
Into The Darkness

Emily, an ordinary-clever girl. However, she must be faced with a crime that threatens her life and her family. What will happen in Emily's life? What will happen to the mysterious woman? Has Emily survived the disaster that she experienced? Can Emily get, who killed Tom? . 'Into The Darkness' FIRST Mystery-Thriller book by Dexterjoey. Published on June 11 2018 on Wattpad, and published on August 1 2020 on WEBNOVEL. Now available on Wattpad and Webnovel!

Dexterjoey · Horror
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15 Chs


It was morning already.

Emily got up and hurried to her grandmother's house on Elm Street in New York. After Emily took a taxi for a few minutes, she finally arrived at her grandmother's residence. Fortunately, her grandmother's house is not far from the house Emily's live in, so she can easily visit her whenever she wants.

From a long time no see, finally Emily met her grandmother. Her grandmother was very surprised because when she last met Emily, Emily had just entered elementary school and Emily was still living in Jakarta. After that, Emily didn't see her grandmother anymore because there was news that she had moved to America.

There my grandmother immediately invited Emily to sat in the living room and served a cup of hot tea, ready to drink.

Emily started talking to her grandmother from the beginning of the incident that she experienced and the scariest events about the photos on the album that 2 days ago she saw about the mysterious woman who was terrorizing Emily's life. She told her grandmother everything.

Finally, Emily's grandmother said in a very scared sense that she said,

"So when you were born, there was a girl whose name was Rosie, she was beautiful, sweet, and also smart. She was also very loved by both her parents. So the Rosie was a neighbor and very close with mom and dad. You are Emily, but the sweet thing that Rosie experienced was only temporary, after her father and mother divorced, she became more and more messy, after hearing that you were growing up and very happy with your parents, Rosie became more jealous of you and one night Rosie at reported lifeless in the bathtub because he killed himself", said Emily's grandmother

Heard that, Emily was very surprised to hear the story that her grandmother told Emily. So far, the mysterious woman who haunts and terrorizes Emily's life is Rosie. She committed suicide because she was jealous of Emily. Emily was there felt sorry for Rosie why she was had to finish her own life.

Emily's grandmother said that it happened a very long time ago, but Emily's father and mother did not want to tell Emily about Rosie.

After a few hours at her grandmother's house, Emily decided to say goodbye to went home, finally, Emily stopped the taxi to take her home.

When Emily got home, she went straight into the room to lie down for a while. Because the feeling of her head was very dizzy, and her body felt tired

Emily lie down in her room, she ate it while eating snacks and watching TV, she took snacks in the kitchen and go straight to the room to turn on the TV ... huftt ... the mood is not decreasing any more.

But only temporarily, when she was heading to the bathroom there were strange sounds again heard in her ears, she didn't know the sound was coming from the kitchen. When Emily was tracing the origin of the sound, suddenly the red ball rolled again in front of her feet and she began to be surprised.

"What do you want BALLLL?!!", Emily thought annoyed

Emily tried to trace again where the ball came from. When she was tracing suddenly, her clock dropped by itself from the top of the cupboard. She was very surprised, at last, she immediately tidied it with a sense of sadness, because it was a very expensive clock that she bought last year from her friend.

Emily's friend would be very angry if Emily told this story, but suddenly when Emily was swept the shards, she heard a sound of running water tap.

Emily started thinking,

"This must be from the bathroom again", Emily thought

Emily ran to the bathroom and quickly opened the bathroom door. Emily again found red droplets on the bathroom floor.

This must be because of the red tap. As she thought, when she entered the bathroom, the water tap kept on burning and it turned red ... even harder.

Emily tried to turn it off quickly, and the water stopped flowing. Because she was very scared and panicked, she tried to contact her grandmother to come to her house. Luckily her grandmother didn't have an event today and she finally came to Emily's house.


The sound of the bell meant that Emily's grandmother had come. She immediately ran to the front door and opened it.

"Wow, you're so beautiful, Grandma", Emily said to Grandma

"Thanks dear, you too", Reply grandma to me

Emily's grandmother sat next to the TV with a very pale face. Emily started to ask her grandmother exactly whether you had a problem or not, but you just said

"There are many problems that grandma had, but the hardest problem is you Em", Grandmother said

Emily was surprised to hear, how come grandma suddenly spoke like that to her.

"What's the problem, Grandma? Why is the problem that befalls me so hard? Is this related to the woman who terrorized my life, Grandma?", Emily asked

"Yesterday grandma met with a grandfather, he said that your life will be full of misery, your life will continue to be terrorized by the Rosie or the mysterious woman, so you are patient yes dear", Grandma said to me in a soft tone

Emily was immediately surprised to heard that. "Why is my life so tragic like this, why is everything so messy ... ARGHHHH that story just lowers my mood", Emily thought

Soon, Emily's grandmother said goodbye to her to go home, because later this evening Emily's grandmother had an event.

At night, Emily was still thinking about the story that my grandmother told her, and suddenly when she was pondering there was the sound of glass breaking in the kitchen.

Emily immediately rushed to take a flashlight and go straight to the kitchen. When she went into the kitchen how messy it was. Her kitchen was full of broken glass. Everything fell and strangely when she took one of the broken glass, there was a red color like blood on the edge of the fraction. Emily started screaming herself to drive away the evil spirits in her house. She shouted very loud.


And when Emily was shouting, she was suddenly surprised by the photo of Rosie that she was displaying on the cupboard.

Naturally, falling and breaking. Emily began to think whether this is her doing?.

Emily was so sad. Why she had to shout like that before, was Rosie mad at me? Emily started to ask herself while cleaning photos of Rosie that accidentally fell.

"But if I keep thinking about it, I don't even want to sleep yet", Emily thought

For a few minutes, she calmed down and returned to sleep.