
Into the SCP Universe as The Lich.

After being transported to the SCP Universe, he is left confused and struggling to adapt with his new body and powers. As The Lich from Adventure Time, how will he overcome the obstacles and have a peaceful life? through power of course. He later learns this as time goes on, and as time goes on, threats emerge and his peaceful times would eventually end. disclaimer; I do not own anything, Adventure Time or any properties of the SCP Wiki. Warning: I am a young writer, and I am sometimes not aware of my mistakes and grammatical errors as well as any awkward sentencing. Feel free to give criticism, I will appreciate it.

DaoistCKto8n · Others
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26 Chs

Thousand me

As they trotted further, they remained silent. Keeping an eye and ear for any enemies. None came, for now.

The cocoons on the ceilings were many, The Lich was careful not to suddenly let go of Iris if he got jumped scared by another beetle.

They stopped when a scraping noise echoed in the caves. They finally arrived at the pool. The only difference was it was black and around it tunnels that led to deeper part of the mountain to who knows where.

"Lich, can you check If there's any monsters out there? I'll carry Iris."

The Lich slowly kneeled and let Iris stand. She winced from the pain, but this time, at least it wasn't worse. If she had walked all that miles her leg would've been bad.

Black offer his shoulder for her to stand, she just denied and said she could still walk upright.

The Lich went forward, scanning and listening for any enemies, there was no one.

"I think we're good-"

Iris saw a bat like creature suddenly emerge from one of the entrances, it swooped down at Lich and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"LICH BEHIND YOU!" Iris yelled.

Black was about to rush forward with his tactical knife to stab the bat. But before it, the bat flew up into the ceiling.

"You damn insect!" The Lich yelled as he touched the bat's head that suddenly began withering.

They both landed on the ground with a loud thud, as the bat began to wither, it's skin slowly wrinkling and drying up until it looked like a mummy.

The Lich stood up, surprised at what he just did.

'So that's what it feels like to drain a life..' he thought as he looked at his hand.

He could feel a little bit of 'magic' powering him up, it was faint, but it was there and that's what mattered to him.

'If I can get to full power, I can wipe out every organization that can stand in my way…'

He looked over at the dead bat, Iris and Black came to his and looked at the dead creature.

"Good thing you were the one checking it out. I wonder what would've happen if you weren't here with us." Black looked at the creature with a little surprise.

"Probably worse." Said Iris.

"Lets get back to our reality now." The Lich said.

They looked at the bat one last time as they circled around the pool. None of them had jumped yet, but they knew it would bring them back somehow.

"So, who's going first?" Black eventually said.

"I mean," The Lich turned at Iris, "Ladies first."

Iris looked at Lich, "Haha, if both of you are scared then I'll jump."

Iris readied herself and then jumped inside the pool. Black looked at pool that waved a little.

"She's got more balls than us, Lich." He joked.

The Lich laughed and replied. "She has been through a lot I guess."

Black jumped inside the pool. The Lich was alone. He stared at the black pool, then turning around. His gaze landed at the bat that died, the feeling of power surged through his mind early was fascinating.

He wanted to know how powerful he could get, he wanted to know more about magic, even if it would go against his certain goal that magic does more damage than good. He would use it for the good, not for the bad.

He finally fell forward in the pool. The swirling tunnel was mixing colors, it felt like he was being pushed again.

As he continues to get pulled by the pool, he could hear his own thoughts. Many voices started to rise, they echoed in his kind, as thousands and thousands formed a large crowd of voices.

He just shrugged it off behind his kind and focused on the tunnel warping colors.

'Perhaps I should request a few books, it gets boring as hell at the cell.' He thought.

'Why books? Just break out the cell and go fishing or something. That's a nice hobby.' Another voice came.

'Huh? Why would I go fishing, the foundation would just lock me up more. It's best if I do what they say for now, besides, I find it thrilling to participate in missions now.'

'That is true. But I still prefer fishing.'

'No, reading books is much better.'

'Huh? What's going on, why am I talking to myself. If Iris or Black knows about this they'd call me crazy.'

'You were talking to yourself before- wait, you're right.'

Hassu looked around, there was no one in the tunnel, and as far as he could tell, he wasn't crazy too. His eyes formed a vague silhouette through the walls of the tunnel, a shape, large and tall, it was a shadow of himself.

A pair of green dots suddenly appeared, then more appeared behind it as they lined up infinitely.

'Uhm. What the hell is going on.'

'Huh? I think I know what's happening.'

'what?' a series of voice echoed in his mind. This time he was even more confused.

'I think I just have an overactive imagination.'

'Why is there a pair of green eyes looking at me. I have feeling that's me.'

'It IS us you idiots. The portal we went through is extracting an essence of us, copying us.'

A bunch of gasps resounded in Hassu's mind, if what the voice told was true. That means, he was being multiplied into different dimensions.

'Wait, how is that possible? Shouldn't this be possible already when we first entered the pool?' his other voice asked.

'I don't know. Maybe it tried to copy us, or something. Our existence is new to this universe.'

'Wait, so what happens now?'

Hushes echoed through his mind, he knew what every one of them was talking about and it was annoying.

Before he could tell them to shut up, he suddenly shot in the air and landed on the ground. He looked up, examining the area and it was the same cave as earlier.

"Lich, took you long enough." Iris said.

There was a bunch of MTF's near them, talking, and they stared at him.

"These guys are Nu-7. We should return to the site shortly." Black said, sitting near the Nu-7.
