
Into the Flames

‘Where am I?’ Eloise woke up abruptly to find herself by a small pond, in the middle of a very large garden. The cool evening breeze blew wisps of her dark red hair into her face. She looked down to find herself in a beautiful white gown. She slowly stood to her feet confused. ‘My wedding day?’ But that was two days from now. She quickly touched her stomach to find no stab wounds. She found no blood in her palms either. She swore they were filled with blood minutes ago. The scene of Cole stabbing her was so vivid now. She died...... Yes, she died. She would never mistake the fear she felt while, Cole pushed her off the balustrade. It was real. She knew what she felt. The sharp piercing pain from the cold iron knife, he stabbed her with. The satisfaction in his eyes while he stabbed her multiple times. The hate. Pure hate, she thought. But why? Why would the love of her life kill her? Most importantly, why wasn’t she dead yet? Yes, she was the Phoenix. She could rise from the ashes every time she died but not this time. She was sealed. Yes, by that woman. The woman with the realistic serpent tattoo. She’d seen tattoo before, but where? She remembered it all so well now. There was a witch circle, the seal of the condemned, a bright red moon and her blood.... She fell from a three-story building, right to the bottom of the pool. She spent her last breath drowning because she couldn’t swim. What a terrible way to die, she thought. Or maybe not.... She was alive, wasn’t she? Some terrible dream that was. Or was it?

LinnyYale · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 4

'I heard she's beautiful' Corianne Valerian turned to her brother saying. Heath Valerian chuckled tugging a strand of his younger sister's hair behind her ear. He positioned her wheelchair before him.

'I heard she's wild and utterly stubborn' Heath told her with a smile.

'A handful for our brother then' Leonard Valerian muttered, glancing at his golden pocket watch.

'Looking at it will not make the time go any faster, Leo' Miles Valerian told his brother, leaning his cane a puffing a cigar.

'I have work to do, someone remind me what am I doing here again?' Leonard threw a pointed look in Thorne's way.

Thorne Valerian turned to his brother with a sigh.

'Here to welcome the Queen of Valeria of course' Although he didn't like the idea either, he had to be here. Since his brother was god knows where.

Welcoming the bride was the groom's job but so far, he'd done so well ignoring everything about this marriage. He sent a proxy for the ceremony, neglected most of the marriage arrangements and contracts.

As if that wasn't enough, he dispatched five hundred soldiers and five spies to his new in laws, all in the name of honoring the alliance between the imperium and the witches. Anyone a mile away could see through this, a slow ploy to take over the witch borders. He was becoming more erratic by the day.

The witches were a prideful folk. An improper welcome to the new Queen would be an insult to her and her people. And if she was anything like what he'd heard she wasn't going to let it slide.

'Why do we have to? Where is he by the way?' an unnerved Leonard asked.

He looked around to find a few guards around them, with people going about their business at the docks. No sign of him, he thought.

'Tending to Imperium business, Leo. We are here to give the Queen a proper welcome' Thorne said, his eyes trained on the Whiten Pearl as it docked.

'It's about time' Leonard muttered watching as the royal sailors stepped out of the ship. Along came the witch ambassador, Gordon Hansen and a few soldiers.

'Sir Hansen, I hope you had a good trip' Thorne took his hand with a smile.

'Not as pleasant as we hoped. We hit a bad storm last night. The Princess… The Queen has been miserable with sea sickness'

'She's old. What do you expect' Sir Hansen turned to Leonard with a raised expression.

'Ignore my brother, he is irritable in the mornings' Miles said with a smile shaking Sir Hansen's hand.

'Maybe the Queen needs a hand up there?' Heath gestured towards the entrance. He like everyone else was wondering what was keeping her.

Leonard turned to leave, he didn't have to waste any longer.

'Perhaps, I should go see…. Oh, there she is' All eyes turned towards the entrance.

Eloise walked to a stop at the number of eyes staring at her. It was as if all life had frozen, all heads at the dock was focused on her. She stood in a beautiful emerald gown with a matching veil on her face.

'My Lady?' Lucy, her maiden whispered, her hand at her small back, motioning her to move forward.

'My Lady' Captain Ford offered her a hand as they descended the stairs.

Eloise exhaled deeply as she stepped on the pavement.

Finally, land, she thought. For a moment there, she thought she'd die at sea. The past two days were the worst days of her life.

Where was travel by flight when you needed it?

Her eyes fell on a lot of tawny blond heads staring at her. Four handsome tall men and a beautiful young girl in a wheelchair.

Eloise focused on the man next to Sir Hansen. He was dressed in an elegant grey suit; his blond hair was gelled back showing his handsome face. High cheek bones, thin lips and teal eyes.

It must be him, she thought. Eloise let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding.

Thank God, he's not old, she thought.

She slowly let up her veil and their expressions confused her.

'Old and ugly, huh' Miles muttered to Leonard who stood stunned.

'Welcome to Valeria, my Lady' Thorne stepped forward with a bow, kissing Eloise's knuckles.

Eloise curtsied, something she was taught a day ago by Lucy. The only maiden she was given as she took off. She was a talkative, but very informative. She knew everything about everyone. Thanks to her, Eloise knew more of herself and of her new family.

'My apologies, I heard the sea was unkind to you. How are you doing now?' Eloise returned his smile with a small one. He was nicer than she'd heard. He wasn't like anything Lucy described. Maybe, Lucy wasn't as informative as she thought.

'I'm well, my Lord. Thanks for asking' she replied.

He smiled with a nod.

'Pardon my rudeness my lady, I am Thorne Valerian. These are my siblings, Miles, Leonard, Heath and our beautiful Corianne' Thorne introduced his siblings.

The siblings bowed except Leonard, who was still gaping at her.

'Her head is going to burst, if you stare too much, Leo' Corianne said giggling heartily. Her brothers chuckled in turn.

'My…My apologies. I'm just…You… You aren't ugly as I heard' Leonard said bluntly.

'Is that so? How ugly did you hear I was?' Eloise asked, her face lightening up with a smile.

Leonard pushed his glasses nervously, rubbing his head sheephisly and his olive eyes looking anywhere but her face.

'Well… I heard you were old, wrinkly, a croaked nose with an utterly hideous face' Eloise suddenly burst into laughter, surprising the rest. Not the most normal reaction they expected to Leonard's rather blunt words.

Somehow, the siblings found themselves laughing too, even Leonard who rarely did so. How could you not? Her laughter was infectious and pleasing to the ear.

'Some rumor that is, Lord Leonard. I'm sorry to disappoint you then' she told him.

'Not at all. You are… You are beautiful. Please call me, Leo' Leonard said with a small bow, ignoring the stares he received from his siblings.

'Brother, she rides with me' Corianne held Eloise hand with a smile. Eloise glanced at the teal eyed blonde, who seemed to be in her early twenties.

She had kind eyes and a beautiful smile. These people weren't half as bad as she thought.

'If that's what the Lady wishes….'

'I would love to' Eloise replied with Corianne's eyes lighting up instantly.

'Alright then, this way my lady' Thorne gave her a hand.

Eloise took lead with Thorne and Corianne. Behind them was Lucy and the ambassador.

'You are beautiful' Heath mimicked Leo, as they watched Eloise enter her carriage.

'Shut your bloody mouth' Leonard said abruptly, his eyes still on Eloise as she sat in the carriage.

'Ah, one lucky man our brother is. Is he not?' Miles muttered.

'He is, isn't he? Yet he did not even bother to show' Leonard said.

'Look at that, minutes ago you would not stop whining about what a waste of time this was' Heath laughed.

'Shut up, Heath' Leonard turned away heading towards his carriage. Heath followed after him teasing him.

Miles smiled as he watched them head off. At the corner of his eye, he caught a black figure watching intently. A black wolf with golden eyes.

'Tsk, watching from the shadows as always, aye'

'Brother, you can run home, if you do not mind. Time is of the essence here' Leonard yelled from the carriage.

'Calm down, brother. She is not going anywhere' Miles laughed his way towards the carriage.

'Welcome to the Valerian manor, Eloise' Thorne gave her a hand as she stepped out of the carriage.

Eloise glanced at the magnificent palace before her. Royalty, indeed, she thought.

'Beautiful, is she not?' Corianne asked her. Eloise nodded with a smile.

The ride from the docks to the manor was a long but delightful one. Corianne and Thorne indulged her, asking her about herself, her likes and dislikes. She asked them questions too, what life in Valeria was like. Questions about themselves. It was through the conversation she found out Thorne wasn't her husband after all.

'My apologies, Eloise, but I'm not. I only came on behalf of my brother' Thorne said earlier.

'Oh' Eloise muttered not hiding her disappointment.

'But trust me I wish more than ever I was' Thorne laughed noticing her disappointment. Eloise only smiled, wondering what her husband was like. Probably nothing like his delightful and thoughtful brother.

She went on to ask what he was like. Thorne said a few words, but Corianne went on about how incredible her eldest brother was.

Wrath Valerian, the man himself. She wondered where he was. What was more important than welcoming your bride? Some good start this was.

Lined up at the entrance of the manor were all the servants in the household. Men, women and a few children, they were of different races. Mostly vampires, wolves of the low class with a few humans.

"Welcome to the Valerian manor, Lady Valerian. I hope you enjoyed the ride here' A woman in her late sixties asked her with a bow.

'I did. Thank you' Eloise said with a smile.

Behind her, the servants bowed to her with full smiles.

"My name is Elric. I am the grand butler of this household. If you'd follow me, please" The woman said politely.

Eloise entered the manor looking around in amazement. Not only did the exterior look amazing but the interior did too. Some good taste the decorator had.

'I hope it is to your taste. I took the liberty of redecorating it this morning' Miles stepped in next to her saying.

'I have to admit, you have great tastes, Miles' she told him, receiving a proud smile from the curly blond.

'You like it?'

'I love it' Eloise told him walking towards the east wing staring at the painting.

'You like art?' Heath asked her.

'I do' She had one just like at this in her apartment back in New York.

'Brother has a rather uncanny skill when it comes to painting. Let me show his other works' Heath offering her a hand. Eloise took his hand with a smile.

'I will show you around the garden afterwards'

'Oh, let's see the lake first. Do you like swans?' Corianne asked as they headed away from the foyer.

Eloise turned back to find Thorne and Leonard behind.

'Aren't you two coming?' she asked them.

'I'd leave you to my siblings, Eloise. I have some work I have to attend to. I will see you in the evening' Thorne told her.

'Oh. Alright. Leonard, what about you?'

'Brother, has some work he also has to attend to. Do you not brother?' Heath said in a tone of mockery.

'I…I… do but I don't mind sparing a few minutes. If you wish, my Lady?' Leonard said clearly his throat.

'I'd love that, Leo and please call me, Eloise. Come on' Eloise waved him over.

Leonard grinned but quickly hid his delight as he trotted to join the rest.

The hallway way full of portraits. Some were random portraits; others were single portraits of Valerian ancestors.

They stopped at a large portrait of a woman in a chair. She had beautiful golden eyes chestnut hair. She wore a blue gown with a scarf around her arms. She wore an exquisite diamond necklace around her neck.

"Evangeline Valerian. 1555." Blaise read the bottom.

"This is our mother' Miles muttered staring at the portrait with an affectionate look.

'She was always the most beautiful one in the room' Heath said.

Leonard stood behind them quietly.

"Where is she?" Blaise asked. Eloise cringed at their changed expressions. They all suddenly turned quiet.

"She was burnt at a stake by a group of humans in Valmont in 1581." Leonard said quietly from behind.

Eloise gasped softly. ' I… I'm sorry, I didn't…'

'It's all in the past now. It's forgotten… I will leave now. It was a pleasure meeting you, Eloise' Leonard abruptly turned away to leave.

'I'm sorry' Eloise turned to the others with an apologetic look.

'He took mother's death harder than any of us. He witnessed it firsthand' Miles said watching Leonard as he walked away.

'He's hated humans ever since then' Corianne said glancing at her mother's portrait.

'I didn't….'

"Pardon my intrusion, my Lady. My Lord Miles, Madame Monique is here as you requested. Lady Anne, Doctor Hal is here to see you' Elric told them.

'I will take, Anne. See you later, sister' Heath said to Eloise before heading off.

'See you at the ball, Eloise' Corianne waved her. Eloise waved back, with no idea what ball she spoke of.

'There's going to be a ball? She turned to Miles.

'To celebrate your arrival, yes. I will take my leave too. Elric, please take good care of her. See you later, Eloise' Miles placed a kiss on Eloise's cheek before heading off.

Elric glanced at the portrait with a cold stare. For a second, Eloise noticed a waver of emotion in her sturdy hazel eyes.

'Please follow me, my Lady' Turning away from the portrait, they walked down the hallway. Eloise picked up the sides of her gown and followed after her. They climbed a flight of stairs leading them to the first floor.

'These are the Lord's chambers, which will be yours now' Elric gestured towards the rooms on the floor.

She showed her the Lord's private library. A drawing room with a grand piano with beautiful a Victorian décor.

'This is the Lord's quiet room. It's off limits to everyone in the household, my Lady' They stopped at the room on the far end of the hallway.

'What's in there?' A curious Eloise asked.

'I have no idea, my Lady' Elric said with a sigh. She'd been serving the Valerians for more than three hundred years, yet she had no idea what was in that room.

They walked to a stop across the hallway to a large double door. Elric flung the doors to reveal a huge bedroom. Several servants striding around preparing the room stopped. They bowed their heads in greeting.

Eloise looked around the room with a smile. There was a large canopy bed in the center of the room. It was laid neatly with grey and black sheets. There was a fireplace at the right wing. There was a large balcony overlooking the lake by the manor. The balcony had the most beautiful view from where she stood. There was a small round table surounded by two chairs by the balustrade. On the table was a glass filled with water containing a single white rose.

"My lady, is it to your liking? If it isn't I can…"

"I love it. Thank you." Eloise said with a sigh.

'Very well then. Please rest a while. The royal stylist will be here to help you dress up for the ball tonight, after your nap. Eva and Sally are here to assist Lucy with whatever you need' The two human girls next to her bowed their heads.

'Please don't hesitate to call me if you need anything' Eloise nodded, slowly sitting down on the bed letting out a sigh.

'I will take my leave now, if there is nothing else, my Lady' Elric bowed lowly taking her leave afterwards.

'You two, go get rosemary for the lady's bath. Rosemary herbs, smooth, no thorns. I don't want my Lady's skin ridden with pores. Now get going' Lucy ordered the two, quickly kneeling at Eloise's feet taking her shoes off. Being closely responsible for the Queen was Lucy's job. She was chosen amongst five maidens by Serafine to serve the Queen. Although she was going to miss home, serving the Suprema came with great honor. But that didn't matter, she adored Eloise and serving her was something she did whole heartedly.

The girls turned to each other, exchanging awkward looks.

Lucy turned to them with a raised expression.

'And what are you still doing here?'

'Madam Lucy… there is no…'

'Old Buckle does not allow anyone into garden let alone the us…Madam Lucy' Lucy frowned at the two girls.

'And who the fuck is bloody Old Buckle if the Queen wants….'

'Lucy, be nice' Eloise told her, slowly pulling off her gloves.

Lucy frowned.

'So, what now, you are going to bath with that bland water? You know how sensitive your skin is?' Eloise raised her brows at her tone. Lucy was very helpful, but she was one to speak out of turn if she had the chance. Give her an inch and she'd go a mile; Catherine told her the night before she left home. From time to time, she had to be put in her place.

'I'm tired, Lucy, so I will let that tone slide, but I won't be so forgiving next time. Go with them and bark at Old Buckle yourself, will you?' Eloise snuggled close to the pillows with a sigh.

'Yes, my Lady. And I apologize for my tone but I am not wrong' Eloise chuckled softly.

'Are you sure you will be alright alone here?' She asked to receive no answer. Lucy walked to the side of the bed to find Eloise fast asleep.

'Well, that was fast' She gently pulled the huge black covers over her body.

'Come along now, let us go say hello to Old Buckle' She headed out of the room with girls behind her.

'I love you' She looked up to find Cole smiling down at her. That smile that made her toes curl each time. She leaned in for a kiss only to fell a sharp jab in her abdomen. She looked up in horror to find him with that terrible look in his eyes.

'Cole' she gasped in horror.

The next thing she knew, he pushed her off the balustrade. Falling to her death again….

'Eloise, Eloise' Eloise turned to Thorne with a distracted look.

'Are you okay?' He asked her, his brows creasing with concern.

Around them were several guests, elite vampires, wolves, fairies, daemons and shifters all here to celebrate her arrival in style.

Thorne took the liberty of introducing her to the guests since her husband was still a no show. He disregarded her that much, she thought?

She didn't know when she phased out but from the look on Thorne's face, she could tell, it's been sometime.

'Not enjoying yourself, are you?' He asked.

'Not so much' she said with a sigh, draining the last of her wine glass.

'Want to go for a walk?' He asked, taking her glass and handing it to a waiter.

'I would like that' He extended his arm, and she took it.

'He turned to me and said, what goat?' Thorne mimicked a deep voice sending Eloise bursting into giggles.

'Some adventure that was' She laughed holding her tummy to catch a breath.

'I know. I'd always loved travelling' Thorne said in a dreamy tone, his eyes staring out into space.They walked along the bank of the lake, barefooted walking in the grass. The night sky hung darkly with the crescent moon shining dimly in the sky. The weather was a bit cold, signs of autumn around the corner.

'So why did you stop?' She asked, wrapping her white coat of fur around her, courtesy of her sister, Elaina.

'Tsk… I had to come home. He needed me at his side' Thorne told her.

'He' in this context must be his brother, no doubt, she thought.

'Is there something you are passionate about, Eloise' he asked her quickly changing the subject.

'The right to speak and to be heard. The right to be free to do whatever it is you want. A right to defend what you stand for no matter your gender' She remembered her days in the court room, the nostalgia suddenly hitting her.

'Breaking away from the constraints of gender, I see' he said.

'From where I come from it doesn't matter, women have equal status as men'

'I've always admired that about witches. A higher civilization amongst we supernatural, if we ask me. Unfortunately, people here do not see it that way. Some feat if you ask me'

'Oh, trust me, I'm not one to give up easily either' Eloise said to him with a smile.

Ah a strong one, this one, Thorne thought.

'I can….'

'What is that?' Eloise pointed to a strange figure curled up by the far bank of the lake.

Thorne raced towards the figure with his vampire speed.

'Goodness, he's badly injured' Eloise rushed over bending next to Thorne.

Before them was a naked man covered in scars, ridden with arrows. One in his left thigh, another in arm and a broken one in his abdomen.

'Bloody…' Thorne cursed, quickly pulling the arrows out of the man's body. The man lay limp, passed out. His body all covered in his blood. Thorne pulled out the last arrow receiving a groan from him.

'He is not healing. Eloise keep an eye on him while I go get help, will you?' He quickly wrapped his coat around the man's naked body.

'How bad is it?' She asked glancing at the man.

'Worse than the last. He's been poisoned. Do not leave his side please, until I get back alright?' Eloise nodded as Thorne sped off towards the manor.

'Hal…. sin…' The man suddenly muttered. Eloise focused on the injured man. His blonde hair was stained with blood and mud. The scars on his huge body were wide, terrible to look at.

'Goodness, what happened to you?'

'Si…side' She heard him whisper. She pulled closer to him, placing his head on her lap.

She leaned in closer to listen to what he was saying. His voice was feeble and strained.

'Side…. My side' he said groaning in pain.

Eloise turned him over to his right side to find another arrow stuck in his waist. The area where the arrow stuck was already turning black. Signs of an infection, a deadly one that is.

'Okay keep still alright' she told him, reaching for the arrow. She gripped the end of the arrow and pulled it out instantly, just like she saw Thorne do.

The man groaned in pain grabbing a handful of her blue gown, smearing the beautiful silk with blood.

'I'm sorry…' She gasped in horror, praying this man wouldn't die on her. The arrow wound bled profusely. He was losing a lot of blood. Eloise glanced in the direction of the manor, wondering what was keeping Thorne.

Suddenly, it struck her. She'd never dared to try it, maybe because she'd never found herself in such a situation before. She could seal his open wound with fire at least that could stop him from bleeding out.

Eloise quickly pulled off her gloves with the chilly wind touching her finger tips. She clapped both hands together and blue flames sparked from her palms.

She had no idea why her flames were still blue, but this wasn't the time.

'Here goes nothing' she said with a sigh. She slowly placed both hands on the open wound.

He suddenly calmed at her touch, with steam rising out of his body. To her surprise, his wounds slowly began to heal, closing up rapidly.

In no time, all his wounds and scars had disappeared, leaving him covered in sweat and blood.

Eloise pulled back with a soft gasp. She raised both her palms, staring at them wide eyed.

'What the bloody….'

'Exactly my thoughts' She turned to find Leo, Miles with Thorne and Elric behind her.

Do whatever you can to conceal your power. Not everyone sees your power as a gift, Catherine's words rang in her head.

'I didn't… I….' Both Elric and Thorne rushed to the man's body.

'I didn't… he was in pain…. I…'

'His wounds…. They are all healed' Elric muttered, her voice filled with surprise.

'So, the rumors are true after all' Miles said in a quiet tone. Leo's eyes were wide as his brother's.

Eloise noticed the look in their faces as they looked at her. Was that fear?

She stepped away from the man. She saved a man's life but why did she feel so weird? As if she'd done something wrong?

'Give me a hand, Miles' Thorne turned to his brother.

Together they carried the man away towards the manor. Elric followed after them, none of them saying another word to her.

She turned to Leonard who was already walking away from her.

'I saved his life, was that wrong?' Leonard walked to a stop at this.

He suddenly raced towards her with his vampire speed, startling her. He picked up her coat of the grass, gently wrapping it around her. He slowly pulled her into a hug.

'Brother maybe a Primal being but he's not made of steel. He's prone to pain like the rest of us. You saved his life, Eloise. Thank you' Eloise eased up a little hugging him back.

The first time she saw him, he struck her as a cold, up tight fellow but he was kind and sentimental.

'That was him? That was Wrath?' She asked him pulling back to look at Leo.

Leonard nodded with a smile. 'Forgive us for behaving oddly. We were a little rattled. The last time that power was used, it killed a million vampires…my father included'

Eloise stared down at her hands in dread. No wonder vampires hated her kind.

'I'm sorry. I had no….'

'You're different, Eloise. That I can tell. There is no need to be sorry, you did good' his olive eyes were filled with admiration as he looked at her.

Eloise smiled.

'Let's get going too. I want to see how he is doing'

Leonard nodded, taking her hand and leading her towards the back door. They didn't need any audience at the moment.

Down in the darkness of the cold room, stutters closed with no light from within. A single candle flame burst to life in the mist of the darkness.

Elvira abruptly woke up, shuddering from the cold water. She wrapped her hands around her goose bumped skin wondering how she got here. In a cold bathtub in this dark room.

Flashes of memories suddenly flooded her mind. He did it. He succeeded. He killed her. Elvira gasped in horror.

He did it...

'Ah, look who decided to finally wake up' The very hairs on her neck rose in alert. She could recognize that voice anywhere.

She refused to turn around, scared to see what she'd seen a hundred times. She felt a firm hand gently grip her neck, caressing her neck and up to her face.

'Welcome back, sister' He turned her face to meet his calm blue eyes. Those beautiful eyes she admired yet terrified her to no end.

'Cole' she muttered in a throaty voice. His smile illuminated in the dull light. His handsome face younger than the last time she saw him.

'Did you sleep well, V?' He asked her, his voice gentle than ever.

Elvira swallowed hard, with a nod. A lie, this was the worst nightmare she'd ever had.

'How long have I been dead?' she asked in a trembling tone.

'Come on now, sister. I would not say dead. You've been merely asleep, for a hundred years' He said with a smile.

Asleep, what a nice way to put it? She wondered what went on in that twisted mind of his. Nothing but malice, she thought. She wasn't even surprised anymore. He killed her over six times, and every time she was reborn, he was worse than before.

'You saw it, did you not? You saw her?' Cole's eyes lit up, eager to know what she saw.

'I did. She… she died. You…did it' Cole suddenly burst out laughing maniacally.

'Did she love me?' he asked his mouth crawled into a cruel smile.

Elvira looked up at him with fear. How could anyone love someone as cruel as him?

'She did. Even in death' she muttered.

A woman slowly stepped out of the dark to his side. The serpent tattoo on her neck to her face swirling alive.

'Welcome back, princess' Carella smiled darkly handing Cole a towel.

'Looks like, all the lives lost was worth it this time, sister. Come on now, let's get you something to eat. I have a feast waiting on you' Cole carried her out of the tub wrapping the towel around her body.

Elvira hugged him, burying her face his shoulder, refusing to turn back to the sight beneath the tub. Cole chuckled.

Two hundred years and she still couldn't bear the sight of it.

He turned away from the tub heading towards the door. Elvira was tempted to look back. She knew she shouldn't, but she did.

And there it was, about ten dead fairies lying at the base of bathtub. Their bodies placed at vital point with their blood dried up in a contained seal.

The seal of the condemned. One life lost to resurrect another.

For the first time in two centuries, she didn't look away. Innocent lives were lost to bring her back again for the seventh time. The worst was yet to happen, terrible things. This was going to be the last time, that she knew.