
Into The Forest Of Secrets

In a world, ranks are everyone's faith. You are decided as a king or nothing more than a useless being. Laxy, a human, was part of one of the lower ranks and was treated as nothing more but a maid. Their world wasn't peaceful; they lived amongst mythical creatures and thus a beautiful forest that created a home for these creatures. Until the forest started to become alive, creatures would disappear, making them go extinct, even cursing their land. Laxy goes on a journey to visit the forest, hoping to unravel its secret. She had to prove herself a lower rank, but she had to stop the forest from cursing them. It was her legacy.

RubyStarz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 3

Laxy POV

I finished cleaning the windows even though my arms were sore. It felt so relieving to let them drop to my sides finally. I sighed, unable to shake off this creepy feeling, almost as if I were being watched. I threw the sponge into the bucket before grabbing the handle and heading downstairs.

I reached the bottom steps before hearing laughter from the living room. A girl's voice, sweet and gentle, echoed throughout the house. I made my way to the living room and peeked my head in to see a beautiful meifwa. She had red hair that laid neatly on her ivory shoulder while her tail swayed softly beside her. I turned my gaze to Aiden. He had a soft expression towards her and couldn't stop smiling even when talking to her... For some reason, she looked familiar...

I took a deep breath and started to make my way towards them; the air thickened with each step I took. The girl's ears perked up as she heard me coming, and she turned to look at me. I noticed she had crystal blue eyes; Aiden noticed my presence and returned to his emotionless state. I lowered my gaze when I got near her; I felt a powerful presence and aura that I had never felt before.

"S-sir, I finished all my t-tasks," my voice came out shaking.

"Then you may go," he huffed.

I turned around to leave, but a voice stopped me before I could even take a step.

"Don't go yet! I haven't even introduced myself!" she yelled after me.

I turned around and bowed despite the fact she was merely a catgirl. If she meant something to Aiden, I wouldn't want to anger him.

"My name is Laxy," I replied, quieter than usual.

She smiled kindly, "Nice to meet you, Laxy. My name is Meg Sayaka."

I felt my whole body freeze, and my eyes widened. There is no way she is Meg Sayaka. I have heard stories about her. She was the only friend Aiden had as a child and was also how Aiden's father died. Years ago, his father used to run this mansion, and everyone feared him. He was murdered to set an example for those who went against him. He killed his wife out of jealousy and was seen as ruthless and heartless. A few months later, when Aiden and Meg finally were older, Aiden's father was found dead in his room; they were standing in the dark, Meg was. She held an ax stained with his blood, and she had a psychotic look on her face. She laughed maniacally over his body as Aiden watched it with a smirk painted on his face.

Ever since then, Meg has always killed without hesitation and has never missed her target. She has no sympathy for those who deserve to die, no matter what rank you are, she will find you, and she will tear you apart without breaking a sweat.

I didn't realize my body was shaking until Aiden let out a small chuckle.

"My, my, why haven't you shown me this kind of fear before?" His tone was teasing yet taunted me to make a mistake.

Meg still held her innocent look as her head tilted slightly to the side. She was watching me, waiting for me. Her eyes looked insane. She looked insane.

I took a deep breath and forced a smile, "Nice to meet you, Meg Sayaka; I hope you enjoy your stay."

The air itself suffocated me. Their gaze made me want the ground to swallow me whole. But, instead, they enjoyed watching me crumble in fear.

"Alright, you may go; the money will be sent to you," he said, dangerously low.

I knew better than to stay around these two as I ran out of their house. I have worked for Aiden for about two years now. He wasn't a patient man, and he didn't forgive either. This isn't my first time seeing Meg, and I heard enough stories about her to know better than getting on her wrong side. She is the only reason that keeps Aiden in the higher-ups. Anyone who dares to disobey shall face her wrath; she won't be gentle.

I finally could breathe, and I turned around to look at the door before walking down to the market. Right now, I needed to find that man who took the horn with him. I need to know if he knew about the horn or was he part of the forest's secrets? I looked around. The storm had destroyed the village. Trees toppled, glass shards covered the floor. I turned my attention to the forest, and the forest was still angry; nothing had changed.

I let out a sigh, and there were so many questions in my head that I didn't have answers to what is so special about the forest that makes me fond of unlocking its secrets. What is it hiding? Before I let myself go too wild. I spotted a similar black hoodie standing at the same store as last time, holding another paper. He was thin, but he kept fidgeting, refusing to lower his guard. Could he be afraid of something? Finally, he started to look around, his eyes landing on me. His clear aqua eyes left me petrified. It was like he wasn't just watching me but warning me not to get near him. I was tempted to listen, but my curiosity was drawn to the forest and his knowledge of the Elhorn that I couldn't just push aside. I needed answers.

The shopkeeper handed him a bag. It was small, nothing too special. The guy took out a few gold coins before taking his leave. I broke out of my trance and chased after him; he walked through the crowd of people swiftly as I struggled to keep up with him. He knew I was following him. Each turn he took, I followed. He walked through an alleyway; the entrance had two markets next to it, selling flowers and mythical creatures. The area was filled with needs and a broken fountain with Snowdrop Flowers that surrounded it, this is the only place this kind of flower blooms, but the storm destroyed them. I looked around before entering the alley, it was a dark abandoned alley, and not a sound could be heard but my heavy breathing. I looked around, feeling the chill around my neck. Did I lose him? I walked carefully into the alley; the darkness surrounded me. The alley path was narrow, and I couldn't tell left from right. Leaning on the wall was my only guide.

I strolled as I could, taking small steps while keeping my guard up. I had never been here before; the wall wasn't a straight path as I ended up taking a left. The quiet surroundings left me feeling defenseless. A small drop hit the water floor, causing me to flinch; I saw a puddle on the floor and thus up to know the water source dripping down into the pool. I felt my body relax as I pressed forward. I couldn't see much other than the slight outlines of objects. I let my hands guide me around, holding my right one out if something was in front of me. I kept my left hand steady on the wall.

The path was rocky, and I could feel the bumps under my feet. I took a sharp turn, walking slowly before I felt my hand touch something in front of me. I reached out my hands to feel around, realizing it was a dead-end. I then turned around, using my right hand once more, slowly began making my way out. I gave up on the man, and there was no way I found him here. My only concern was finding my way out of the alley. As I walked around, the outline of an object appeared in sight. I slowly reached out my left hand, carefully making sure not to bump into the thing. I felt my hand land on a rough surface. It was a square shape using my other hand, and it felt husky, like something with a coarse texture. It was a box.

It concerns me to think of someone else here. You're an easy target when you have no idea where to go. I needed to get out here quickly as I made my way around the box. I felt something brush past my legs. My eyes widened, and I let out a scream; I was terrified. Nothing could live here, and my heart was beating fast as I felt my palms get sweaty. A tiny meow was heard, and I could barely make out an outline of a cat that was terrified of my scream. It was just a cat, I thought to myself., I felt my shoulders relax. I made my way over to the cat, it may be a lost cause, but the cat might be my only way out.

I reached out my hand, and with a soft, gentle voice, I said, "Hey little guy, are you scared?"

The cat backed away and started running. My eyes widened, and I gave chase. I couldn't lose it; the cat was my only hope out of here.

"Where are you going?" I yelled as if the cat understood me.

I heard the cat's tiny paws hitting rocks as it ran. A small light started to form in the distance, and relief filled my body as I knew I was finally free. I was able to see the cat as I got closer to the light. It had brown fur. The bright light blinded me for a second as I was finally out; my eyes squinted to adjust to the light change. I looked around, and, to my surprise, the cat was gone. Where could it go in such a short time? I frowned in disappointment, but I was back where I started, but I took in my surroundings, except the markets weren't there anymore. The fountain was there, and the same flowers surrounded it.

Whomever this man was didn't want to be found; the man didn't enter the alley to get away from me. No one will go in a path just to get lost. The man knew what he was doing...who was he? I stared at the alley before leaving, having enough for one day.