
Into One Piece with Bleach Template System

To read 20+ extra chapters for only $5, join here: https://ko-fi.com/voidruler9 ....................................................................................................................................... In a world teeming with formidable beings capable of leveling cities, a boy named Varen finds himself transmigrated into the vast and unpredictable realm of One Piece. As he navigates through this dangerous new reality, Varen is determined to carve out a place for himself among the legends. But Varen isn’t just an ordinary transmigrant—he possesses a unique advantage: the Bleach Template System!! Starting with the unparalleled powers of Aizen Sousuke, Varen embarks on a thrilling journey filled with epic battles, strategic maneuvers, and the quest for ultimate power. Will Varen rise to become one of the greatest in this world, or will the challenges of One Piece prove too daunting? Join Varen on his adventure as he strives to leave his mark on this extraordinary world. Dive into the adventure of a lifetime and witness Varen’s transformation in a world where only the strongest survive!

VoidRuler9 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 35: Black Coffin

Varen had nothing to fear from World Destroyer in his prime, let alone a guy who was already like a dying candle.

"Let's be buried together, brat!" B suddenly raised the knife at his waist, slammed his feet down, and shouted almost hysterically: "Momo Fruit Hundred Times Slash!"

The giant sword rapidly expanded and quickly slammed down towards Varen. This time, the Momo Fruit not only magnified the weapon and the slash by a hundred times, but also the speed.

This was World Destroyer's last trick, to directly magnify everything by a hundred times to obtain the power of his original slashing multiplied ten thousand times.

Although World Destroyer was not a great swordsman, and his level of swordsmanship was not very good, relying on the powerful Devil Fruit power and his own physical skills, he could perform far beyond the destructive power of ordinary great swordsmen.

"See! I'm the World Destroyer!"

"Only the weak need to shout to prove their strength." Varen's expression didn't change a bit as he faced the gigantic sword.

Indeed, World Destroyer 's attack was very destructive, and the speed was very fast.

But wouldn't it be enough to just aim at the person and attack?

At this moment, World Destroyer had fully activated his Devil Fruit ability, and his full attention was on wielding the giant sword. To Varen, he was just a puppet at his disposal.

"It's over. Hadō no Ninety: Black Coffin!"

A black barrier immediately rose under World Destroyer 's feet, covering his whole body in an instant.

First, his whole body was severely injured, and then he used such a powerful move. At this time, World Destroyer had no ability to move at all.

He could only be completely wrapped up by the Black Coffin.

Immediately afterwards, countless black Reiatsu blades within the Black Coffin aimed directly at World Destroyer and crazily penetrated him, and the black torrent of gravity directly smashed World Destroyer inside completely.

Hum... hum...

When the Black Coffin finally disappeared

Nothing inside remained; World Destroyer was completely shattered into tiny details that were barely visible.

[Defeat the great pirate World Destroyer, the template has been unlocked to 12.8%]

With the system beeping, Varen was 100% sure that World Destroyer was completely dead.

And the level of unlocking the system template had increased by 2.8% to such a high level that it was almost close to the level of improvement when he just broke through to the Great Swordsman.

" World Destroyer , who is not strong enough and is still a supporting role, can provide me with so much experience. It's hard to imagine how valuable Roger is."

Although Varen had anticipated that World Destroyer was worth a lot, he was still taken aback by the sudden unlocking of the 2.8% template level.

Who was World Destroyer ? Although he was the boss in the theatrical version, his strength was definitely not as good as that of Roger and others. In addition, his reputation was not particularly high, and he could still provide a 2.8% unlocking level.

If he were to defeat Roger, Golden Lion, and the others instead, they could directly bring him 5% or more experience!

Roger, Golden Lion, Whitebeard, Garp, Zephyr, Sengoku, Red Earl, Kong, and the future Four Emperors and three Admirals! These Admiral-level people alone could bring him more than 70% of the template unlocking level.

Of course, once Varen defeats the first Admiral-level person, he can unlock more templates, and then defeating the second will become extraordinarily easy.

Once he sets foot on this path, he will be able to improve rapidly at the fastest speed.

Of course, he doesn't have to think about so many things now; he just needs to focus on the matters at hand.

"Will releasing so many high-level Kidō in succession still have no effect?" After seeing World Destroyer die, Varen also began to check his physical condition.

The high-level Kidō he had used so many times in a row, including two Kidō above number ninety, had not caused him any fatigue or exhaustion.

It could even be said to be quite easy.

"If that's the case, it looks like that move should be easy to use." Varen thought secretly.

If successful, the next thing will become much easier.

It was still very troublesome to clean up the pirates on the entire island at once. Although Varen had many powerful Kidō, it was almost impossible to destroy an island with one blow before his strength reached that level.

"However, with my current strength, more than 90% of the pirates on this island will die under my Reiatsu in an instant! It will take a little time to solve this."

When he was with the Roger Pirates, the strength Varen showed was enough to deal with everyone below the cadres of the Roger Pirates.

Now that his strength had skyrocketed again, relying on Reiatsu alone, he believed that only the captains of the more powerful pirates on this island could resist his Reiatsu.

But even those who could resist him would likely be one-shot kills in front of Varen.

As for physical strength, Varen discovered through the battle just now that Shinigami's continuous combat power was quite terrifying. Aizen's Reiatsu was so overwhelming that even the unscrupulous use of high-level Kidō had no effect at all.