

I slowly blinked my eyes opened, ‘Where am I? What happened?’

It was so dark; I could barely see anything. I tried to move, only to realize that my feet and arms were chained up.

“W-What!?” panicking, I attempted to stretch out my wings, but they were bound too.

Struggling, my chains rattled and scraped against cold stone, creating a huge racket. The last thing I remember was going out with my team to investigate some rumors about the demon lord. It was said he was planning an attack and soon. Then, when we were on our way back, I vaguely remember that something pricked me in mid-flight. The next thing I knew, I was here.

“QUIT THE RUCKUS!!” I heard someone yell.

I screamed at him as loud as I could in a demanding voice, “WHERE AM I!?”

When he did not answer, I was about to shout again when I heard a door creak open. I heard some shuffling, and soon Light filled my vision. It took me a few moments to process what was going on around me. When it did. I was face to face with my brother.

“Brother!? Thank the goddess! Get me out of these-!?”

He glared menacingly at me. My elder brother seemed pissed.


He growled, “Don’t act so innocent, Gabriel. It’s your own fault you’re in here.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You know VERY well!”

Titus then yanked me up by the collar. I choked as he grasped my neck with his hand. He nearly crushed my airpipes. Soon he scoffed as he let me go.

I inhaled the air around me quickly, ‘What is his problem? We’ve been close since we were kids. He would never hurt me….’

He turned his back on me, “You’re going to be judged by the queen soon. So pray for salvation for your soul because she may give you a punishment that is worse than death.”


“I’ll give you some time before we take you to the queen.”