
Into the night sky

17 Years ago a virus spread all around the world, infecting 7% of humanity. Those 7% of people got special abilities, similar to super powers. The professors gave them the name "Cora". Every Cora is trapped in specific laboratories to invest on the virus and the abilities those people got. They divided every Cora in numbers from a scale of 1 - 10, depending of how dangerous they are. 1 is the most dangerous and 10 the least. Jinsei, the protagonist, is a 4 and has to suffer a lot from the experiments he has to go through. But as the professor offers him a deal that he accepts, his whole life changes. This is a story about a big adventure, a tragic story and a strong bond of friendship between the two protagonists.

Akuma110 · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

Someone who loves me

I wake up on an orange couch surrounded by ten people looking down at me. I look confused at a women who approaches me and offers me a glass of water but I refuse to drink anything from what this women gives me. I probably got poisened by this laboratory lady from the second lab, but I don't even know why she would poisen me in the first place. I thought she knows that I'm immune to poisen.

Also… who are those people…?

"Why aren't you talking, little creature? Are you afraid of so many people? Should they go?"

It's odd that she talks to me as if I am not a human, but I didn't plan to not speak. It is indeed strange that so many people are watching me sleep, but this women probably picked me up from the streets after I fell down, so I should be more thankful.

"I don't know who those people are. Maybe they could go for a second so we can talk? You're the one who picked me up, right?"

She smiles at me and snaps with her fingers to give the people a sign to leave. Something about this women seems odd… I don't like this feeling about her.

"Now we are alone. What do you want to talk about? I'm open for all your little questions."

I hesitate at first to talk to her, because her eyes are piercing into my soul as she looks at me. I feel threatened, even though there is no reason for it. It's probably just my imagination.

"I wanted to thank you for picking me up from the streets. May I also know who you are?"

I try to sound normal but I'm sure that she can hear in my voice that I'm not fond of her.

"No problem, really. Don't worry about it, I could never leave such a sweet soul outside on the streets. To your question: My name isn't important, but let's just say… Well let's say I was a good friend of your parents."

She looks at me with a smile that is burning my soul. I look at her with a shocked expression on my face, even though I try to hide it as well as I can. Her smile gets wider and I feel like she is looking through my soul. It feels like she knows everything about me and I hate this burning feeling I get when I talk to her. Am I afraid?

No one ever mentioned my parents like her before. I was told that the guards found me infront of the gate when I was six years old. The professor told me that my parents are probably dead and I didn't dare to ask more about it. Now a strange woman comes up to me and says she knew my parents? How does she even know me?

"What…? How do you know my parents?"

She takes a sip out of a tea cup and smiles at me as if I am someone she is close to.

"You don't look like your parents. Not even the slightest. Your mother was the most beautiful women I've ever met and your father was the strongest man, even without any abilities. They loved each other so much that they would protect each other at any cost. They even got the cutest child ever. I wish they could see you right now."

I look at her for a moment, unable to say anything. This is the first time I ever heard something about my parents. I can't even concentrate on what she says, but I'm trying to listen to her words.

"Tell me more about them. How were they? And what happened?"

She looks down at her tea as if she is getting nostalgic.

"When you imagine a perfect couple, then you would imagine them. Everytime I looked at how they acted together I wanted to have what they have. I was jealous, but I could never be mad at them. When you were born it was clear that it's dangerous to raise you. 17 years ago the virus spread and slowly turned humans into Coras. Not many people know that there is a difference between Coras who got the virus and Coras who were born with it. K- I mean Jinsei… You are one of those Coras who were born with the virus. And not only that, but you were one of the first Coras on earth.

Your parents were scared when they got you, but not scared of you. They were scared to lose you, because they loved you not as a Cora, but as their dear son."

A tear rolls down my face as I listen to her words. Hearing about my parents and my past makes me so sad that I want to cry it all out. I could never imagine parents who love me. Or even one person who could love me as the one I am.

"What happened to them?"

I ask the women and wipe away my tear.

She looks up at me. Her smile is gone.

"They died protecting you, Jinsei…"