
Into the Naruto World

He died and was reincarnated in a familiar world as a nobody. A literal nobody in a world where orphans and madmen attempt to play god. How the hell is he supposed to survive? [This is a rewrite!]

Arokey · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 1

Author Note: I didn't abandon any of my books or anything. This had just been in my draft for a few months so I decided to post it. May or may not decide to continue.



Silence reigned in a dimly lit room. The only source of light came from the single torch hanging on the side of the wall.

The room was empty save for the large liquid filled cylindrical container which sat in the middle of the room, giving off a dull green glow.

Though faint, a figure could be seen inside the container, unmoving. Other than that, one thing that stood out was the large crack in the glass of the container.

*Crack!* *Crack!* *Crack!*

Without much warning, the rest of the glass shattered as the liquid spilled out of the container and the human figure inside fell out, not showing any signs of life.

The silence continued for a moment as the liquid had fully spilled out and the figure which was now revealed to be a boy lay flat on the floor. The boy's finger twitched slightly before gaining a bit of movement.

'What happened?' He thought in confusion. 'Where am I?'

His mind was a mess. The last thing he remembered was going to sleep on a plane headed home before…nothing.

'No. That wasn't it…' The last thing he remembered happened after that.

It felt like he was drowning. No matter how much he wanted to struggle, all he could do was be still as his body and mind screamed for help.

'Did the plane crash? Am I dead?' He wondered as he gained feeling in his body. 'Is this water?'

He felt the liquid that was soaking his body in confusion. After a second, realization hit him. 'Why am I naked?'

He pushed himself up to his knees as he looked down at his own body, noticing the fair tone of his skin. His attention was pulled by the strings of hair that fell in front of his eyes. 'Red?'

Before he could go further with more thoughts and questions, he heard footsteps approaching as a voice spoke out.

"So you're awake." A fairly elderly voice said, immediately drawing his attention, his head snapping towards the source of the voice.

'Has he been standing there all along?' The boy wondered as he looked forward to his 'visitor'. He caught sight of a frail looking old man with black, shaggy hair and a bandaged right eye. He also noted the X-shaped scar on his chin along with the cane in the man's hand.

'What kind of cosplay convention did I end up in?' He wondered in confusion as he faintly recognized the figure in front of him.

The man seemed to misunderstand his confused expression. "It appears you can't understand me. It seems we have to sort that out first."

'What the hell is he talking about? I can understand him perfectly.' The confused expression on his face didn't change, further convincing the man.

Just as the boy was about to open his mouth to confirm that he could understand him, he froze as something appeared in his vision.

[Host has awakened]

[Welcome Host]

'I'm hallucinating, right?' He asked himself. 'There's no way this is real.'

The memory of stepping into the plane and falling asleep as well as the drowning experience after that played in his head. As if that wasn't enough, another figure in a black cloak and a white mask suddenly appeared behind the man in front of him, startling him as he shuffled back.

'This isn't happening…' he thought as his eyes went back to the other man, specifically, the scar on his chin and the bandage on his eye.

'What the hell is going on? Why is Danzo right in front of me?' As much as he felt the need to panic, he didn't find himself doing so.

An unnatural wave of calmness was constantly washing over him as he silently stared at the two men in front of him. He was too distracted to hear what was discussed between them.

He suddenly found himself hoisted up to his feet and dragged out of the room.


He sat alone in a small room, now fully clothed as he digested what had happened so far. 'I died. Now I'm in this…world.'

Even to him, it sounded crazy. He would have waved all of that off and tricks of his mind or signs of him going mad had it not been for what presented itself in front of his eyes.


Name - Kaito

Level - 1

Race - Human

Hp - 5000 [100 per minute]

Cp - 5000 [54 per 30 seconds]

Str - 24

Vit - 50

Dex - 20

Int - 50

Wis- 27

Points - 0

Health = Vit X 100

HP Regen = Vit X 2

CP = Int X 100

CP Regen = Wis X 2


'Kaito huh?' He knew exactly what this was. He had read a lot of fiction before he…died. 'I've still not gotten used to that.'

He didn't know how long it had been since he first woke up here but it felt like an eternity. Other than the torches in the room, there was no external source of light to allow him determine the passage of time.

He had used most of that time to figure out his predicament and explore the 'system' that had appeared before him.

One of the things on his mind was the seemingly random values of his stats. Vit and Int which he figured were for his health and chakra were higher than the rest which were far lower.

He then recalled the container he found himself in front of when he woke up. Am I an experiment?'

The setup reminded him of Orochimaru's lab from the series but the man was nowhere to be seen. The only figure of note to make an appearance was Danzo, who he remembered had a partnership with the snake themed man.

There were no memories for him to sift through to understand when or where he was but he'd figured out the answer to one of those questions.

He recognized the outfit of the man that appeared behind Danzo earlier to be that of the Root ANBU which meant that he was most likely in their base.

He had no way of knowing what time period he was stuck in so he decided to focus on what he could figure out at the moment.

Other than the status screen, he had discovered the Inventory and Skills section, which were currently empty. The only other thing of interest was the perks.



[Gamer Mind]

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through.

Allows peaceful state of mind,

Grants Immunity to psychological status effects.

[Gamer Body]

Grants a body that allows for the user to live real life like a game.

[Scion of ???]

User gains 100 Cp per 1 Int.

User gains 100 Hp per 1 Vit.

??? EXP gain is increased by 150%.


The first one gave him the reason why he wasn't currently screaming his lungs out in panic. This was a world where you could die in the blink of an eye.

The last one stood out very well but the '???' left so many questions unanswered. It partially explained why his Hp and Cp were so high.

From what he could tell, his body was that of a teenager but until he got a mirror or a reflective surface, he wouldn't know for sure. He was a teenager before he died so it gave him a bit of comfort that he was still around the same age.

The door in front of him suddenly opened up as a male Root ANBU walked in with a scroll in hand. He walked till he stood in front of the boy, unrolling the scroll as he formed a hand seal with his free hand.

In a puff of smoke, a stack of books appeared before him. He immediately noted that he couldn't read the titles or anything on the cover of the book.

'You've got to be kidding me.'