
Into The Dawn

"Who do you love the most in the world? " she asked him. At that time he nonchalantly replied her. "Myself". She scoffed and said " of course ". ..... After her Father's death, Roxana lived with her Aunt in a new city, while trying to adapt to this new place, she met a mysterious and handsome young man name Asher Shyne. She felt that the darkness in her life is just like the night which met the dawn, which is the symbol of the beginning of new life. He brought happiness in her life, Just like the meaning of his name 'happy'. But what if the person who brought her happiness wasn't as she imagine him to be. *Cover is not mine.*

Mish_Black · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Awakening - I

The pale half-moon dimly shone through the giant trees to the bleak, cold and completely dark mansion, which has been abandoned for years. The mansion looked magnificent like an old ancient castle for royals, however it appeared dreary, gloomy and uncanny, like a haunted mansion filled with ghost or any supernatural being, as it has been deserted for years.

In the highest room of the mansion, with only a single lancet window with a stained glasses design in the room a strange sound can be heard, which appeared completely eerie. The room was pitch black and was pierce slightly by the dimly pale moon through the lancet window. A strange long wooden box, which seem to be a coffin was place at the cement table in the middle of the room, which appeared eerily in the pitch black room. The room was quiet and somber, one would feel a chill as the darkness engulfed the room.

The gloomy and desolate dark soundless room was all of a sudden broken by a banging sound from the coffin. Instantaneously, the coffin covered was crushed from inside of the coffin and flung it to the window, completely smashing the stained glass window, which penetrate the the faint light of the moon to the dark room.

A lifeless and ethereal face of a man lay in the coffin soundly, with a wooden stake in his chest, he looked absolutely like a dead person about to be buried, if not for the coffin covered which was completely crushed a moment ago.

His complexion seem to be whitish and colourless, lacking the complexion of any ordinary human. His lifeless and cold face can be seen vaguely from inside the coffin. He appeared to be like an immortal sleeping for eternity with his eyes tightly closed. Although, his face looked pale and lifeless, one can discerned his beautiful and hypnotizing face can enthrall anyone who glimpse it.

Suddenly, the eyes which was closed a moment ago was jolted open abruptly, the completely dark room was now glint faintly with his red eyes in the dark.

He swiftly and nimbly stood up from the coffin, so swiftly that ordinary human couldn't able to discern it, then he took out the stake from his chest and throw it on the ground and stretch his neck with a cracking sound. He then swiftly jumped from the window, with his unhuman eyes peering at the big mansion and lick his pale lips.


He whispered with longing and affection to the name and then abruptly turn around in a flash and disappeared through the dark.


At this moment in another part of the country, in a certain villa, a beautiful and alluring woman, with her round face, brown eyes and blonde hair, with only one piece of red silky sleeveless dress in her body, which appeared enchanting and mesmerizing, especially with her red lips and a glass of wine in her hand, as she was gazing at the moon with longing and affection from the balcony, when all of a sudden the glass door in the balcony was burst open by a girl with brunette hair and pale face , the girl hurriedly walked towards the woman with fear in her eyes.

"Sister!" she exclaimed.

" I think he's awake," she gasped with fear in her eyes.

"What!" the woman exclaimed, as the glass in her hand was shattered to the ground, she looked in astonishment at her sister as she process her words.

"But, how?" she asked in surprised.

"Ahha, I'm sure Ella did something," she mumbled, when all of a sudden, she suddenly start laughing like a crazy woman..


The girl look at her weirdly, she looked completely different from the alluring woman a while ago, instead of fear her face looked more like she was surprised that he's awake, moreover the third longest and craziest vampire in the world will certainly come after them, after all they're the one who pierce him with the wooden stake and put the strongest spell on him, he would surely killed them mercilessly, that is if he would be able find them.

"I knew he would woke up one day, but I didn't think it'll be this quick. I thought he would lay there for a hundred of years," she uttered completely surprised by the fact that he's awake without her breaking the spell.

"Didn't I asked you to watched over Ella ?" the women asked her sister.

"I did, but Sebastian is always with her," the girl answered her.

"You know that guy will surely killed me, if he saw me," she added.

The Woman thought for a while, took her sister hand and said in an assuring voice, "It's ok, we're in disguised now, he would not find us. Even if he find us, I'll protect you."

However, they both knew that crazy vampire will surely haunted them down, until he find them and killed them ruthlessly and mercilessly, after all they seperated him from his beloved.

Truly the most difficult chapter I've ever wrote.

Whatever, meet the most important characters, especially the one who has ethereal face, he's someone important in this novel.

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