jacob, who was looking worried, but I smiled at him.

''I'll be back.''