
Into the magic realm

[COMPLETED] Zyda Sylph, an 18 year old girl faces tragedy as her parents face sudden death, leaving her to look after her younger brother. Their life becomes somber as they get into an argument, forcing them to separate. Zyda decides to seek for her brother, however, who knew that seeking her brother would turn into a magic discovery? As she discovers her hidden abilities, she finds secrets that were long buried. "Remember you can't know foe or friend, everything comes with a price, " whispered a voice in her mind. Amidst the discovery of secrets, a man approaches her claiming to be her past lover. However, why doesn't she recall anything about him? Zyda stared into his dark eyes and saw the strangely familiar emotions. His hypnotic voice vibrated into her mind as he asked, "Have you finally seen them?" He was so close that an inch closer would connect their lips.....

Sukyna_Katamba · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
94 Chs

Paranormal energies.

Zyda woke up early in the morning feeling fuzzy. Her body ached, and she felt thousands of needles piercing her; all in all, she was physically and spiritually tormented. It was a night through hell. She limped towards the bathroom, filled the bathtub with hot water, and dipped into it. As the pain vanished from her body, she sighed in relief, "Much better..."

Enjoying her sweet moment in the water, she subconsciously closed her eyes. For the first time, she felt relaxed; all her tremors were filled with strange bliss after all that had happened, a stress-free moment she absolutely deserved.

A tiny tattoo of a blue crescent moon suddenly appeared on her forehead, and exquisite it was. Feeling a burning sensation in her body, she briskly opened up her initially black orbs, which now emanated blue. She autonomously lifted her right hand towards the door, and it automatically locked itself.

A barricade of energies appearing in different colors surrounded her. It was a light spectrum that consisted of four magnanimous colors. It was so overwhelming that she staggered backward, for the mysterious energies were too strong to control and that her physique was forced to widen a bit to accommodate the force they possessed. The aching feeling returned, and this time it was intense. By the time energies vanished, she was lying on the floor unconscious.

In the night, outside the vicinities of a golden manor was a heavy downpour. And.


Thunder rumbled in a deafening bang enough to send a building to crumbles. A blinding light shone through a curtainless window. A red-bearded man with white hair, a patched left eye dressed in a long black robe meticulously stared at the quarreling skies with his lips tightly closed looking solemn as if he didn't feel cold, for the room was chilly.

Behind him was a metallic gate, locked from the outside; he was held captive. The heavy metallic gate soon clicked open, but the captive gave whoever it was his back and entered a silhouette, clad in black metallic fabrics and a helmet; both arms firmly held a long sharp sword. He immediately positioned his stance, ready to fight. A black robe-dressed shadow moved towards the assassin at a supersonic speed.

"Swish! "

A man dropped to the floor lifelessly in a blink of an eye, a dark red liquid flowing out his neck. The killer stared at the body with a smirk that transformed into a devilish grin that held satiety in it. The lifeless man was not spared a chance to bid a wish.

"Such pathetic minute creatures don't work on me," he murmured grinningly and threw the sword that was quite heavy aside. To him, the sword felt as light as a feather.

He was so dangerous and compelling that he, once at a time, almost broke the metallic gates. Killing needed a lot of time, but he killed in seconds as though it was a cup of tea.

Meanwhile, Zyda in the bathroom finally regained consciousness, but she looked ashen. Her color paled to white as snow. She managed to lift herself towards the bedroom. Landing on the bed, she immediately drifted into a deep slumber.

At the same time, in a small, dimly lit cabin was a teenage boy on a boat wheel dressed in dark blue trousers and a T-shirt; he shivered from the coldness. After a couple of hours on the waters he had spent, he felt numb. His clothes were light in texture, looked lonely despite his serene face. He was on a voyage through a boat crossing a deep ocean that was endless and scary, but he sailed across it like a lion. He didn't know where the ship was going, but all he knew was to keep rowing.

Not a few minutes passed when a heavy wave hit the boat sending it off track; it swayed towards the direction of rapids; thus, he lost control of the ship. The winds didn't spare him a chance, for they landed a final blow that hit the boat, causing the boy to fall into the water with a colossal splash.

Rolam struggled to swim towards the shores, but it was all in vain because his energy depleted, and the waters were deep, and before he could make it, he sank into the deeper. He was forced to gulp plenty of water, but his eyes were wide open in disbelief that he would face his death.

"Is this the end? ....." he thought inwardly.

"Ro! " gasped a girl jolting from her slumber. She sweated profusely and had a bad feeling about her brother. By the time Zyda woke up, it was already evening. She immediately got out of bed, dressed in black trousers and a top, and ran outside the house.

Her instincts took her in the direction of an ocean at the end of a dark forest of dangling weeping willows. The Sagani ocean was the deepest and most dangerous ocean, cunning in nature, for it shone beautifully with pride and perfectly camouflaged its dangers beneath.

Panting with despair after running, she silently prayed to hold her knees to catch her breath, "Please be alright... Please be alright. "

Once she reached the ocean shores, she craned her neck from right to left like a camera, searching for clues. The adrenaline rush in her body wore off, and she felt frightened, but she gritted her teeth to look brave.

"Bam! "

A mysterious fog spread across the ocean, making visibility difficult, making it stranger. A boat from afar bumped into a rock. So hysterical and shrill was the boat's deafening bump that it caught the hopeless Zyda's attention. Hoping to get an answer, she shouted a name. "Ro?! "

An echo followed by a pin drop silence answered her. She lost all of her hope and morale as her feet remained glued on the spot.

A grey cinder-block building was fenced with heavy black gates at the end of a thick black forest. From the outside, it looked lonely and abandoned. The interior was an abyss and ancient, but the antiques were exquisite and neatly arranged.

The interior held no furniture in it, with the walls all grey, and it had a variety of junctions and long corridors that led to different rooms. Nonetheless, the usual silent atmosphere of the building was now filled with clatters and clangs of swords, swooshing mystic thrown like a frisbee. An old man with a white beard, haggard and gaunt, sternly holding a walking stick, ordered a group of youngsters dressed in immaculately neat navy blue uniforms. It was magnificent scenery to watch.

"Training is over," he hoarsely announced and suddenly coughed out a few drops of blood.

"Master! "gasped the youngsters in unison, dashing towards the aged man who held his stick for support, frowning.

They saw that he was in pain, but he quickly waved his hand in dismissal, claiming to be okay.

A black-haired guy with emerald green eyes who serenely stood at the back of the panicking youngsters cast him a spell that immediately sent him to sleep, and the rest carried the unconscious elder to the meds.