
Into The Multiverse

"The Multiverse is a chaotic place, once you're in, there is no going back." - A quote from a certain famous Multiverse Traveler. A young man born to be normal all his life died without any kind of regrets, later finds himself in a void of nothingness. "Ugh how long has it been? A decade? Century? Or was it a millennia? All I remembered was how I died and every anime, movie, novel, and game I have played. Neither my name nor my parent's name can I remember." I thought as I aimlessly wander around this void of nothingness, I presume so. When my "eyes" saw a glimpse of light just out of the corner of my eyes. Then I turned and saw it approaching at high speeds. "Oh? Is that light approaching me? Instead fading away like an illusion, it's coming right towards me? Ehh?! EHHH?!!" Those were my last thoughts when the bright light slammed right into me, and for the record, DAMMIT DIO! I don't own any of the anime, novel, game, or movie that will be included and said in the story, only my OC's are mine.

Fumuyoshi · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

System? Multiverse? Oh My!

<???'s POV>

'Ugh how long has it been? A decade? Century? Or was it a millennia? All I remembered was how I died and every anime, movie, novel, and game I have played. Plus some miscellaneous information about my past life. Neither my name nor my parent's name can I remember.' This are my thoughts while I aimlessly float into the void. At first I was excited, since I thought that I will get reincarnated, but it didn't happen. No God nor Goddess came, nor any voice.

I always thought that after death, you will get reincarnated or something, with or without memories of the past. It probably does happen, after all, no one really knows what happens after death. I never believed in the bible as far as I know. Since it was written by humans, and humans have the tendency to write or narrate a story in their own perspectives. It will get exaggerated or will be even changed according to their own tastes. I did that too when I was alive. They did say, "Winners write history, while losers rot in their graves." But that is not the problem here no? Here, in the void, I'm talking to myself again. Maybe I should replay an anime again, about a certain Hero who wants to save everyone. I'm still salty about that ideal really, I mean, really? Save everyone? It includes the people who are evil then, to think his older self actually did, I think? Unless you have a certain blonde haired, loud mouth of a Hokage's Talk no Jutsu, then give up on that. If this loneliness continues on, I will probably get mad. Err, I'm crazy already, let's not worsen that.

'Oh hey, since when there is bright in this void?' I thought when I suddenly saw a glimpse of light in my vision. It's weird though, despite having no eyes, I can still see.

'Oh? Is that light approaching me? Instead fading away like an illusion, it's coming towards me? Ehh?! EHHH?!!' Those were my last thoughts when the bright light slammed right into me, and for the record, DAMMIT D**!!!!

[ Unknown amount of time later....] (A/N: in other words... TIME SKIP!!!!!)

'Ugh.. what the hell hit me?' I thought while trying to alleviate the pain I'm experiencing. Don't know how that works though.

[ Host found.... Ancient System Fragment integrating... 10%.... 20%.... 50%.... 80%.... 100%....!!!]

[ Good day host! Congratulations on being selected as the primary candidate for the Ancient System Fragment! Or if you prefer, you can call me ALICE.] If I had a face right now, my jaw would probably hanging loosely from what I heard and my eyes are also gaping.

'This is it!! The moment I've been waiting for! Take that Water-kun! Who hired you to choke me when I was drinking, HUH?! I'm gonna get you someday! Someday!' I laughed maniacally while remembering the way I died. It's not my fault that I choke on water when I was very thirsty okay?! That was after the volleyball nationals me and my team won, the champion at that. Hey, it was pretty competitive sport.

[ From the looks of it, the host has some mental issues. Shall I run diagnostics and find a solution to your 'illness'] The system or ALICE said while I was bellowing out from frantic laughter and such. Because of that I also noticed what it said, fast.

'Ah... N-no, we're good. I mean! I'm good!' I frantically answered.

[ I didn't said Host is evil, so why are you saying "you are good"?] ALICE inquired and I swear I saw a white haired loli tilting her head, at the same time smiling curiously which I see some underlying meaning in it. I got a smart-ass of a system didn't I? Bitch!

'Dammit! You know what I mean! Anyway, mind explaining what you do? since I know quite a lot of different systems from the novels I've read. Most are either bad or something.' I asked while trying to finally calm down. I'm just an average guy from my memories, so expect mistakes on my part. And yes, I'm talking to you readers or watchers... Whatever makes you happy. *Directly looks at the screen or page...

(A/N: Yikes!! Is Deadpool your relative or something???)

[ I see. Well host, I have three main functions, as of now. Mainly



Lottery/GACHA ]

I kinda ignored everything ALICE said since my attention is solely focused on the capitalized words on the screen panel ALICE showed.

'NO! It can't be! WHYYYYYYY!!!!?????' I screamed in despair when I thought about feeding that monster otherwise called as Gacha all my points in other to just to get something from it.

'You monster! Why can't you just use the shop function instead? Why use the cursed gacha function ah?!' I literally roared at ALICE in my mind.

[ Because of the fact that the system is called a Ancient Fragment. So much time has passed inside this void of chaotic souls that some of the functions of the system has deteriorated and vanished. Turning them into other system you might know. ] ALICE explained thoroughly and I stopped wallowing in despair about the points. I suppose what she said is logical.

[ Also, a safety reminder host. Just because I am called Ancient doesn't mean I'm a very powerful system. Most of the other Fragment in this Void is like that, which also means I'm not the only one out there. ] ALICE noted as I digest all the information she just said.

(A/N: Is that foreboding I see? *wink wink)

'So it means there are other kind of Fragment in this Void of Chaotic Souls you say...?' I wonder if my best buddy/self-proclaimed brother/cousin of mine can obtain one. Heh probably a Fragment called Grim Reaper blah blah. I swear that guy is very fascinated at the mention of death and destruction for some reasons.

'Anyway ALICE, anything you can do right now? As you can see, I'm still stuck as a soul.' I asked while wondering about the awesome adventures that I will be having in the future. It's not like, I'm against romance and all the smush, but I can't really find myself having a harem or so. Maybe having one of two lovers are enough, ah! Fudge it! We'll just improvise according to the situation.

'Nothing bad will happen... Right?' I thought to myself then, it hit me, like a bullet train ramming full speed on my mind. I realize what I just said and I felt like killing myself now.

'Of all the things I have to say! It has to be that! I'm just digging my grave now!' I practically roared in mind.

(A/N: Ohohohoho, too late my lovable mc, too... Late.)

While wallowing in regret and despair over what I just did, ALICE took my attention by explaining to me what it can do for now.

[ I have four options for the host to choose from.

Option 1: Transmigrate and occupy another person's body.

{NOTE: Please note that if you choose this option, you will never be able to leave said world or universe. Treat this as a punishment of the world for taking over it's children.}

Option 2: Reincarnate into a whole new body.

{NOTE: Please note that if you choose this option, you will have some of your memories sealed at the first five years of your life.}

Option 3: Teleport to a random world with some 5 gacha spins.

{NOTE: Please note that if you choose this option, you will be viewed as an enemy of the world, thus making it do everything in it's power to eliminate you.}

Option 4: Open your goddamn starting pack first before doing anything stupid.

{NOTE: Please note the if you choose this option, ALICE will view you as not some stupid idiot out there. Very beneficial.}

Also. Host should be informed that as long as you reach the peak of any world you will reside in. You will be able to gain the world's recognition, plus the Multiverse as well. As such giving you the privilege to travel to a world for a Multiverse Year. One multiverse year is equivalent to 30 years on any universe and world that exists out there.

This rule doesn't includes option one though. Option three, can be rewritten when the world has no more power available to eliminate thus, choosing to shoo you away instead.]

My eyebrows twitched (A/N: HOW?!) when I saw the last option. Since I kinda actually felt stupid for forgetting it. It's not my fault okay?! No one will want to be stuck here forever, and when someone just gave you a way out, whatever it is, you will take a risk for freedom! Anyway, as far as I can see. Aside from choosing the obvious Option 4. *Glares at it. It's very logical to choose option two. Because just looking at option one, it's already telling me not to choose it for obvious reasons. While option three looks like it's from typical action chinese novels. Where the MC keeps on getting enemies from left to right and seems never ending deals of running away, revenge, running away, then revenge again. So choosing option two is what it's best for me. As for other reasons like, what happens if some kind of tragedy struck and I get killed in the process without being able to do anything? Then I will first choose a weak world or universe where it's easy to be the pinnacle of power and then gain recognition from the world to travel throughout the Multiverse. But first!

'ALICE, open my starter pack!' I said with my mind barely containing my excitement, since I knew that every starting pack comes with big surprises and won't be able to encounter, only on few occasions.

[ Affirmative host... Opening Multiverse Starting Pack... 10%.. 40%.. 70%.. 100%!

Congratulations host for receiving the following:

+1 Legend Rank Talent Gift Box

+1 Legend Rank Weapon Gift Box

+10 Gacha Ticket Spins

+1 Universe Travel Ticket

+1 Skill Book: (Passive) Parallel Thinking

+1 System Upgrade: Status Panel to Heroic Servant Status Panel ]

I whistled at those rewards, and also speculating the ranking system, since it kinda seem similar to a certain MOBA I used to play. Anyway, it's an assumption for now. As for the system upgrade, that's a good one for me who can't put stats properly. I don't actually want a Gamer System Interface since it will mess my way of thinking about power and might think in the future that numbers are everything and that shiz. And I'm also bad at Math, so that's good for me.

The skill book though will be very beneficial to have. If I ever learn Shadow Clone Jutsu in the future, I will only have to think of the chakra problem, not the side effects of mind overload. I'm curious on what the Talent and the Weapon will give me, so I asked ALICE to open them as well.

[ Affirmative host... Opening one legend rank talent gift box and one legend rank weapon gift box... 10%... 30%... 60%... 90%... 100%!

Congratulations host for receiving the following:

+1 Legend Rank Talent: Legendary Blacksmith Talent

Description: Your works are a the pinnacle of what human and demigods alike can achieve, you only need something... something that has divination to ascend your talent...

+1 Legend Rank Weapon: Customizable Personal Djinn Weapon

Description: Wow! Is that what I think it is? A weapon only for kings to wield, are you worthy of it though?

NOTE: This weapon is bound to the host, as such cannot be stolen from the host. It also doesn't need Rukh to be used. The only thing needed is who will it be a vessel of? ]

'Oh. My. God!!!!! My own personal Djinn Weapon! Bwuahahaha! I am so gonna abuse this' I thought to myself, and ignoring the fact that ALICE can hear me.

'Hey ALICE, can I use the gacha tickets now?' I asked ALICE, while hatefully staring at said tickets.

[ Yes Host, the Gacha function are available now, but keep in mind, that any skills that deals with the body, will be turned into skill books for later use after the host gains his body. ] ALICE explained while I nod in my head as it went on.

'Good then, use them now ALICE.' I commanded without any expression, only a black face, for I know the dark secrets of the Gacha function.

(A/N: You're over exaggerating it kid... *facepalms)

[ Affirmative Host.

Consuming 10 Gacha Tickets...

10 Gacha Tickets Consumed...

As the host consumed 10 Gacha Tickets, the system shall grant the host an extra spin... ( Can only happen whenever the host spin the gacha 10 times.)

Thank you for using the Gacha Function! Have fun losing points! ]

'Fuck you!' I roared when I saw the last statement. I sighed and watched as the Gacha Wheel spin around, I can't really see what's on it. But I can tell that there are seven types of rarity there. Looking at the colors and proportion, I made a ranking in my mind, namely:







Royal Violet

'That's saying a lot.' I muttered exhaustedly. I didn't noticed that it already stop spinning and is glowing brightly.

[ Ding!

Congratulations Host, you have received the ff/following:

+1 Unknown Pokemon Egg

+1 Master Grade Talent: Gun-fu

+1 Fighting Skill: Kilowatt Punch

+1 Summoning Card: Deadpool (Permanent)

+1 Body Skill: Minor Adaptability

+1 Mind Skill: Pyrokinesis

+1 Miscellaneous Skill: Navigation

+1 Counter Guardian EMIYA Trench Coat (Customizable)

+1 Indestructable Headset (Customizable)

+1 Indestructable Fitted Cargo Pants (Customizable)

+1 Grandmaster Grade Weapon: Fiery Wraith (Guandao) ]

I looked at the rewards, which I found satisfying to say at least. No trash tier items found, which is very nice. But what I like the most and probably gonna love the most, is the fact that I can summon Deadpool without any consequences.

*Space and Time freezes

And yes, please expect a lot of curses and swear words in the future. The author can't really stop Deadpool from doing that anyway. So yeah, ciao!

*Space and Time resumes

With Deadpool around, the adventures I'll be having will be awesome. If I can as well, probably heal his cancer. I won't take away his ability of immortality though, suits him the best.

And to think I'll be having a Guandao as a weapon instead of a sword is nice. I'm really not fond of getting too close to the enemy, mid-range melee weapons suited for me most. Like spear, scythe, lance and halberds, guandao is one of them.

'Anyway, those skills that can be consumed now, please do so ALICE.' I said to ALICE while I prepared myself for the headache I'm going to get, just in case.

[ Affirmative host...

Consuming 3 skills and 2 talents...

Ding! Skills and Talents consumed.] ALICE informed me and oh my god that's a lot of information and headache. Gotta use Parallel Thinking fast.

{Parallel Thinking : The ability to split the mind into several thought processes in order to heighten the users ability to think and compute.}

'Did you hear that ALICE?' I asked ALICE when I think I heard someone explaining something.

[ No host, it maybe just some side effect of consuming so many at once.] ALICE answered while I mentally scratched my head.

'I swear I heard something... Wait.. Aha! Do I have those voices like in My Hero Academia which explains the quirks of the characters or something?! I probably do.' I nodded sagefully after coming into such conclusion, and still completely ignoring the fact that ALICE is listening to my thoughts.

'Ah much better that way for the audience, no need for me to explain all my skills whenever I use them. Such a hassle.' An extra thought that went over my head.

(A/N: You're breaking the fourth wall again!)

'Alright! ALICE, time for you to show me some easy worlds and universes to travel on. Hit it!' I said to ALICE excitedly and waited in anticipation.

[ Affirmative Host...



Filtering the choices...

Process complete!

Here are the following worlds and universe for the host to choose from...

1. ????


And boom! Cliffhanger! Nah, I just need some ideas from you guys. I'm not too sure about the choices I have, some are random worlds that popped out in my mind. Some, err, meh?

So hit me with it. Anyways, don't expect a lot of update in this story, I write this in my own pace, and need a lot thinking and planning.

I'm also just new, so please, merci.

Some may also see how the MC labels ALICE as she or it sometimes... He is still confused about ALICE having sexuality, so please don't mind it.

Fumuyoshicreators' thoughts