
Into The Femdom World

Lee Yeon, #1 Hunter in South Korea. Becomes a Shota. And gains freakish powers. 'The otherworldly... Yasu App? Extra Tags: #fantasy #modern #harem #one-shota #femdom #reverserape #otherworld #Pegging #Adults only #SM N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
108 Chs

Chapter 104 - Nipple Climax in Hot Spring

Chapter 104 - Nipple Climax in Hot Spring

In the hot spring bath.


Sylvia gently touches my nipples with her fingertips, holding me tightly in her arms.


Every time her fingertips touched her little by little, I let out a moan and rubbed her body.

While my whole body is hot and my head is blank, a dreamy feeling of pleasure is felt in my chest.

I felt my heart throb and I felt something warm gathering in my heart.

Sylvia seemed to enjoy my reaction and continued to stimulate her nipples.

"It's completely a girl's nipple now. It's worth bothering."

"Oh... Don't bully me..."

I begged her in her melted voice. If it continues like this, her head will go crazy...


But Sylvia whispered in my ear, twirling her areola with her finger, despite my pleas for her.

"No. I will continue to torment you. Until you melt completely and feel the sloppy female pleasure... That is my pleasure and my job."

Sylvia's voice resonated persistently in my eardrums and the pitiful sensation felt in her areola.

"It's so-so... It's so-so."

Caught by Sylvia and touching her nipples, all I could do was gasp for breath and listen to her voice.

She continued caressing her nipples and asked me in a quiet voice.

"Lady Yeon. How about growing her hair like a girl? Last night, the way she wore her wig looked pretty good on her."

It's embarrassing to be forced to wear a wig yesterday and even dress as a woman, but to grow her hair.

"I don't like poetry. I'm a man.."

I rejected Sylvia's offer, twisting her body. If you wear women's clothes and grow her hair, you're actually a woman with only a dick... Even that dick is small...

When I stubbornly resisted, Sylvia whispered in a lewd voice, referring to last night's incident again.

"...For something like that, it seems like you climaxed too grandly yesterday. You must have a talent for it."


A woman's prostate climax. How can you say such a nasty and harsh word..

I averted my gaze from Sylvia and answered with a pout.

"...I don't remember that..."

No matter what happened yesterday, I don't remember anything like that. If you don't remember, it didn't happen. At least that's something I don't know.

"It's unfortunate. However, refusing doesn't change anything. It doesn't mean that what happened doesn't go away, and the female talent that Yeon-nim possesses is still the same."


"Because those swollen breasts and cute nipples don't belong to boys..."

"I'm sorry.."

Along with a tingling sensation in her chest, pleasure passed through her entire body. My whole body was beating like a heart, and I felt a tingling feeling all the way to the back of my stomach.

I shuddered at her and buried the back of her head between Sylvia's breasts.

As I panted and shook her body, Sylvia kept whispering in my ear.

"Actually, it seems that you feel more stimulation from the nipple stimulation than the penis... If things go on like this, Yeon-nim's little things may become completely useless."


With those words, Sylvia tapped her on my cock with her hand.

In response, I shook my head and said.

"No... My dick is definitely useful... And my dick feels better than my nipples..."

"Hmm... Are you sure?"


I thought for a moment and shut my mouth.

Actually, to be honest, nipples made me feel better.

Of course, the cock feels good, but nipple stimulation has a different pleasure.

If the stimulation of the cock is a pleasure that flinches only when ejaculation occurs at the end of subtle stimulation, nipple stimulation is a euphoric and regrettable stimulation that gradually heats up the whole body and awakens the sexual sense.

If you keep doing this, your stomach will quiver and your hair will turn white. In fact, the pleasure is several times more than the pleasure of ejaculation.

It feels like my body isn't my own... It's a pleasant feeling that even scares me a little.

If you become addicted to this, you might become a girl who is really not satisfied with cock.


Even in reality, she wasn't satisfied with just stimulation of her cock, so she gave her butt to Erzebeth last night.

Come to think of it, maybe I've already eaten it..

I may have already ended up as a male when I was dressed as a girl and had my butt pierced by a penny band...

Even in the real world, it would be a big deal if your body went crazy chasing the stimulation and pleasure of a female like that.

The time when I kept thinking about it and kept silent.

"If you don't answer..."


Sylvia, who had been rubbing her areola and around her nipples for a while to awaken her sexuality, pressed both nipples with her fingertips.



The hot energy that had been swirling around my body so far burst out like an explosion and colored my brain white.

"Huh. Heh... Heh."

In Sylvia's arms, I let her whole body tremble and let out her strange moans.

"Are you feeling... Good?"

Kkuk kkuk-

Sylvia twirls her fingers in my nipples.

"Five grains...Five grains."

I arched her waist, letting out a stupid groan as her fingers moved around my nipples.

As I struggled in the waves of her pleasure, Sylvia removed her hand from my nipple before she carefully hugged my body.

"Come on. Thank you for your hard work today. Please sleep peacefully in the pleasure of the climax of your nipples."


I finally rolled my eyes and passed out in the climax.

Sylvia's sweet whispers in my ears as my consciousness gradually fades.

"It's not good to soak in the hot spring water for too long. I'll do that for today. ...Thank you for your hard work."



After the nipple climax in the hot spring bath with Sylvia.

When she came back to her senses, she had already gotten out of the hot spring, washed her body and changed into new clothes.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?"


I slowly got up from the futon bed. I fainted once, and when I woke up, my body felt a little light.

Is it because of the hot spring bath? Unlike before, he has recovered enough to be able to walk on his own.

"Oh.. I think it's okay."

"All right. Then go to the dining area first. I'll prepare dinner."


Sylvia sent me to the room first, then she went off somewhere to fetch dinner.

I passed through the corridor alone and arrived at a large room with tatami mats.

'The room... It's huge.'

A large, tidy room with tatami mats and wooden bases.

In the center of the room, there was a chimney with a hole through which smoke escaped along with a brazier, and a large U-shaped dining table was placed around the brazier.

The shape resembles an old oriental banquet seat.

At the table in the shape of a letter D, cushions were placed at each seat, and I sat in the center of the table and looked around.

'But why are the rooms and dining tables so big?'

There was no one else besides me yet, but it didn't look like a place I'd be able to eat dinner by myself.

That was when I was thinking something suspicious.


"Hey! Are we having dinner together?"

"I want to eat next to Yeoni~"

Sure enough, the door suddenly opened and Seryl and Hilda rushed into the room.

Seryl and Hilda cling to me in a dry state after taking a hot spring bath.

"Go.. What is it all of a sudden.."

Ignoring my question, the two of them clung to each side of me and started rubbing their cheeks here and there.

"Ugh~ It's soft."

"Your skin is so nice.. It looks like a girl."

I swallowed in a gulp as I smelled the soft touch and sweet smell I felt from the two.

Cheryl and Hilda. I like these two because they are fresh and lively, but I wonder why the devil's tail wagging gently behind them is frightening.

The twin tails and the protruding teeth slightly outside the lips are very cute... But it feels dark on the inside.

"Let go... Let go..."

Caught between the two, I complained immobilized.

"Eh? The reaction isn't cool. You don't like us?"

"I might get hurt~"

"Ah... No... I don't really hate it."

I don't hate them because they've never done me any harm. Rather, I think I liked it because it was a cute girl position in this place where it was only eye-catching.

"That's okay~"

The two of them slap me on the cheek again.

The soft breasts of the two that touched my arms and the sweet scent made my head feel strange.

Just like that, it was the time when I was caught between Seryl and Hilda, wagging my tail like a puppy and clinging to it.


The door was opened again, and the female members of the demon castle entered the room one after another.

"Oh, the room is nice. Are you having dinner here tonight?"

"Are you here already?"

"Ah, it's surrounded by the two of them over there~"

Helena, Yuka, and even Camilla came here wearing oriental clothes that matched their hair color.


A wonderful feeling on the back.

Two heavy, soft lumps were placed on my shoulders.

'This feeling is definitely...'

I absentmindedly lifted her head to check on her, and Helena was hugging me from behind my back.

"Hehe. I'm looking forward to having a meal together in such a wonderful place~ Tonight is also the same."


"I'll give you a butt kick for a child who doesn't listen, so can't you eat unbalanced?"

"Yes.. Fouret."

I was overwhelmed by Helena and her huge breasts and eyes, and I couldn't help but nod my head at her.


After waiting for a while surrounded by women, the hot spring workers entered the room one after another with delicious food.

Delicious-looking food on a plate.

'Looks delicious..'

It was when I was licking my lips while watching this.

"Now then, shall we lay it on the table for our wedding?"

Cheryl and Hilda took off the loose clothes I was wearing, then lifted me up and put me on the table.

"What...What are you doing..."

You suddenly put me on the table.

I tried to resist, but my body hadn't fully recovered in the first place, so I had no strength, and even if I was in full condition, I couldn't stand the power of the demon girls.

"Stay still."

The two of them stripped off my clothes, made me naked, and smiled bashfully as they tied my arms and legs on the table.

"Hehe. In the East, there is a culture of eating food on top of people. You call that naked sushi?"