
Into the flames (Willows tale 2)

(Sequel to From the ashes) It's never dull when you're married to a fireman, but when Willows sudden fame as an up and coming best selling author brings some unwanted attention from a stalker, dark secrets will be revealed. Will Liam and Willows love be strong enough to survive. "From the ashes, into the flames, we rise together like a great Phoenix"

Shelly_Gray_4323 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 25: Ghosted

Things eventually started to get back to normal. Liam became more at ease getting back into the groove of being a fireman though he continued toying with the idea of going to work with Tom at eagle eye. Apart of him felt like he would be abandoning Noah. He decided to leave it to fate. If by some Miracle Dr. Lynns tea worked and I did become pregnant he would leave the fire department and join eagle eye. We've tried daily for the last month with no luck, but May did say it could take several months for it to start working if it would work at all. Which is is fine by me, I have rather enjoyed the trying part. But today was the first day we would be apart since New York, and my first book signing since before everything happened.

My newest story I wrote based off Rylee Santino's life was a big success. Though it didn't turn into an published book it became one of the best selling online stories and I was flying to Seattle to sign posters of the cover for Ghosted. Liam was on edge the entire day but he couldn't get out of work due to the time off he had taken in January to care for me.

Willow: Kevin is going with me, and Eagle eye has their main branch in Seattle so really there's no safer place to be. Tom already made all the arrangements. But honestly there's no need. Other than a couple of on the border of obsessed fans I have had no threats, no known stalkers.

Liam: I know but I can't help it. I promised you and Rylee I would never let anything happen to you again. That I would never leave your side.

I cup his face in my hands as his phone goes off. It's the station. Liam growls before capturing my lips.

Liam: I should just quit.

Willow: But that's not who you are. I'm just one person. You have an entire city, county even state depending on you. Go. I'll be fine.

He places his forehead to mine ignoring his phone and the knock on the door.

Willow: Thats Kevin.

Liam: He can wait.

He takes me in for another deep passionate kiss.

Liam: I love you

Willow: I love you.

He grabs his bag and calls the station back while opening the door to let Kevin in.

Liam: You take care of my girl.

Kevin nods as Liam rushes past. Then smiles as he locks eyes with me.

Kevin: You ready for this.

Willow: I am.

Thankfully the flight is only about an hour on eagle eyes private jet. Just like in New York we are greeted by a couple eagle eye security members who give us the run down of how things will go at the signing tomorrow morning on the way to the hotel. After a heavy lunch we go to our hotel room to turn in early. This time we're staying in one suite with two separate bedrooms. Kevin stops half way to his room and turns back.

Kevin: 6am

Willow: On the dot!

To my surprise Kevin is already up and ready to go for a morning jog. We barely make it a mile before I suddenly tire and become queazy.

Kevin: What's the matter can't keep up with an old man.

Willow: Hey over a month ago you couldn't keep up.

And as if on cue at the word up I feel my morning banana coming up. I run for the near by bushes unable to hold it back. Kevin rushes to my side as I hurl what little food was in my stomach. Mortified with embarrassment I snap at Kevin to back away. He hesitates but then takes a step back and turns around but doesn't leave. He waits a minute then hands me a handkerchief wetted down by some water.

Willow: Thank you. I'm so sorry I snapped at you. It's just.

Kevin: No need to apologize Willow. So I take it Dr. Lynn's tea remedy worked.

I shoot him a shocked look.

Willow: No I'm afraid not. We've been trying but it hasn't worked yet. This is just nerves. You know it's the first time I've been out in public since New York and I guess I'm having a harder time with it then I thought. But I'm fine. I'll be fine. We should keep going.

By the way he side glances at me I can tell he doesn't believe me and with my stomach still in knots I decide to turn back for the hotel. I spend the next couple of hours in the bathroom before getting ready to go to the signing. There's a tap on the door. Kevin stands with a box of crackers, mug of tea and a pregnancy test. I grab the tea and start sipping right away. Then grab the crackers and test.

Willow: I just did a test last week it was negative and then I had my period.

Kevin: You never know. Besides it's what Dr. Lynn said to get you.

My eyes widen in shock.

Willow: Did you just say Dr. Lynn?

He gives a lop sided grin and scratched the back of his head.

Kevin: She gave me her number to call incase you know, you're too stubborn to?

I shake my head in amusement and close the door. I finish getting ready while eating a couple crackers and finish the tea. It soothes my upset stomach right away. I stare at the test contemplating weather to use it when I get a text.

May: When was your last cycle.

Willow: Last week.

May: Was it normal?

Willow: No it was really light actually and only lasted three days.

May: Pee on the stick!

Willow: Ok ok. Thanks for the tea you had Kevin get, it worked.

May: Of course. Let us know the results. If you need anything you call me!

Willow: Thank you May. Give my love to Rylee and everyone.

I pee on the stick But I can't wait for the results. Kevin is already shouting that it's time to go. I grab my phone and rush out the door. Once we arrive my nerves go on high alert. Kevin is stuck to me like glue while the other eagle eye members take their positions. Kelly meets us and introduces a few people then leads me to my table. My heart races, voices echo fiercely in my ears as I watch the line of people make their way towards me. Kevin sensing my anxiety leans down placing a hand on my shoulder.

Kevin: Willow you're ok, just breathe.

I close my eyes inhaling slow deep breaths but it only seemed to make it worse as the first person sets down their poster I nearly jump out of my seat. With a shaky hand I signed away at least a dozen posters before I couldn't take it any longer. The nausea came back with a vengeance. I barely made it to the restroom.

Woman: Hey you can't be in here.

I hear a woman snap.

Kevin: Out!

Kevin's firm protective voice replied to her. I hear his foot steps stop outside my stall. He squats down handing me a dampened handkerchief under the door.

Willow: I'm going to owe you a case of these things.

He chuckles as he stands remaining outside the door.

Kevin: Kelly is going to find some of that tea for you.

Willow: Thanks.

Kevin: It's ok if you're not ready for this. Just say the word and we will sneak you out of here.

Willow: I can't let down all those people out there.

Kevin: Willow!

He says my name with a huff of frustration.

Kevin: When are you going to start thinking about your self. You're always putting others ahead of you which is a Nobel thing but.....

Willow: But what.

Kevin: But now that you might be with child you need to put your self first.

I had forgotten about the test. Could I really be. The bathroom door slams open and Kelly comes rushing in clicking her heals on the tile floor.

Kelly: Willow I have some tea Kevin told me to get for you.

I clean my self up and exit the stall. After rinsing my face smearing what little make up I had on Kelly pulls me over the lounge area of the restroom setting me down on a plush red sofa and hands me the tea.

Kelly: What's going on with you. Are you pregnant.

Willow: It's just nerves.

Kelly: Since when do you get nervous. You never even seemed phased when you had a stalker. Does this have to do with him?

Willow: Maybe a little.

She squints her eyes at me trying to figure me out. Then her eyes widened.

Kelly: Some of your security took off in a hurry the after the interviews. The rumors about you being kidnapped aren't rumors are they. You didn't hide out in a cabin for two weeks to write did you.

Willow: Yes my stalker showed up in New York but security took care of it, and yes I really did lock my self up in a cabin for two weeks to write. You saw the results. I knocked out two stories with in a month. From the ashes and Ghosted. This is the first time I've been out in public since New York and I haven't been feeling well, so please just give me five more minutes and I'll be back out there.

She lets out a sigh like she's not sure what to believe. Pating my hand as she stands to leave she turns back.

Kelly: I can reschedule for later or tomorrow morning.

Willow: No I'd rather get it done now.

Kelly: Ok

Kevin: You sure about this.

Willow: Yeah.

I sip my tea and pull out my phone to text Liam when I see a missed call and a voicemail.

Liam: Hey baby, we just got a call so I only have a second. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you, and how proud I am of you. I wish I could be there with you but I know you got this. You're the strongest and one of the most stubborn women I know. But just remember you're also human and it's ok to not be ok sometimes.

Sirens start wailing in the back ground.

Liam: Ok I gotta go. I Love you Willow. I love you so his damn much.

A smile spreads across my face. I slip my phone into my back pocket and take Kevin's arm.

Kevin: You good?

With confidence and hope I nod as he leads me back out to the anxiously awaiting crowd.