
Into The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

Somebody from Modern Earth dies and finds themself in the world of The Elder Scrolls, more specifically, Skyrim. The only problem is, he was born into a Forsworn tribe. Read as Luke (Azari) deals with adapting from a hygienic and civil Earth to the unforgiving and treacherous lands of Tamriel, trying to not only survive, but live in this new world. What do you need to live instead of survive? Strength.

Loyal_Hunter · Video Games
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8 Chs

7 - The Village Initiation.

We 'walked', which was around the same speed as a jog, for around 4 hours.

By the time we had reached our destination, it was around 4 or 5 in the evening and the sky was its usual grey, dull color.

In the distance, I saw a village. I'd say there were 15-20 buildings and a farm a small distance away. The atmosphere was mostly quiet in the village, with a few figures walking around and making certain movements, such as somebody working a forge.

At this point, I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, I was many things, but definitely not an idiot. How could I not know why we were here, a village, with weapons and sneaking.

I wanted to run away, to leave, even kill them, but I couldn't. They were all around the same strength, maybe a bit weaker than me if I went all out individually, but together, I didn't stand the slightest chance. If I try to run away, they'll catch up, I'm not the fastest nor do I have the best stamina. I should have just said I needed a piss and ran, but there were no places for me to do so. Forsworn don't even hide their junk when pissing or shitting, they just walk to the side and do it, no shame.

We slowly walked towards the village where the leader of the 'initiation' stopped us.

"Once we reach the wooden log" he said pointing towards a large log in the distance near the village that no villagers would be able to see without moving around 2 houses and no people were currently near, "We charge the main entrance with group 2 flanking around to make sure they don't escape."

Team 2 referred to the 3 oldest members who all looked over 20 years old, they all nodded and we slowly moved towards the log.

At this point I was panicking, 'these are innocent villagers, they've done nothing wrong, they're gonna kill them all, just like that? Why!? Money? Resources? Dammit!'

We'd finally reached the log and our leader shouted, "Charge!".

We all charged forward, I was thinking furiously, 'What's stopping me from stopping right now and leaving? I can't do this, if I run now, they probably won't chase me, they've already been given orders to charge.'

'But what about the villagers? Am I just going to let them die? I'm not a hero.. but this is too much, what can I do? Fuck! Think of something, I was reincarnated here, right? Can't there be some hero appear and rescue everyone in the nick of time? Let me awaken some godly ability or something, please!'

At this point, we were noticed. I saw most of the villagers eyes slowly start to form into fear, and I just slowly stopped charging, halting my footsteps. They didn't even notice, they all looked crazed, charging at the villagers.

A woman and little girl no older than 8 next to her, both frozen in fear

My ability didn't awaken, but it felt like time had slowed down. I watched as the youngest of us, other than me, swung his weapon, a two-handed sword and hit his target. The woman's head flew into the air as her body slumped to the ground, blood spraying everywhere, including the little girl.

The girl screamed as loud as her throat could scream. At this point some villagers had started to leave their houses, the man who had just beheaded the woman, Gadril, turned to the little girl and swung.

He.. he didn't even hesitate.. the girls head, just like her mothers flew to the ground and formed a puddle of blood, fear still carved on her face.

Gadril just set his sights on another villager, a 30 year old looking man, and once again charged.

My breathing grew deeper and harder. 'What... the fuck.. is this.'


'I can't.. I can't do this.'

I turned to the building near the entrance of the village that was directly to my right. I was still in shock, I couldn't even think straight, I just moved to that building, ignoring the screams and war cries, opened the door, and entered while facing the door to see if I was being chased or followed.

I was startled to hear a scream and turning around, I saw a 50 year old looking man with slightly balding hair and a thick grey beard. He was slightly taller than me with big muscles and rough facial features along with a deep scar going from his left eye to left lip. He was already suited up in a slim but strong looking grey armor apart from his boots that were still on the floor, and started charging at me with his great sword in his hands.

With a literal life-time of practise, I leaned away from the strike, and counter-attacked.

A line appeared on the mans neck and he slowly dropped his weapon and clutched his neck, gurgling with a shocked look on his face.

His body collapsed to the ground with a thud, finally cutting me out of my shock. It took a few seconds for me to realise what had happened, before I turned around and puked.

I emptied my stomach and then some, all over the floor and just stood there, leaning over.

'What the fuck have I done?'

'I just killed an innocent man and attacked his village, his home.'

I heaved again but nothing even came out, I started crying for the first time since coming to this world.

'I'm sorry.. i-im so sorry.' I could handle it. I could handle being beaten, burned and cut. I could handle being forced to fight, eating horrible food, always being dirty and uncomfortable. I could do it, I could fight back.'

'But what about this? I just killed an innocent in cold blood. That girl, she had her whole life ahead of her, could go through joy, sadness, a whole life time.. gone, because of a single person. Now look at me.. I just did the same thing, killed an innocent man.'

I stood there, unmoving, for so long that it felt like hours, tears still strolling down my face but no sounds leaving me. There were still screams outside, furthering my feeling of misery but there was nothing I could do to help. I couldn't fight them, I was too weak. Far, far too weak.

Eventually, I moved. I no longer had an expression on my face and walked over. Slowly I walked over to a hatch which lead to the cellar. I took off the armor of the old man, leaving him in some common tunic and trousers and no shoes.

I took the armor, and threw it into the cellar. I slowly looked around and finally settled my stare onto an orange best pelt that acted as a rug. Taking the pelt, I dragged it over and finally made my way into the cellar. With the cellar door slightly open, I held the pelt and awkwardly threw it over the hatch while still in the cellar. I then closed the hatch and sat in the old wooden chair in the corner.

I put my arms on the desk, leaned on them, and stared into nothingness, barely hearing screams from outside through the various layers of walls.

All I could hear was my breathing when eventually there was no background noise. No screams. No war cries. No bangs or thuds. Silence.

I was there for over an hour until I finally found myself again, and forced myself up from the chair. I hadn't done any physical workouts or activities and yet my body felt as if it was shouldering a mountain.

I took off my armor, leaving me in some thin rough trousers and threw it all into the corner of the large basement/cellar.

I then gathered my magicka into my hand and into a huge fireball. I put all of my anger, sadness, guilt, feelings, power, everything into the fireball until I could barely keep control of it.

Then with a scream, I launched it at the forsworn armor and straight after, used my hands to cover my face as a huge amount of light and heat encased the room, singing my hair and forcing me to close my eyes even more.

After a few seconds, I opened my eyes and found the entire corner of the room completely scorched black.

My outer forearms were slightly burnt and blistered but I ignored it. I deserved it. My body was sore and trousers slightly burned too but I just walked over to the slim, hard light grey armor on the other side of the room and slowly put it all on.

The armor had no logo or engraving and was very light. There was a fine black leathery material that filled the gaps of the armor like a shirt and all of my limbs had pieces of armor covering them. Forearms, Upper Arms, Shoulders, Shins, Upper Legs, Feet, with black leathery gloves on my hands that had curved metal pieces protecting my fingers, along with the matching light grey torso armor that covered my chest and most of my ribs, with the other half of my body covered by the black leathery shirt.

The armor didn't hinder my movement or mobility in anyway and in terms of metal, it was very light.

There were 2 options. I could wallow in despair that I killed an innocent and never move on from the guilt, or, I can use it to fuel my determination.

I know my choice.

I'll get stronger. If only for the sole reason of wiping out the forsworn, I'll get as strong as I can and make sure that I enjoy my reincarnation to a fantasy world that has magic as much as I possibly can.

Some dark shit, but necesssary dark shit, gotta have that character development n stuff.

I was wondering if the MC should change his name from 'Azari' cuz that was his Forsworn name or whatever, but I'm not sure. If you think he should or should not just comment or something, not all that important.

If you want to see the armor he's wearing, I was basing it off Bell Cranels armor but with more metal covering his body instead of black leathery shirt.

Loyal_Huntercreators' thoughts