
Into The Darkness

Emily, an ordinary-clever girl. However, she must be faced with a crime that threatens her life and her family. What will happen in Emily's life? What will happen to the mysterious woman? Has Emily survived the disaster that she experienced? Can Emily get, who killed Tom? . 'Into The Darkness' FIRST Mystery-Thriller book by Dexterjoey. Published on June 11 2018 on Wattpad, and published on August 1 2020 on WEBNOVEL. Now available on Wattpad and Webnovel!

Dexterjoey · Horror
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15 Chs


When Emily woke up there was a sound.


And it turns out that voice is the sound of her cellphone vibrating. Emily checked it, it turns out there is a message from Rissa. Rissa asked Emily's situation now, but Emily deliberately ignored it because her head was very dizzy and loafer to answer people's chat.

OK, so tonight Emily will open a very difficult letter earlier. She took a cutter, so that it was easy to open. And finally, the letter that was difficult to open now opens using a cutter.

When Emily was reading slowly the letters that she had opened, suddenly she heard a roar from the underground. She immediately traced the basement,

"I wonder what is going on, why is the sound weird", Emily thought.

When Emily was tracing, suddenly her hand almost hit a sharp nail, "AWW... AWW!!", she screamed in pain. The nail-pierced Emily's hand. Luckily there was a used tensoplast nearby, Emily immediately took it, and finally, she used tensoplast to bandage her hand that was hit by the nail, and she continued to explore the basement.

When Emily was searching the basement, there was a sound of people shouting for help. She heard it very panicked and scared, even though in this her own house. She was alone.

"How come suddenly someone was shouting", Emily thought

Finally, she started to go where the voice was.

When Emily was walking towards the sound that she was aiming for, suddenly how come her shoes turned red and unconsciously when she looked at the floor, the floor was filled with a very large amount of blood. The sound of people screaming for help was increasingly strong heard in her ears.

When she tried to run in the direction. In the end, she finally got to the destination, but what she saw was not an ordinary thing but it was the first time she just saw. And now, she saw GHOSTS !!

The ghost didn't stop to chased Emily and she kept holding back tears and running while screaming to avoid the ghost.

"Arghhhh PLEASE !!! PLEASE !! ARGHHH ARHHH .... PLEASE !!!", Emily shouted loudly.

Finally, she quickly jumped up the stairs and she rushed to run to the room and take care of all her clothes and suitcases. Emily immediately hurriedly left the house feeling very sad and scared.

When on the road, her feelings are very scary and still panicked about the incident earlier. Without further ado, Emily immediately took a taxi and headed for grandma's house. When she arrived at her grandma's house, she immediately knocked on the door of the grandmother's house, and fortunately her grandmother immediately quickly opened the door for her. Emily immediately hugged her grandmother with a very sad and scared feeling.

"OUCH !! What's up my granddaughter why are you crying?", Grandma said

"I saw a ghost, Grandma, and that ghost was REAL!! What I saw with my own eyes Grandma", Emily said while cried.

"Ah, you must have a dream dear, there's no way you could saw a ghost", Emily's Grandmother said

"Grandma, I didn't lie, I was checking the basement all of a sudden, someone was screaming for help, who are you, Grandma, but when I saw that, a real GHOST, I couldn't bounce", Emily told her Grandmother

"Ok.. grandma trust your words, but it seems like it's late you have to go to sleep quickly or else tomorrow you are late, you already sleep in grandma's room later, grandma sleeps in the living room, about ghosts and others you can tell me, grandma, tomorrow morning, okay, now you just sleep", Grandma said to Emily

"Okay okay, good night Grandma", Emily said as she walked up the stairs

"Good night, my dear grandson", Grandmother said it back

While in room, Emily still couldn't get her mind off of what had happened. Her head was even dizzier from the incident, but there was something strange about the ghost. The ghost is covered with blood and its face is very similar to Jessica, is it not Jessica?.

"ARGHH !! suddenly my head was very dizzy again", Emily thought as wax her head

UHUK .... UHUK ... HUEKK ... UHUK .... UHUK !!

Unintentionally, Emily suddenly coughed again and again. The cough she took out was red. Emily was very surprised.

"Why my cough was always red, even though all this time I had not experienced any illness", Emily though

Emily quickly ran to the sink, to clean the cough that came out of her mouth. And after cleaning it, she went straight to the room to sleep peacefully. Tomorrow morning Emily will trace the ghost, and read the letter that she had not read earlier.