Aaron's POV
The booth is my office. Not sure why dad called it the booth, but it is what it is. I open the blue door that looks like the out side of a old style England police box. Dean says why does the door look funny. I reply with haven't you ever watched doctor who before. I painted this door a couple months before dad passed away. I sit down at the round table and motion for the boys to do the same. Sam on my right and Dean on my left side. Somehow it feels right having them sitting like that. This weird feeling comes like déjà vu. Then a flash and I'm sitting at a table similar to the one in my office. Only this one has a man in a tan colored trench coat. What the hell is going on? I demand to know where am I? Is this real? He starts talking in a ruff voice. I will answer as many questions as I can, but we have a short time so hurry. First yes this is real. Your in a kind of trance. Like your spacing out so to speak. This is not hell. Hell is coming and you are very important. You have more power then you know. It has been your roll to pick a side and win the battle. I'm so confused what battle and what side do I pick I ask panic and confusion in my voice. No need to be frittered my child the Winchester's will guide you this time. Stay with them and you may live through this life. His voice fades away and Sams face comes into view. He is so gorgeous. Wait what. When did I start thinking that way. I tell the brothers about what just happened. Dean yells Cas get your ass here now. The trench coat guy just appeared out of nowhere. Is this the guy he asks. I nod yes, but no words come out. Sam says Cas why didn't you just come to the meeting instead of freaking Aaron out. My intention was not to scare her but inform her. What did you mean by you may live this time? I asked. You have had many life's. Your soul is very old. Almost as old as the first humans to walk this earth. You have been a force for.... Castiel vanished in a blink of an eye. Shit this can't be good Sam said. Let's head back to my place I say. Your dad told me that it's the safest place on earth for me. I think that it's time for you to put the bike up and ride in baby, Dean insist's. Okay if that's what's best I'll gift her to BW. He's been eyeing her for years. I'll let him know then we can leave. What about the pie, Dean says. As if in cue Cherry comes in with the food. She took one look at me and said I'll bag this up and did you want me to take over the boss duty's for a while. I just stare at her in disbelief. How did you know that I need both those things. She replied with oh hunny do you really think your daddy would leave you without any type of protection. Hey Dean and Sam. They both nod to her and walk out of the booth. I've known there dad for a while. I'll have this ready by the time your done talking to BW. Don't take to long though, it's not safe for you without one of those boys.
Sam's POV
What the hell was all that with Cas and then Cherry working here. I haven't seen her for a while since dad got her help. She is one seriously good teller. If she is here it must be bad, Dean says. I watched Aaron talk to the bartender and hand over what I can only assume was the keys to her dads bike. He was all kinds of happy about the keys and she had a bag of food in hand. Okay we ready to go, she asks. Are you okay with handing over your dads bike like that and with everything, I ask concerned. She just shrugged as if it didn't bother her. Why does she always do that. It must be hard. I mean it was hard for me with my mom being killed by the yellow eyed demon then my dad going to hell. So if you need to talk, I'm here Aaron. We get into the impala and head back to her apartment. The ride back is silent with everyone in there own thoughts. Mine keep going to how beautiful Aaron is. I can't stop thinking about her the way she says my name. We pull up to her apartment. Get out and head to number 12. When we get to the door I notice there are weird symbols over the door frame. Wait let me go in first I say pulling my silver knife out. I open the door slowly to find Cas waiting in the kitchen all bloody and bruised. What the hell happened to you, Aaron asked. I'll go get the first-aid kit she says. When she leaves Castiel says I can't stay long you need to know that she is more powerful then anything you have come across and you need to protect her. He looks right at me. Dean says don't worry I'll protect her. No it has to be Sam or everything will fail Castiel says seriously. Then he disappears. Aaron walks back in with the first-aid kit. In a tank top. That's when I noticed the scares and new wounds that she must have gotten while missing. Oh shit sit down. You need to be fixed up Aaron. Cas is gone. I say. Can we do this while we eat I'm starving she says. Before I can say anything she is pulling food out and a whole apple pie.
Sorry I haven’t put up a new chapter had a family emergency. I will try to be more regular with the chapters.