
Into the flames (Willows tale 2)

(Sequel to From the ashes) It's never dull when you're married to a fireman, but when Willows sudden fame as an up and coming best selling author brings some unwanted attention from a stalker, dark secrets will be revealed. Will Liam and Willows love be strong enough to survive. "From the ashes, into the flames, we rise together like a great Phoenix"

Shelly_Gray_4323 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 8: Stalker

Liam's perspective:

James read the message out loud.

James: Looks Russian. skoro moy pitomets

The sound of glass breaking causes everyone to jump. My eyes catch Willows. She is frozen in fear. Rushing to her side I lift her clear of the broken coffee mug and face her to me.

Liam: Willow. Baby what's the matter.

She was trembling as tears filled her eyes once more.

Liam: Willow.

She looked up at me with apology in her eyes. Why was she looking at me like she was sorry.

Willow: Dr. Benson said that same thing to me a couple of times.

I immediately wanted to drive down to the hospital and kick his fucking teeth in. But right now the way Willow was looking at me I knew she needed me to be here for her.

Willow: You knew. I feel like such a fool.

I took her in my arms and held her tight as she cried.

Tom: We'll take care of this.

Tom declared as he put a hand on my shoulder and lead the other two men out. I took Willow to lay down in the spare room. When she seemed like she had fallen asleep I returned to the kitchen to clean up the mess. My phone rang and I rushed to grab it so Willow wouldn't wake up. It was Tom.

Tom: Dr. Benson no longer works at St.Jude. They said he up and quit a month ago. My guys are checking his locker and I have Aron taking another look into him. I'll let you know what we find.

Things are more serious then either of us could have imagined, and I am more greatful for Toms friendship then ever.

Liam: Thanks Tom. Hey does any of your guys know Russian?

Tom: Yeah, text me that message he sent to Willow.

I copy and paste the words from Willows phone and send it to Tom.

Tom: Got it. I'll call you in the morning with answers.

Liam: Thanks again Tom. I owe you.

After double checking all the doors and windows I crawl back into bed consuming Willows body with mine.

Willows Perspective:

I couldn't sleep. The idea of someone stalking me was a joke but breaking into our home and hurting Liam was tearing me up. The warmth of Liam's body wrapping around mine comforted me.

Willow: How's your head?

Liam: Fine, you ok.

Willow: I am now.

I squeezed his forearm against my chest and sleep finally came. It didn't seem for long though. I woke to the sound of voices coming from the dinning room. Tom, Kevin, James, and Aron where sitting at the dinning table talking about Installing a security system and surveillance around the house. They all paused looking in my direction. I suddenly felt shy and very small In a room full of testosterone. I took a deep breath and held up my chin and casually walked past all the eyes on me making my way into the kitchen. Liam had already poured me a coffee. I took a sip and leaned against the counter. It was still very quite.

Willow: Please continue.

I take another sip of coffee and wave him on as I start pulling things out of the fridge to make a big breakfast.

Tom: Willow when was your first encounter with this guy.

Willow: The day Liv had her C section. I ran into him down in the cafeteria that night.

Tom: You don't remember ever seeing him before then.

I dish everyone plates of eggs, bacon, and toast and shrug my shoulders at his question.

Willow: The last time I was at that hospital was when.

I freeze up at the thought of it. The last time I was at that hospital was the night Brett took my little girl from me. Tom could read it all over my face and quickly moved on to another question as I served everyone their breakfast. I took a seat between Tom and Liam. Liam scooted my chair closer to his and I laughed rolling my eyes.

Tom: What about in New York. At the book signing.

Willow: I don't remember ever seeing him before. Just because he had that picture doesn't mean he was there. Maybe he came across it on the internet you know?

The look on Toms face said other wise. As soon as Aron, Kevin and James where done they cleared their plates and got to work on the installation of the security and surveillance system.

Willow: So did you find out what his text meant.

Tom: It was Russian meaning soon my pet, and Willow that wasn't the only picture he had. His locker at the hospital had been cleaned out as well as his apartment but we found this.

He slid a picture across the table. I was chilled to the bone as I furrowed my brows.

Liam: What the fuck.

It was a picture of me in just a bra and underwear past out on a bed.

Liam: When the hell was this.

Liam snags the picture off the table and jumps out of his chair.

Willow: That was from college around the time Brett and I started dating. But I...

Something suddenly triggered like a lost memory resurfacing. The eyes. Those blue eyes. I remember them. I felt another chill even deeper in my bones.

Liam: You do know this fucking doctor asshole.

Willow: No, not really. I mean I remember a guy from one of Bretts fraternity parties that had the same eyes as Dr.Benson and thinking back now I guess It could have been him. But you said he went to Berkeley. Brett and I went to USC.

Tom: Well yeah but I mean people from other colleges attend other college parties.

Willow: Berkeley is a bit far for someone to travel for a party.

Liam: Did you fuck this guy!

My eyes widened in shock at Liam's angered question, as if I had done something wrong. His words stung like the tears in my eyes.

Willow: No! I don't think so.

I cried out at him.

Liam: What do you mean you don't think so. You did or you didn't.

Willow: I got blacked out drunk ok! It was the last time I ever drank. There was a lot of people there. But I do remember a guy with Dr. Bensons eyes, he came out of know where handing me a drink and started talking to me about Brett. Half way through the drink things started getting a little blurry. I'm not sure how I ended up in Bretts room naked, But when I woke up the next morning it was Brett who was asleep next to me.

Liam: They date rapped you.

Willow: Brett swore to me nothing happened. He told me he saw a guy trying to leave with me and stopped him. He said I was acting like I had been drugged so he took me to his room and stayed with me. I have no idea how he got that picture but....

Liam's every muscle and vein was strained. As he clenched the picture in his fist staring out the sliding glass door. I walk over placing a hand on his arm.

Willow: Liam, Brett was a good guy back then. If he said nothing happened then nothing happened.

Tom: If it is the same guy and he's been obsessed with you for this long, then he's even more dangerous than we thought.

Tom looks at Liam.

Tom: I'm assigning you a bodyguard until we find him and decide what to do.

Willow: Tom you are already doing too much as it is, I couldn't ask you to do that. Besides it's not like I really go anywhere alone especially lately. I'm always with Liv and Ash.

Tom: Liam is gone four nights out of the week, as well as Noah. Being around Liv and the baby could make you even more vulnerable.

He could use them to get to you.

Liam turns around and takes me into his arms.

Liam: It would be for the best.

Willow: But what about New York.

Liam: If they don't find him before, then you should cancel.

I pull back looking at him. With mixed thoughts and emotions. He's right. But I can't just coward and hide.

Tom: What's New York?

Liam: Willows book Goddess of the moon is up for an award for best selling book. She's suppose to head out to New York on the 1st. It's only two nights but I couldn't take the time off since I had already had this week off for Christmas.

Tom: Eagle eye headquarters is in New York. If we don't find this guy before then I will have a team out there to protect you. Plus one of my guys from here will go with you.

Liam grunted not liking the idea of another man escorting me to New York.

Tom: Liam, my guys are all good guys. Most of them are married. They wouldn't try anything and you know Willow would never.

Liam nods but grunts again. He hates the idea of me going to New York with out him, especially now.

Aron: You might want to take a look at this.

Aron states as he walks into the dinning area, sliding his phone across the table. Tom

picks it up. Tom looks at him puzzled.

Tom: Who's this.

Aron: That's Dr. Steve Benson. The guy claiming to be Dr. Benson is a ghost. But I over heard your talk about the college.

He looks my way.

Aron: I just need a date closest to when that party was and I can try a facial recognition scan. There's bound to be something.

I give Aron the date as I lean over Toms shoulder to see the picture of Dr. Benson.

Willow: Wow. He looks like him. But wait you said this guys name is Steve? On Halloween the Dr. Benson I know said his name was Mark. Maybe it's another Benson. I mean how could someone steel someone's identity like that. And what about the wife with cancer.

Aron: I'll look into the name. But Dr. Steve Benson did graduate from Berkeley, and did have a wife that died of cancer about 8 months ago in New York. Around that same time he had accepted a job here at St. Jude.

Liam: Jesus who is this fucking guy.

Aron: It's obvious he knows his tech stuff. That's how he's managed to stay a step ahead of us so far, but not for much longer. We'll find him.

He grabs his phone and gives me a reassuring nod. Once everything has been installed Aron goes over everything with us, and shows us how to pull it all up on the computer in the office.

Tom: I have a guy that will keep watch tonight. His names Hank.

Tom shows us a picture.

Tom: You won't inner-act with him but just incase, at least you'll know what he looks like.

Liam and I both nod. The guys all thank me again for breakfast as they head out the door. Tom stops and faces me with a hand on my arm. I can feel Liam eyeing him from behind me.

Tom: We will get this guy. I promise you.

I give him a hug and watch Liam close the door and enter the alarm before turning to me. He sucked in a deep breath and blew it out in a huff.

Willow: I'm sorry. I never meant for any of this.

His brows furrowed then raised.

Liam: Baby no. I don't blame you for anything. I blame my self. I'm your husband I'm the one that should be protecting you.

He towers over me swallowing me with his broad shoulders.

Liam: I love you baby.

Willow: I love you.