
Into the night sky

17 Years ago a virus spread all around the world, infecting 7% of humanity. Those 7% of people got special abilities, similar to super powers. The professors gave them the name "Cora". Every Cora is trapped in specific laboratories to invest on the virus and the abilities those people got. They divided every Cora in numbers from a scale of 1 - 10, depending of how dangerous they are. 1 is the most dangerous and 10 the least. Jinsei, the protagonist, is a 4 and has to suffer a lot from the experiments he has to go through. But as the professor offers him a deal that he accepts, his whole life changes. This is a story about a big adventure, a tragic story and a strong bond of friendship between the two protagonists.

Akuma110 · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

Hot as fire/Cold as ice

I opened the door again to go inside. I want to check on him. Wouldn't be really good if he would die or something.


I carefully approach him. He isn't reacting to me. I step closer, so close, that I am now right infront of him. I touch his neck to check on his pulse. He is breathing, but his skin feels really hot. Has he had a fever from the beginning?

"Are you awake?"

I ask and try to shake him awake. He grabs my arm and looks at me. Why does he look mad now?

"Don't you dare touch me. I'm fine just go away. I don't need someone like you. Just bring some water maybe… Then it should be fine."


I respond.

"Do you think with only some water the fever will go down? I can bring you medications if you need some. It's not that big of a deal. I'll just ask the professor."

He shakes his head and let go of my arm.

"I told you to bring water. Aren't you supposed to fulfill my wishes? Bring me water. I don't want to eat medications from someone like the professor. Who knows what could be in there."

I look at him with wide eyes.

"I'm not some kind of fairy. I can't fulfill all your wishes. Who even told you that you can just command me?"

I stand up.

"I'll go get some water, but only because you seem to be sick. Don't think I will ever do you a favor again."


He says with silent voice. Now I kinda feel bad for being so harsh with him. Probably only because he is sick. When he gets healthy again, I will pay him back for treating me like a servant. What a prick.

I sigh and go out of the room again. He really is way too much work. I also want some free time.

I make my way to the laboratory and go through the big door in the hall. Guards are watching my steps, as I walk to the office of the professor.

He is already sitting there in his chair.

"Is something the matter, Jinsei?"

He smiles as me, but I don't react to him at all.

"The number 0 is sick. I want to ask for water and medications. He has a fever, probably already for days. I can treat it, so that the experiment won't die."

When I talk with the professor, I mostly try to sound like him. I would never say Shin's name infron of him. He probably said the name only one time, and that was when he gave it to him. Or maybe not even that. He is not the only person who is allowed to give the names.

"Sick you say? Wouldn't it be fun for both of us to see him suffer for a bit? I wonder how the body of a number 0 would react to a cold."

It's this same smile again. The smile that I despise so much.

"You said you won't experiment on him."

I look at him with a serious gaze. I don't want all the Coras to suffer, because of me.

"Did I say that? Maybe it was only because I can't reach, or touch him. But wouldn't it be fun to do an experiment, where I don't have to do anything? Just watching. Don't you like this idea, Jinsei?"

I don't know what to respond to that. Is he serious? Does he really think I would like to watch people suffer? Sure, I don't like Shin, but I would never want to watch him suffer.

"If you want to get information from him you should treat him better. Or else he will never talk."

His eyes widen in surprise. Maybe he didn't expect me to speak up against him.

I can't believe what I just said to him. I just lied.. To the professor. I said he will never talk, but he already did. He talked to me and told me things about him. I just hope that the professor can't see through my lie.

"Hm… You are right somehow. Alright then just take the meds and go."

He opens a drawer and takes out a pack of medications plus a bottle of water.

"Thanks a lot."

I say and make my way out of the laboratory. I don't want to let him wait too long. Who knows how much he is really suffering. He doesn't speak about something like that.

I'll hurry.