
a little of 'little garden'

Black Rabbit and Jin seriously looked at each other, Jin holding an invitation letter in his hand. "What do you think? Should we tell them?" Black Rabbit asked, making Jin look down in uncertainty.

"I don't know... If anything, Ruphas should make the call..." he said in self-doubt.

"Jin... you are the leader. If you don't make the call, then this might turn into..." Black Rabbit stopped as she couldn't follow with her words.

Ever since she joined, Ruphas had overshadowed them completely; her authority was absolute. Jin was the leader, but if Ruphas commanded, all would obey. Jin wanted Ruphas to take the leader position but was afraid of being rejected and causing her to leave. Ruphas was already their pillar, and her leaving would cause the No Names to be heavily targeted by their community just to gain any information on her.

"Black Rabbit... If she left, the No Names would crumble the very next day, as many communities want to know about her and want her in their community... Especially the demon lords... The only reason we aren't getting attacked is because the demon lords want to know more about Ruphas, who wiped out the Perseus community in seconds..." Jin got up and seriously looked at Black Rabbit, who was conflicted but understanding of their current situation. "I say we go... the Salamander community was one of the friends of the No Names," he stated as he walked out of his office with the letter in hand.

Black Rabbit became very conflicted but didn't stop him. She looked at the only other person in the room. "Leticia, what do you think?" she asked.

Leticia had been quietly sitting there from the very start, listening to their conversation. Leticia also uncertainly looked at Black Rabbit. "If you want my opinion on Ruphas being the leader, then yes... I think she should," she replied. "But I don't think that should be done; it would be very irresponsible to just do that. Ruphas alone can step into the 1-digit gates, and no matter how I look at it, she is only staying here for Miko and Haruhime," she expressed herself and followed Jin, who was heading to the training ground.

Black Rabbit stayed silent. She had gotten some bits of information about Ruphas and the world they came from, but only a bit. "Sigh... I guess you are right," Black Rabbit's ears drooped, and she also headed to the training ground.

In the training ground, Izayoi was on the chess board, which was Ruphas's proto game board. He stepped into one of the tiles and disappeared inside it.

Inside the tile was a separate space completely, a massive white room with nothing but a creature in the center with chains wrapping it like a present.

Izayoi walked up to the creature, snapped a few chains, and leaped back.

"Grr grr grr..." the creature heavily took breaths and looked at Izayoi with bloodlust.

Izayoi just stood there and watched it. The creature began to stand up, the chains falling off, and any chains that weren't snapped by Izayoi were snapped by sheer power.

Izayoi waited patiently and took a stance. The monster fully got up, showing its hideous self. It was a Cyclops monster standing nearly 10 meters tall, but with its whole body rotten and its bones protruding out.

"This will be the 16th time I've killed you now...." Izayoi muttered and flashed right in front of the Cyclops, which couldn't even perceive that Izayoi had moved.

Izayoi punched it square in the face.


And the head splattered into pieces, and its body rammed into the wall, becoming paste. Izayoi landed on the ground and waited. Soon, he disappeared and appeared in a black room.

His eyes could only see black while his sense of smell, taste, and sensation were gone, but his hearing remained.

"SSSssssssss," a low hissing sound came, but Izayoi didn't move and waited. The sound of something slithering around him in the silent room was deafening. Izayoi stomped the floor very loudly, making the whole place shake. "SSSSSSSS-" an angry hiss came but didn't last long.

Izayoi punched with full power in the direction of the sound, and the creature that was hissing was turned into paste.

After a while, Izayoi appeared in a white room, then black, then back to white. After many rooms were cleared, he appeared in a half-white and half-black room.

Izayoi looked at the corner of the black side, spotting a figure that had buried his head on his knees, his body trembling. "Yo! I am back!" Izayoi announced, making the figure glare at him. The figure got up. "How have ya been, Anubis?" he greeted and took a fighting stance.

Anubis, who was kidnapped by Ruphas and caged here, looked in utter rage.

"YOU AGAIN... JUST HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO KILL YOU FOR YOU TO DIE?" Anubis growled, his teeth gnashing violently.

Izayoi grinned. "As many times as it will take me to defeat you!" He lunged at Anubis, who clawed down at him, but Izayoi sidestepped and jabbed him in the chest. But that didn't do shit, and the next second, Izayoi's head was gone, his body ripped to pieces.

Outside the gameboard, Izayoi fell on his back. He lay there for a moment and stared into the sky. "I was too slow again..." he muttered, got up, and stepped right into the border of the game board and sat down.

On the side, Ruphas stared at Izayoi, who had surprised her quite a bit. He had reached Anubis's tile, one of the center four tiles. But compared to any other time excluding the center 4, the power gap was too big and crumbling for Izayoi to handle. Sometimes he could get killed the moment he stepped into Anubis's tile.

She looked at the two behind her, Killua and Shinoa, who were waking up from the knock she gave him mid-air. "Killua, if you don't stop pretending, I will make sure you sleep till next year," Ruphas called out, and Killua immediately got up. He had been pretending for a while, secretly waiting for Shinoa to wake up, as he alone would be scolded.

"Go and train in that game board after Shinoa wakes up. Scathach isn't here, so I will take over both of your training," she declared, making Killua shiver. He had only been in a couple of Scathach's training sessions, but that was more than enough for him to be frightened.

If Killua were given a choice to return to his family or train for an hour under Scathach or even Regal, he would unhesitatingly return to his family, where he would have a chance to escape. "Is that understood?" Ruphas glared lightly, making Killua sweat.

"YES! I UNDERSTAND!" he hurriedly replied. 'At least, she wouldn't beat me half dead...' he thought, trying to comfort himself a bit.

Ruphas looked to the side where Jin and Black Rabbit walked towards her with serious faces while Leticia had a plain expression. Jin and Black Rabbit stopped a bit away from Ruphas and looked at Killua, who was standing at attention. Leticia just walked beside Ruphas and stood there.

Ruphas glanced at Leticia, asking for an explanation with her eyes. "They want you to take over," Leticia, understanding what she was asking, bluntly stated, which was enough for Ruphas to understand what was going on. Jin froze in place while Black Rabbit was slack-jawed from Leticia's betrayal. Ruphas glanced at the letter in Jin's hand and scanned it. Connecting a few dots, she got the outline of the situation as well.

"No, I won't take over. I already decided to stop ruling a while back. There will be a few individuals who might come here who are more qualified than me to lead, plus they would enjoy it." Ruphas bluntly declined. "Also, you as the leader should consider taking that invitation," she suggested and looked at Leticia, who smiled softly.

Leticia was the only person who somewhat understood Ruphas and was aware of what decision she would make. So, she readily revealed it, after all, letting Jin and Black Rabbit be stuck in a loop of Ruphas not accepting was too irritating for her to watch.

"Leticia, can you arrange things for those two? The one with white hair is Killua, and the one with pink hair that is peeking is Shinoa," Ruphas introduced and called Shinoa out, making her immediately stand up with a smile as if she wasn't just peeking and eavesdropping.

Shinoa tried to say something, but Ruphas gave her a light glare. She was still a little pissed for not being informed earlier about their arrival.

----Regal's side---

"Well... I am lost..." Regal plainly remarked as he looked around, only seeing sand.


Plz read my original book!!!

Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!


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