
Titanomachy {I}

Titanomachy they called it. The Great Titan war had now commenced. Civilizations wiped out, forests turned into deserts, rivers turned into lava; the devestation caused by war ravaged the Earth but it also gave shape to it. It was quite fascinating to see as fate played out is in an almost omniscient fashion.

The Pangaea breaking up and slowly forming into it's final shape. However such a monumental war quite obviously drew the attention of other Pantheons, who thought it might be good time to strike.

Odin being the most sold on that idea, was preparing to lead his Vikings into a bloody conquest but was stopped by Gaia who requested they not continue on their endeavour.

Odin was displeased to say the least, so in reparation he asked her to bear a child with him. He thought with a child of a Primordial by his side he could not only raise the overall strength of his Pantheon but also have the edge to defeat the "Giants". But he was surprised when his outrageous demands were met.

Stoping the Hindu Pantheon proved to be the easiest as she held the most influence within the Hindu Pantheon. The Egyptians needed no convincing as they had no plans of going beyond their borders.

The Aztecs were a bunch of psychos and were threatened into not interfering.

The war was still in it infancy and only "small" scale wars happened. Kronos, already having gone through Two massive Wars, was quite experienced in warfare not to mention the help he received from the Titan God of Wisdom and Intelligence. Not mention Kronos' Time related powers, the diabolical bastard was systematically torn down his Olympians nemesis.

But Kronos' Achilles heel lied in the fact that Chiron, the centaur son of Philyra, who provided the inside information about Kronos' attacks to Zeus which allowed his party to remain ahead and not get slaughtered.

But the inexperienced Gods were growing at an astronomical rate with Gaia teaching them and helping them catch up to the Titans.

And so the war dragged on for years. And when it seemed that both sides had reached a stalemate, Gaia introduced another factor that tilted the war in their favour, The Cyclopes and The Hecatonchries.

It was actually Hades who requested that they use them in the war and also volunteered to travel to the Underworld and free them from Tartarus.

And so Hades began his journey to the Underworld.

P.O.V. Hades

9 Years of this grueling war has allowed me to grow exponentially stronger, my control over my powers is now absolute and in terms of quality, I can now hold my own against Kronos but I can't yet defeat him on my own. But it doesn't matter much as Zeus and Poseidon have grown to such a level as well, and together we can defeat him even with his Scythe.

But that paranoid bastard just doesn't come out to the frontlines, and has left Atlas incharge of engaging us. And by God Atlas is a monster, the guy just won't go down, as expected of someone who held the world on his shoulders.

Our star in the war was terrible, but with help of new allies such as Tethys and her son Prometheus on our side we started rising to better state. I had actually thought many times to recommend freeing the Cyclopes and Hecatonchries before to speed up the war but since I was now an Immortal, I thought nah. Letting it continue so as to raise my strength was a wise choice.

Now as I travel to Underworld, all alone, I start thinking which version of the Greek Mythology am I in? The original Myths, or maybe some version of it, or the Percy Jackson one? Given the existence of other Pantheons I am leaning towards a Percy Jackson, Marvel or DC like version but I'm still not sure as the beginnings are always more or less the same.

So unless a deviation occurs, I'll be in the dark, which is kind of ironic.

It took some time but I reached my journey to the Underworld came to an end. The Underworld just seemed.... blank.

A dark wasteland, encircled by the 6 rivers that flows through both the land of the Living and Dead. And entering Underworld was far too easy for me as I felt... a sense of belonging here.

The River Styx, Acheron and Lethe split up making way for me to pass through and reach the River of fire, Phlegethon, which would take me to Tartarus.

Tartarus or the Abyss, was dark, dark enough that I, Hades, a God could not see my own hands in front of my face.

"HELLO!?! IS ANYBODY IN HERE??", I tried calling out to someone for a long while before I heard a response.

— "And who might you be? A spawn of Cronus?", whispers came out of the darkness as I looked above only see a beautiful face emerge from the shadows.

A gargantuan pressure was put on me, it took my entirety of magical and physical godly powers to just prevent me to falling down to my knees.

— "You won't bow to me as well? You really are Cronus' spawn alright. No respect for your elders.", I think it might be Nyx who I'm addressing, why did I have to meet her first. Listening to it seems Kronos must have said some unsavory words, damn bastard even causes trouble when he isn't here.

"Hades does not kneel. I think it would be wise if you remembered that. And I would prefer that you not think of me in the same vein as Kronos."

— "Hades eh? You're Rhea's firstborn, yes? It would seem that the tradition of the first born having all the decency, while rest gradually loss it all continues.

Tell me why are you here? Shouldn't it be Zeus who comes to see me, seeing as the prophecy spoke of him being the one to overthrow Cronus.", well I think given how you behaved I think I know why Zeus was afraid of Nyx despite being King.

"I volunteered. I've come to claim Underworld and free the Cyclopes and Hecatonchries as well. You know as well as I do Goddess Nyx, that since the very first step I took in this realm it started accept me as it's ruler.", I reply using all my concentration to not let the Ichor bleed out of my mouth. I have got to keep this bravado up.

— "Yes I have, and it would also seem that you are destined to rule this realm. But you won't be able to claim it, yet just as long as Cronus is still king.

But can help you free the Cyclopes and Hecatonchries.", Nyx said as she looked down on smiling so kindly that you'd almost forget that she's putting enough pressure on me to fold me in half.

"And why would you help me, if Goddess Nyx doesn't mind me asking.", I replied genuinely confused as I thought would have to some Hercules style labour.

— "Gaia believes that she has everything in her palm, which may be technically true, but she isn't only one with schemes is she? You have quite some schemes of your own, don't you boy? I'm just choosing a side.", Nyx replied with a cunning and knowing look in her eyes, which made me uncomfortable cause I did have so inkling of "scheme". These Primordials are really playing 3-d Chess while we Gods are stuck at playing checkers.

"You seem to be quite 'knowledgeable' my dear Grand Aunt.", I reply trying annoy her a bit for trolling me with this constant pressure.

— "My dear boy you have no Idea.", she replied brushing it off.

"Seems like 'Old' age has rewarded you with great wisdom.", well I regretted taking that dig, cause I basically looked at shadow covered body, implying well... you know what I'm talking about.





A/n:- Yo peeps.

I just recently watched the new Masters of the Universe show and it was.... a dumpster fire. I fuvking hated it but I had expected it as clownfish TV gave so warning signs about how the show disrespects and disregards the characters and lore of the original show. They killed of He-Man to make way for a "progressive" female protagonist of colour who is also a feminist and gay. WoW 😲 I literally can't locate the political agenda.

Well anyways, The war has begun and shit is about to hit the fan. Leave your thoughts, suggestions, criticism and corrections in the comments. Do leave a review if you like my work.

