
Into The Daylight

Ayle, we've been out here for days. So far we've seen nothing. You're supposed to teach us to survive out here. Specifically how to survive in areas of civilization, not the wilderness." Dr. Palvo's gaze bore into me as she tried to hide her panic. If she really knew me, she would know that her efforts were useless "We all know that you are the only one who knows where we are, so tell us the truth. Are we really headed towards civilization?" I stayed quiet "No?" She threw her arms into the air "Then where the in the Hell are we going?!" I turned away from her and continued walking "We're going to find my sister" ****************************************************************************** The world as civilization knew it came to an end over a century ago. Life is now restricted to a single continent where humanity has changed. Those who survived on the outside of bunkers and compounds constructed by governments from around the world evolved while those on the inside remained the same. On the Outside everything was chaos while Compounds kept order. Now with space and resources becoming limited within Compounds they must learn how to live in the foreign world outside the safety of their bunker. Survival on the outside; however, would not be a walk in the park. The only way to survive on the outside was to learn to become one of the foreigners they feared, and who better to teach them than the Outsider they'd caught wandering near their bubble of safety?

1NerdWithAPen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 12

Live or die that's your decision. It's yours to make, but only if you want it enough. Either way, we'll rejoin the lights of our ancestors eventually

Briefing: Month 1

"So how are they doing?"

I scoff, leaning back in my chair, kicking my feet up on the table in front of me "They are..." I tighten my lips, trying to keep in a laugh as I reflect on the past month "improving"

It had been a month since I walked out of my room and declared the beginning of training the group of fools they had chosen. So far, in all aspects, they were dead men walking.

"They have little to no clue about our culture. Most would not survive overnight in the wilderness and none of them would survive within a territory where actual people live."

I smirk as I see some of the board members shift in their seats, from what I've said so far, it sounds like they're sending their people to their deaths. Devlin was the only one who didn't show an ounce of unease or concern.

"They have little to no defensive or offensive skills, a child could incapacitate any one of them with ease."

Devlin glares as one of the other board members speak up, Harry, I think "Surely you're exaggerating, they have all been trained in self-defense before this point. It was a requirement for this operation."

I scoff "Outsiders are trained as children in self-defense. As they grow older it becomes more than that. We excel at fighting because it's how we survive. I suppose none of you're 'recruits' have really experienced the same fight for your life scenarios in your little bubble here."

I raise a brow expectantly as Harry fumbles for words "We have put them in simulations-"

"Real-life Harry, we're talking about real life and it's obvious from how they fight that they never have. They fight as if they know that nothing will happen, nothing will hurt them. They fight politely and it's as annoying and dangerous as hell."

I cross my arms "It's a good way to get yourself killed"

Devlin slams her hand on the table impatiently "Well if you're done insulting our training methods, please actually give us a report on the individuals and their progress."

I sigh, rolling my eyes "Fiiine, Devlin you really are no fun, you know that?"

She glares as I continue "We'll start with my favorite-"


"For Ancestor's sakes Anders! Don't leave yourself open!" I laugh as the big man doubles over in pain. So far Ander's was by far my favorite to spar with, he wasn't up to par with the outside's warriors or Ashari but he could at least keep up with me for a moment.

"Let's go again," He says, righting himself with a bloody smile on his face.

I smile, that was the determination I needed. I threw a punch that he easily deflected and countered, I laughed as I quickly sidestepped. It was obvious that the man was a trained 'soldier' I'm sure if he had been raised on the Outside, he would already be a formidable opponent.

He throws up a leg that I slide under. He forgets to protect his open side again, focusing on the power of the kick instead. I take the opportunity to throw a few hits into his side.

I'm glad that he barely flinches and we move on in our dance. Anders has a wonderfully obsidian color to his shade. His strength and authority can be sensed by practically anyone. To anyone else, it would be intimidating.

Finally, I manage to get behind the tall muscled man and kick out his legs while wrapping my arms around him and letting myself go limp. As I expected, gravity did exactly what I wanted, I quickly rolled onto him and bend his arm behind his back.

"You're dead"


"He is decent in combat, my most enthusiastic student by far, I have no doubts he'll be ready for combat on the outside."

Devlin raised a brow "But..."

I sighed "But his basic survival skills rely on being inconspicuous. Learning to adapt rather than react. He will have to learn more about the language, customs, get to know the outside environment some more. He can just specialize in one skill and expect the others to do the same to pick up the slack and neither can you."

My smirk falls "That will get them all killed"

"What about the young Dr. Devlin?"

I roll my eyes "You mean your pain in the ass nephew?"


"Eya mu naimu iosy Jey"

I give a small smile "Good, now where are you from?"

He grits his teeth "Gemini"

I shake my head and he rolls his eyes "Guy moonio"

I take a breath "Giey muionio but sure, what part of Gemini? What is it like? Do you have a family? Who are these other people to you?"

"Uh, just Gemini... It's nice and warm I guess... I'm Riley's colleague and the big guy is her husband. The nerdy girl is my little sister and-"

I hold in a scream "You are Ryley's apprentice. DEY aka Anders is her husband and there is no such thing as nerdy on the outside, Ava is your sister. Your twin to be exact, they're common in Gemini. Also, there is a North and a South in Gemini neither are warm and 'nice"

"Yeah Yeah, whatever"

I glare "You know I think it's time for combat training"


I set my legs down and glare at the Devil woman "Your angel child nephew is hopeless. He refuses to attempt to learn. He is as good as dead in combat. Really, he's only useful if someone else gets hurt and needs medical attention."

I can tell that the rest of the board is holding in their laughter while Devlin simply rolls her eyes "He will be fine, make him a mute if you must, but he stays."

I grin "That might just be useful"

Devlin frowns "And the good doctor?"

My grin slides off my face "Stubborn, but intuitive. She refuses to learn anything aside from basic combat, she'll surely die"


I pace in front of the mat as Riley refuses to move onto the plush cushion. "Doctor, this is mandatory. If you don't wish to die, you need to know more about combat than you do now."

She huffs "The others know enough to get us through, and I can handle myself if it comes down to it. I won't hurt someone I don't need to, it's horrible."

I glare at her, to think I thought she might excel in training with as much as she tried to understand the Outside.

"You said I'm catching onto everything else fast enough, I'm an asset to our team without learning to kill another human being."

I clench my teeth "The people out there don't see each other as human beings. The only people you can trust are the family you make. Everyone else is out to get something from you or kill you, now get your ass over here now!"

She crosses her arms "You're too pessimistic, there is good in everyone, that is a fact. I will not kill another person and ruin their chance for them to discover that for themselves."

I had enough "Anders, Joseph, throw her in."


I sigh, I like the Doctor, she is honest and hopes to see the best in people while remaining somewhat realistic. At the end of the day though, the innocent white in her shade takes over the logical blue. "She is not a realist when it comes to the realities of the outside and that will be the death of her."

There's a moment of silence as they mull it over, "I recommend you take her off the team if you want her to survive"

Harry opens his mouth as if to agree, but Devlin beats him to it "You have five more months to make her ready. If she dies it will be on you. Now, what about the last one? The girl, Avery, is it?"

I hold in the thousand curses I could throw at this woman right now and continue. "The girl catches on fast, makes sense that she's Henderson's prodigy."

The board's shades immediately turn from unease and worry to a warm sense of pride. At least two of their people might not be claimed by the outside.

"She is young and somewhat naïve but accepts the truth about the outside. Her progress with Iscari is wonderful and she is completely immersed in our culture. But like the rest of them, her combat and survival skills need work."


"Avery! Look around you to find a weapon. Use your surroundings and your speed to outsmart bigger opponents. Fighting is not the only option here!"

I watch as Anders charges the small 18-year-old, "Fuick!" I smile as she curses in Iscari, at least she has that part down. My amusement is quickly washed away as she completely passes the rocks she could've used to throw and blind Anders. Before she can reach the tree to climb and hide in, Anders quickly grabs the blonde and pins her to the ground.

I walk up to the pair and asses, shaking my head "Good work Anders." Anders lets go and leaves me and Avery alone as she climbs up from the dirt.

I look at the girl "You are going to die if you don't learn how to survive an attack. From now on, I'm pairing you and Anders. You will teach him more about the technical aspects of Tera while he teaches you more about combat and survival."

She hangs her head, her vibrant purple-blue shade fading into a duller version of the brilliant color.

I put a hand on her shoulder "I have hopes for you two. You will grow and learn to survive if you are constantly vigilant, understand?"

She gives me a small smile and nods

I grin, "Good" I turn around and signal for Anders to come back "Alright, again!"


"14? 14! Ayle!"

I look up at the screeching she-devil, breaking from my reverie "Have you found her yet?"

The board hushes as they look between themselves. Devlin rolls her eyes "That was not in question, I asked who you expect to-"

I growl "I don't care if it was in question, have you found Bey?"

Harry speaks first "No Ayle, our drones haven't found anything yet. Getting any of them outside our province is a struggle even with our resources."

I scoff, "Well," I say getting up "Its been a pleasure ladies and gentlemen"

"Where exactly do you think you're going?!" the devil woman screeches. I roll my eyes as I open the door "I'm leaving to go train the meat you'll be feeding the outside soon. I'll see you all next month"