
The Full Story

<Chapter 1>

'Kill him already'-groaned Geir as he changed a charge to his thermal rifle.

'He's about to drop from old ages anyway, why waste a bullet?-jokingly said Ari.

'I'll do it if you won't'-said the elf, moving away from the blood covered alley wall.

'Get up!'-commanded Ari to the human scavenger.

'I'll take him outside the walls'-added Ari as he started to push the old man forward.

The captive almost tripped over the bodies of the others he came here with. His heart was pounding, he understood only a few words exchanged. But he didn't question them, he kept walking. Stepping out into the main street they started to head towards the gates of Ves Hoin. The street was wide and made out of cracked concrete outlined by faded red brick buildings. The constructions dated back to the Third War, reaching as tall as old oaks, with vines decorating dark alley walls. The facades illuminated by floating glyph lanterns that had already started to drift back to their charging stations. Luckily, it was just before dusk, with no one on the streets, so panic might be avoided. Ari looked around, to see how many people were up. Behind one of the lit up windows, a slim humanoid shape moved to grab something off the table ignoring what's happening outside.

Ari pushed the old man forward, to get as far away from the building as possible. The human tripped over one of the glyph lanterns and the see-through ball shattered. The arcane symbols faded and the lighting trapped inside fizzled out. Pity that arcanists cannot yet make these human technologies more resistant to damage.

'Stop stumbling; I am trying to make this beneficial for both of us'-whispered Ari in English as he started to look around.

Four more windows lit up in the nearby multi-story building. Ari's could hear his heart thumping, adrenaline running in his blood. He cannot screw this up. Ari snapped his head towards the scavenger. He was no longer there. His eyes locked onto a grey form dashing into one of the nearby alleys. Ari followed into the shadows. His amphibian eyes adjusted to the lighting searching for the fugitive. The old man was faster than Ari expected, diving left behind a corner, weaving past dumpsters. The scavenger jumped over a large cardboard box giving a glance back at his chaser. Ari was struggling: he hadn't had water in two hours and the previous gunfight exhausted him. It was hard for him to breath, the water suit managed to keep his skin moist, but if he has to keep this up, he might collapse. The human's right foot caught on to the patched box tripping him over to the moss-covered ground, softening the blow. That gave Ari the chance to catch up. He vaulted over one of the dumpsters in his way and pushed a smaller one that was in front of where the human had fallen. Something else got to him first. A 2 feet tall pulvetti was on top of the scavenger; teeth dug into his forearm. Seems he tripped over the animal's den. The pale boney canine thrashing his head trying to move the human's forearm away from the face so she could snap at his neck. The man on the ground was trying his best to wrestle the pulvetti of off him, grabbing the long reptilian tail and pulling with all his force. The tail tore and came off, dark fluid spraying from the back end of the amphibious canine. In confusion, the old man lowered his guard just for a second and the pulvetti used it. It's long neck and head pulled intending to strike. Ari aimed and pulled the trigger. An energy blast went straight through the skull and scorched the wall. The pulvetti's body dropped to the side, heavy and stiff. The human crawled away and stood up, grabbing on his blood-soaked forearm.

'Calm down, you're making it worse'-Ari slowly approached the scavenger with his hands extended, 'We need to bandage you, just let me help'.

'Why did you do it?'-the tired gravelly voice left the humans mouth, 'You could have let the stray kill me…'

'I…I do not believe that would have been fair.'-admitted Ari as he pulled out a bandage from his pack. 'What do they call you? I am Ari'

'Joseph'-he squinted.

Ari bandaged Joseph's forearm. Wiping his palms off on to his inner coat.

'That should do it'-nodded Ari, 'At least until you get home'

'Wait, you plan to let me go?'-flinched Joseph looking the elf up and down in disbelief.

'That is my plan'-sheepishly admitted Ari, ' I do not favor your species, but I cannot gun down an unarmed man. I'll take you beyond the gate and we will never see each other again'-firmly added Ari looking into Joseph's eyes.

Their staring contest was interrupted by soft whimpering coming from the knocked over a cardboard box. Ari knelt and lifted one of the flaps. A small pulvetti pup was growling from the corner of the box at the elven guard.

'Now I understand why she was so aggressive'-sighed Ari, 'The sun is coming up, let us hurry up' with no hesitation he stood up and walked away.

'You're going to leave it there?!'-Joseph was baffled.

'There's no time, it will have to survive on its own'-Ari brushed it away.

Joseph took a long look at the box and at the corpse of the pulvetti on the ground. He started walking towards the elf waiting for him at the corner.

As they were rushing through the main street, more and more apartments started to come to life. One window on the second floor opened up and a she-elf stuck her head out to take in the fresh air. Ari quickly pulled Joseph under the balcony, listening if she had gotten inside. They started to move again towards the big metal gates in the distance.

'Why are we hiding? Aren't you a guard? What about the guards stationed there'- confused Joseph pointed his finger.

'I am, but we must not be seen, otherwise, this will cause panic among the citizens. The guards know it as well, therefore we will be safe… They also do not mind a good show'

The sun was already cresting over the horizon, heating up the sandy wasteland, as they approached the shimmering gate. It was constructed out of metal, wood, and chains with glyphs outlining it. The exit was connected to improvised defensive walls outlining the city-buildings that had been destroyed and only a wall or two left connected by stones reinforcing them, filling the gaps, windows, doorways. They knew magic, but human structural achievements were still a mystery to them even after 31 decades. Ari's eyes quickly scanned through the current guards on duty. He only counted 8. They were all lethargic, waiting for the next shift to arrive. One of them saw the two approaching and got off his chair. A tall guard in a white baggy water suit with a hand over his thermal rifle stopped Ari before the gate.

'What in Frode's ass is he doing here?!'-glared the guard at Joseph.

'There was a brake-in at the water extractors. This one is the only one that surrendered. I thought I'd have some fun with him'-gestured Ari as he tapped his thermal glock. 'So can you open the gate for me? It's going to be a great spectacle'-he winked.

The guard waved his hand at the others on top of the walls and the chains pulled the gates open. Ari pushed the scavenger forward and started to walk behind him with the pistol drawn. Joseph didn't know much of the elvish tongue, but the insult that the guard threw at him after spitting in his face he understood.

Outside the city, it was only him and Ari standing on the cracked desolate earth with all the guards watching from on top of the walls. Ari grabbed Joseph's neck with force, pulling him closer, still visibly pointing the pistol at him.

'When I let go-you run. I will miss a couple of the first shots and when you are almost out of my shooting range I will pretend that I mean to shoot you, but I will miss. Run and do not stop.'-rapidly explained Ari.

As his grip loosened Joseph grabbed the elf by the hand pretending to tussle and stopped as if scared by the pointed thermal weapon at him.

'We're short on supplies. They're planning to attack in half a year. Be careful.'-whispered Joseph and burst into a dash.

Ari slowly changed his charges and lifted his right hand into the air aiming. The old man was running as fast as he could, in a straight line not looking back. In milliseconds after pressing the trigger the gun charged, the air around the gun started to sizzle and the blast left the quartz end of the pistol whizzing through the air. A miss-centimeters away from Joseph's right foot. The guards signed in disappointment, some of them laughed-all seemed to be enjoying the show so far. Aimed again, pulled the trigger, the gun sizzled and missed on the other side, flying over his head. Another wave of disappointment came from the walls. Joseph was now almost out of range. Ari lifted his thermal glock, aimed over the right shoulder of the human, turned around to face the city, closed his eyes and inhaled. Pulled the trigger. Charge. Sizzle. Pop. His ears were overtaken by the high pitched noise of the shot. As the sound subsided he started to hear cheering coming from the guards.

'Why are they cheering?...'

<Chapter 2>

The room was gloomy and damp, with strips of sunlight highlighting the desk through the grated window cover. Ari was sitting up front in a wooden chair that creaked with every nudge. Behind the table stood a slim short figure pouring rum into a glass. The office was soaked with cigarette spell, making Ari calf as his skin absorbed the smoke in the air. Captain of the guard sipped her drink and put it away before turning. She was a foot shorter than Ari, but far more intimidating; Her grey-blue skin glistened stepping into direct sunlight Her cracked lips, holding a cigarette formed a smile, her vertical slit eyes looked towards Ari who was looking around.

'You shouldn't be a nervous soldier!'-said Svea, 'You did great. Killed every single one of the cockroaches that snuck in and even managed to acquire information about their future attack.'

'Thank you, ma'am. Couldn't have done it without Geir'- disingenuously said Ari.

'Well from what he reported it seems it was you alone who got the information.'-said Svea while reading through the open file on her table, 'Even if you're a rookie that doesn't want to poke his head out too much, I advise you take the credit for this one and start making a reputation for yourself rather than maintaining a royal boy facade.' Captain took a quick glance at Ari - he was stoic and stiff apart from both his thumbs wrestling with each other in his lap. 'Right, I'll cut to the chase.

Your probation period is over'- Svea extended her long arm, 'Congratulations on becoming an official exterminator. Don't forget to change your shoulder patch on your way out'.

Ari stood up from the chair and grabbed the captain's arm shaking it. Miss Svea smiled and sat down putting her cigarette out into an overfilling ashtray, rifling through a heap of papers, switching her focus from Ari. He turned around and walked out of her office with a smile on his face. Ever since he was a child he fantasized of being a member of the extermination squad. Reading stories of missions done in the canyon system, the Dead Sea, green wastelands. He learned English, read all he could about human culture; he was fascinated by them.

Stepping out of the office, the nearest table was surrounded by officers watching something in glee.

'Ohhh! Rewind, rewind.' all 7 of the guards were glued to the echo mirror.

Ari walked closer to look at the moving image on the screen. His smile disappeared as he saw himself from the perceptive of a drone recording from one of the outside walls. In the recording, he could clearly see the bolt of energy hit Joseph in the head and his body hit the ground sliding, rising up dust and sand. Ari left the officers laughing as they zoomed in on the dead body.

Geir was at his desk, looking at something in his echo mirror and writing something down into his notebook. Ari walked past half a dozen of tables, some of them harboring officers giving an odd look at Ari stepping out of the captain's office. As he got to the edge of the table, behind Geir, a humidifier began blowing mist onto Ari, startling him. He took a step to the side and bumped into Geir's chair.

'Ari! Watch where you're going' Geir started to erase the pen line stretching across the paper

'Sorry, sorry, It just…I' Ari raised his finger pointing at the humidifier, giving up on the explanation mid-way, seeing Geir not paying any attention to him, 'I see you're looking at the humans we exterminated yesterday. You gathering extra information on them?'

'Glad, you can at least see that. I thought I could maybe find a rough pattern for their attacks and predict their next one.' Geir leaned back looking at Ari intensely. He looked like he was debating a murder and if he could get away with it. Ari was put off by it, sitting next to him in silence for the next few seconds, 'I did wonder why you decided to take the cockroach away, outside the gates. Never would have thought you'd be able to get information out old that old shit, especially that way. So, tell me, rookie, how did you do it? Maybe you'll teach a veteran something new'. Geir leaned forwards, starring at Ari. His Indian red skin framing the green slit eyes, with two elongated ears, right one's top being shot off, leaving a nasty scar. Lips tight, with a small gap, showing white cone teeth.

'I…I' Ari hesitated, looked around avoiding eye contact, 'Convinced him that I was friendly, empathy. Didn't push him or intimidate him, just told him I would let him go at the gates. There was a bit of time in between the shoot out scene and the gates. He warmed up to me and as I let him go, he warned me.' Ari shrugged trying to smile.

'You put a lot of weight on luck. I couldn't have pulled it off, I'd have given him the old method.' Geir cracked his knuckles, 'Either way, the result is what matters. Good job. For once you did something right.' He stood up and patted Ari on the shoulder.

'Sir, Miss Svea ended my probation. '

'Congratulations, let's hope I won't get your, rookie ass assigned to me permanently.' Chuckled Geir as he walked off holding his coat.

<Chapter 3>

Danr, the faithful servant of his family, opened the heavy oak doors into a long Ballroom. Ari could immediately taste the perfume particles on his wet skin. He felt underdressed compared to the others. He had fashioned a loose grey one-piece suit with two white stripes going from his shoulders and curving behind his hips-an outfit he would wear to a family occasion, but not a ball. Ari fixed the fabric twisted around his forearm and looked around. He seemingly entered unnoticed through the double doors. People were mingling together, already formed into separate groups scattered all throughout the impressive chamber. Their voices did not echo as they once did when his family acquired this building, there were green tapestries hanging from the second floor, tables alongside the columns, the stone tiled floor covered with a yellow moss like carpet, a chandelier hanging from the center of the dome under which the event was held. His eyes rushed past everything to indulge upon the intense mural in the back, behind a stone table upon a short set of stairs that was fenced off for all. It was the same as when he first saw it. An old fresco off a pale human with long hair with his head hung down, chin resting upon his bony chest, hands stretched out to both sides bleeding and wearing a crown of thorns. The rest faded or incomprehensible. When he was a youngling, it confused and scared him-this tortured man. But know he felt a pull towards it, an unconscious understanding of it.

A hand grabbed Ari by the arm and snapped him out of his trance.

'Finally, the star has arrived! I understand you have duties, son, but one of them should also be to maintain the good name of the Luenverg. Come, these people cannot be bothered to wait any longer.'-said Ari's father turning away, half dragging his son deeper into the hall.

He was wearing a flowing white shirt with a sapphire colored turncoat twirling behind him. His water blue palazzo pants stuffed into knee-high leather boots, tightened around the waste by a yellow belt, a wooden necklace resembling a row of yellow fingers, proudly sitting around his neck for everyone to see. His bald grey slim face smiling at everyone around.

'Father, I'm sorry I was late, I expected this to be a family dinner…. Me getting past the probation period is not a matter of great recognition.' – hesitated Ari.

'Come now, I see all the reason to let these people know that my son has been performing PERFECTLY in his military post, protecting us all, to extents that only a FEW go to.' – with wide gestures his father explained, 'Walk beside me to the stairs, I wish to start the night officially. I'm frightened that our wonderful guests are starting to be restless.'

Ari follow his father up the stairs and stopped where everyone could see them together and the mural behind them. The son rolled back his shoulders and stared into the crowd of 2 dozen people all waiting, whispering with glasses in their hands.

'I wish to thank all of you, my friends, my guests, for gracing my household with your presence this evening in celebration of my son's accomplishments. Some may think that this is a night to indulge in one's ego but do not be mistaken. A great deed must always be recognized or otherwise how will we breed men such as my son.' Leiv put a hand on his son's shoulder, 'We ought to encourage this kind of proves in all our children and remind Ari Luenverg of how humble and true he must stay although still being a paragon to those great folk in the making. So let us toast to my son's proof of our people's greatness and for the memory of our lost home Ury.'

Ari's father raised his right hand with a wide glass, almost splashing some of the water inside by the fast gesture. Everyone followed and drank together till the water was gone. A band started to play from one of the corners that Ari hadn't noticed before. A few of the younger couples began dancing to cheerful music. Whilst another group slowly crept towards the buffed. His father had already engaged in a trivial conversation with the nearest group of bluebloods. He knew he had to mingle with at least a single group. As much as he disliked these kinds of events, he understood the importance of them to his father.

He spent the next half an hour walking around and talking to some of the familiar faces in the crowd. Same questions about business, family, vacations and of course how are the 'disgusting humans up close?'

'People… underrate them, sir.' nodded Ari.

'Well now' the flamboyant man touched his fat stomach, making himself almost indistinguishable from a giant frog 'That is correct, too much confidence and one of those savages can put a knife through your ribs. Better off to fry their heads from afar. Let their disease filled bodies be devoured by vultures. Or is it the other way around?' the man started to laugh as did the others.

Ari joined in with a fake giggle, looked at the launching gentlemen with a jiggling stomach-fat pig. His eyes darted around to find a way out of this group. But as the laughter subsided, the man once again directed his speech at Ari. Before he could get another word out of his mouth a gentle touch took Ari's attention.

'Excuse me, but I would like to steal my brother away, from your good company. I hope you don't mind' Siv smiled at everyone and interlocked her arm with her brother, leading him away, 'Sir Gosta is one repugnant man, you should thank me for pulling you out of there.'

'Uhum, thanks.' Ari's glance was away from this conversation.

'What's wrong? You can tell your little sister.' Siv teased him and started staring their path towards one of the exits.

'Nothing, I just dislike these balls. Where were you all this time?' Ari snapped his head towards her, with a raised eyebrow.

'Well, what do you think? A lady has to take some time to properly outfit herself. It might have taken you 5 minutes to put on that full body suit, but for me, all this took a whole hour.' She brushed her hand across her green flowing dress that went down to her knees, 'That's that, now to go back to the thing you don't want to talk about. What's wrong?' Both of them walked out into the balcony overseeing their family's garden. Ari lent on the stone fencing beside his sister who was looking at the outside of the house.

'I feel isolated. I don't feel good about myself', sighed Ari.

'Well, you always were the compassionate one between the two of us. Must be mother's credit. It's understandable, killing is not a thing that one gets used to quickly, especially you, but you need to understand that this is the order of the world. Those humans outside the walls' she pointed at the outer wall, 'Those are rats. They hide, scream and fight with each other. They attack our havens, wounding us. They are pathetic, driven by emotion. I can see the pity in your eyes, but you should not be ashamed of defending your people from parasites.' She placed her hand on his back.

Ari glanced seemed fixed onto the garden. He did not say a thing, merely stood still.

'I'll leave you to your own thoughts. Please, do come back into the hall later, I want that chess rematch.' She pinched his side, trying to evoke a positive response, but without a success.

Siv walked off, with her hard heel shoes hitting the floor with each step. A wave of music and chatter escaped into the night sky full of stars as she entered the ballroom. Echoing through the garden; sound moving between palms and rose bushes, all the way to the crypt.

<Chapter 4>

The crypt was damp and cold, illuminated by soft blue light from the fountain in the center. The walls and curved ceiling - white with flower patterns reflecting the dancing water in the pond. Ari was on his knees in front of his mother's urn embedded in the fountain, looking at the carved tablet in the middle of the fountain.

'Do not mourn the late. Pity the living as they are denied the ancestral waters.'

Ari put his and into the freezing water next to the urn.

'It's me. I hope you don't mind my visit. Thought that we might catch up.' he leaned back against the fountain base and wiped his wet hand into his sleeve.

'So I'm finally an exterminator. Father threw a party to boast about it. Music, water basins, dancing, even an ice sculpture. I remember you liked them.' Ari looked back at the urn with a sad smile.

'What else..?' He began fidgeting, 'Siv is even more cunning than before, beautiful like you and quite annoying. You'd be proud of her', a soft echo rang through the chamber followed by a long silence.

'I murdered him.' Ari grappled his head and started shaking, 'everyone is insane, bloodthirsty, like children they glee. Am I insane?!' He wailed.

His body went limp, hands to his sides, head hung low, chin on his chest. He lay sat there like that for the next 20 minutes. He curled up into a ball and whispered:

'Did you feel like this when you questioned them?' He stood up and stared at the ashes of his mother, 'You did and you still fought, you inspired me. Thank you.'

Ari hastily walked out of the crypt into the cold night alone.

<Chapter 5>

His footsteps echoed through the back street, slowly kicking up dust from the ground into the darkness. He walked past the bloated corpse of the pulveti that had attacked Joseph. The eye sockets were riddled with maggots, while some of the intestines pulled out by rats. Ari's breath was visible in the air as he exhaled and cautiously approached the crooked cardboard box. He squatted a meter away from the desert colored crate and whistled a sharp note. No response. Ari extended his hand and using two fingers delicately opened the front flap of the pulvetti's den. Inside he saw a pale cub on his side. The pup was breathing heavily, trembling. Her head was turned at Ari, eyes filled with fear, but the body too weak to move. She was growling. Ari noticed that one of the back legs was wounded, like something nibbled on it. The blood had already coagulated around the leg, mixed with dust and dirt. Ari reached out with a small red morsel. The pulvetti snapped at it, almost taking his fingers with the meat. The growling stopped for a moment. He unclipped a flask of his hip and pored some of the water into his palm. The small nose of the creature inside the cardboard box started twitching. She drank from his palm, never moving her eyesight from his body. Ari put his flask to the side and with his left hand started to creep towards the front legs. She began growling louder the closer Ari extended his fingers. He started to slowly stroke her front left leg whilst moving closer to her. The pulvetti seemed to have relaxed for the moment. Ari used that opportunity to rip off his sleeve and slowly cover the cub. With the weak resistance that the stray put up, Ari managed to pick her up safely and hold her in his grasp. He briskly moved out into the main street lit up by driftlanterns and walked towards his apartment.

It was 4 am when he got home. He pushed his pass into the wooden door socket and entered inside through the sliding door. The apartment was relatively small compared to his family estate. 4 rooms were the smallest he could come to a compromise with his father. You could see the other 2 rooms thought wooden grates.

<Chapter 6>

Ari woke up a cold sweat. From the guestroom round the corner he heard winging. He got out of his double mattress bed and quickly staggered towards the round leaving wet footprints on the cold floor. Ari moved into the room through a cloud emitted by a damper – the slow mist landing on his moist skin.

The room was darker and damper since the windows in here were blocked. In the middle of the guestroom on an orange cushion, a pale shape trembled – the pup had a fewer. All its guard was down so she was easy to handle. Ari's only idea was to feed her and cover with blankets. Then it was after her to survive till the morning. During the day he could take her to a vet. He looked at the creature one more time. An unlikeable thing – half-dog, half-ghoul with petite limbs and a triangle head – a creation of the fallout from the War for Home. With the memories of history lessons in his head. Ari left the now calm pulvetti behind him in the tomb-like room.

In the morning Ari woke up, the events of the past evening and night were a distant dream. He felt groggy stumbling out of his bed, lips parched. He kicked into his slippers and made his way towards the kitchen. The cold water from the jug on top of the table refreshed his mind. The pup Ari filled a glass of water and rushed into the lobby. The pulvetti was still there, awake, slowly scanning the concrete and brick room. She was still too weak to act. Ari approached the beasty and let it drink the water. Her green eyes looked her host up and down: a grey-blue glimmering humanoid, big blue eyes with vertical slits and an egg-like head. The long arrowhead-like ears picked up the sifting of the cloth as the pup moved to refresh itself. Ari reached out with his webbed hand – her temperature was still up, but she was in a stable state, able to stand up for a short time. He left her to be, there was a little to no chance she'd die now.

The smell of cooked fish and roasted cactus filled the kitchen. Ari opened the blinds and a dozen sun rays filled the room, beautiful dawn colored the wasteland orange. He sat down looking at his plate., picked up a glass of water and raised it high in front of him. The sun rays shattered into a hundred light spots behind the glass on the wall.

'Thank you, blessed mother, for the milk of this earth' Ari put the glass up against his lips and gulped it all down.

He had to be quick today if he wanted to take the pup to a vet and get to the guard station on time. He packed up the pup in a blanket and with a half fixed uniform Ari rushed out of his apartment.

<Chapter 7>

Over a month had passed since the visit to the veterinarian's office and Norda was stronger than ever. The vet concluded that Norda, had eaten something she found while orphaned from her mother. He also patched up the nibbled leg and set the dog to rest. Ari slowly nursed Norda up and began training her, for her to respond to commands and name. Ari remembered the old folk story that his mother told. A little girl named Norda was adopted by salamanders and brought up in the Swamps of the Lost. She would test people for their morals and would guide those who were virtues to safety while misleading immoral ones to Farhun the chomper. They began to bond, Norda was much more playful and less feral than portrayed by day to day society. Nonetheless, she was still a mischievous canine puppy.

News travels fast and soon all of the guard stations knew of Ari's new partner. For many it became a fun activity, to poke at Ari with demeaning names. A nickname settled-"Puppy boy". Ari embraced the unofficial titled and went as far as to write an appeal to add Norda as an official member of the 3rd member of the 5th exterminator squad. She began patrolling on foot with Ari in the streets and even participated in an expedition into the wasteland.

During the month no human raiding parties attacked nor did the scouting party, Ari accompanied with Norda and Geir, find evidence of enemy activity. That only heightened the tension in the city. Joseph never did leave Ari's mind either, it did not matter what he did, the events of the morning would play out in his sleep and he'd wake up in a cold sweat.

<Chapter 8>

He woke up to the sound of a speeding duster, a large 6 person vehicle with large chained tires, capable of taking a unit almost all terrain beyond the walls of Ves Hoin. The apartment's window vibrated from the heavy machine speeding past the cottages towards the station down the block. A cloud of dust rose up from the ground covering everything around it with a layer of dust and sand. Unusual for a single duster to return from the wasteland at this time of day and at this speed. Ari turned his head towards Norda who was puffed up and growling at the sound outside.

'Hush, it's only a scouting party returning from a mission. Nothing to worry about.' Ari pet Norda, but the words reverberated more with him that his scared pet.

From the moment they entered the station, the atmosphere was soaked with anxiety and excitement. Everyone was running with documents, pushing, talking over each other. They caught one. Today, at 5:37 am, the 8th scouting party returned with a captive human that they captured just outside the vapor ravine. The middle-aged female was in one of the cells being interrogated by the captain herself.

'Puppy boy, did you hear about the scavenger?' Geir shouted past the ruckus in the bustling humid office.

'That's the first thing I heard when I stepped past the front desk. Has the captain been long at it?' Ari pushed past the group of guards towards Geir standing on his chair looking over the chaotic room.

'Over an hour. Shouldn't take much longer. Cap will have all the information she needs and we'll get a show.' Geir smirked.

'What sho..?' Ari was interrupted by a heavy slam of a door. A beat up, unconscious scavenger was dragged out of the dark room. Her hair draping loose, past the hood, strings stuck together from sweat, blood, and dirt. Two wide shoulder guards were holding her by her tattered sleeved arms. Out of the shadows stepped forwards Captain Svea, fixing her blue uniform's sleeve cuffs. The room fell into silence, following the limp prisoner with their eyes out of the room.

'Soldiers, great news, we now are in possession of information that will assure our victory. The humans are planning a siege on Ves Hoin. We know the exact numbers and equipment these bastards have. However, we do not have time on our side, the attack is tomorrow, all our forces will be focused on preparation.' Svea paused 'Officers Danr, Endre, Frida report to my office, we'll discuss further actions. 1st thought 5th exterminator squads, you're responsible for the weeding out of possible inside threats or sabotage hindering our preparation.' Svea turned towards the scout lieutenant continuing her commands. Geir nudged Ari interrupting his focus; they both nodded and left the office.

With all their gear ready the three of them rolled out into the streets in a white blue stripped two seated motorcycle. Folks were moving on with their day ignorant to the fact that tomorrow their lives will be in danger. The corner market was starting to reach it's the peak in customers, with water merchants emptying out their 3rd water reservoirs, technicians haggling for higher prices for their parts and contraptions. This was the place to look for bottom-pickers. They aren't big fish, but during a time of unrest, those rats cause the most damage as they move around unnoticed robbing and mugging while the city's force is busy.

Geir pulled over on the sidewalk and killed the load engine. Both the partners jumped out of the motorcycle, Ari whistling for Norda to join them. They were hindered by their uniforms, they were like black sheep in a herd. All the wolves in sheep clothing hid well. After an hour of squeezing through people, Ari caught sight of a heavily layered person moving from table to table. He was paranoid in his movement. The stranger was looking around, face covered by a scarf and turban with large sand glasses, not haggling or buying. Finally, the figure stopped at a table surrounded by a group of other people buying tech of the merchant. Ari looked at Geir, put his fingers up to his eyes and pointed at the stall. Right at that moment, a merchant shouted:

'Hey, you have to pay for that... Stop. Thief! Guards!' the merchant threw himself towards Ari and Geir.

The thief dashed pushing people out the way. Ari bent down to Norda's ear, pointed to the runner:

'Va-A'- a command word to catch. The pulvetti darted into the crowd causing screams, grunts, cursing. The exterminators followed the path past the annoyed and curious crowd. They picked up speed as they heard Norda bark and move further into the sea of people. With their guns pulled out, they charged screaming for people to move out the way. The culprit was fast and agile, they were starting to lag behind. *crack* Geir's pulse rifle fired off behind Ari, the blast flying over the crowd and hitting a wall. All the people around the shooter including Ari flinched and ducked. Ari turned back with a shocked look:

'What are you doing?! What if you hit someone?!'.

'That's my goal, junior' – Geir strutted past aghast Ari.

They moved out the market into an ally where Norda had the thief pinned down by his ankle, wrapped around it like a cat. The scarf around the criminal's faces dropped and unraveled revealing the scavenger to be a human female. Once she saw the exterminators in front of her she stopped trying to kick Norda off and put her hands up. Her fear full charcoal eyes darted between the two of them, her skin tan, glistening from the sweat, black hair tangled, big lips partly opened inaudibly repeating something. Ari called Norda off with a bark. She sat down next to her master's foot with a bloody maw waiting for approval for completing the task.

'Seems we caught ourselves a cockroach' Geir started charging up his rifle in front of the human's face, 'Go see what she stole from the vendor'

Ari walked over to the scavenger, her dark eyes locked onto him. Even with fear, Ari saw past it, a deep burning hatred towards him. He pulled out a bandage and treated her leg trickling with blood. She was trembling and breathing heavily.

'Since when did you become a paramedic, Ari? I said to check her shit!'

'Norda's bites can be severe, what use is she to the captain if she bleeds out? I'll finish up and then I'll check her.'*crack* A red laser bolt flew into the other human's leg. She jerked and grabbed her leg from the burning pain.

'She's not going anywhere. The captain has all the information she needs and you're not about to take this fun away from me. I need to warm up before tomorrow, step aside Ari.' Geir recharged his rifle.

'Geir put your weapon down! I will not let your personal sadism stop us from doing our jobs' Ari stood between the two of them, Norda started growling at Geir.

'This is my, OUR job, to exterminate these fucks. They tricked and killed thousands of us: young, old, defenseless, after that they still parasitize our lives and you think I'll just forget that!?' This is my last warning Ari, move.' Geir slowly aimed his rifle at Ari's chest.

'Human, run.' Ari commanded the female in her language and zipped to the side out of the way of the barrel of the gun. He threw himself on Geir trying to take the rifle, but he stepped back out of Ari's grip and slammed him with the knob. The blow staggered and pushed Ari to the side. He managed to catch himself up against the wall. His head was throbbing and spinning, he felt blood running down his cheek. The female was running with a limp. Geir raised his pulse rifle and fired. The shot went straight into the head. The body fell and slid limp from the momentum in the shade of the alley.

<Chapter 9>

He woke up before the alarm feeling groggy after a restless sleep. Ari struggled to push open the closet door; he kicked it out of frustration. He pulled his dirty traveling clothes and grabbed the backpack he had prepared last evening. Norda was guarding it, seemingly she knew. Both of them stepped through the doorway, gave his apartment one last look and closed the door, leaving it unlocked. The waking sun filled the sky and empty streets with cold orange. People had their windows boarded, doors nailed shut and suspense soaked the city. Ari stopped in the main square in front of a burnt pyre. Where frozen stiff in a pose of agony strapped to a pole was a blackened body of a human. A sad glance was all Ari could give to this lady.

At the northern gate, a group of guards was continuing to further fortify the walls. Three were standing by the exit - chatting, four workers were emptying a van, carrying small military crates outside the walls. Ari pulled up a scarf over his face and hid his eyes under large sand goggles. He power walked right up to the gate. The two standing officer's chatter ended and both of them looked at Ari walking past them.

'S-stop! You can't leave the city.' said the guard.

Ari did not hesitate. The workers walked past Ari back towards the van giving him odd glances. A tight grip stopped Ari in his track. It was one of the guards.

'Did you not hear me? Turn around and go back inside the city or I'll arrest you. Don't try..' the guard didn't finish his sentence as Ari punched him straight in the face, dazing the guard, making him stumble back.

'Stop or we will shoot!' the two guards a few meters back pulled out their guns.

Ari calmly walked backward, pulled out a grenade out his back pocket and removed the safety pin ring, raised it high and dropped it by his feet. He bolted towards the exit after Norda who was already outside. A shock wave threw Ari off his feet, face first into the cracked earth. His head was spinning, his side hurt from the impact, but that did not bother him. He ran until he was out of breath. Breathing heavily he turned around. Ves Hoin was now a hill in the horizon. A plume of smoke rose into the dark sky; steel plates reflected what little light managed to break through the heavy clouds, a distant crack of thunder reached Ari's ears. Something hit Ari on the goggles, he flinched. A drop of water ran down the glass. A few more drops hit him and the sky began to weep.

Norda and Ari disappeared in the rain.