

Carrie Delmont is a failed author whose book has just been rejected by the 50th agent she sent it to. To shake of the rejection, she and her best friend got blackout drunk. Only Carrie woke up as a character in that novel? Not even a main one, but the nameless younger sister of the villain? Can she survive in the world she created and find her way back home?

saphiewrites · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - So, I'm not going to die?

I… was attacked?

"Yes." I hadn't realized I said that out loud. "And it was… bad. The healers didn't think you'd make it. They had to keep you asleep for two months to make sure your injuries- to make sure you all better." I nodded. I added the magical medical coma to the story to take George safely out of commission for a while. Lithia needed some time to worry over him and to prove herself in the capital without his help. Love magic. It's like putty, letting me fill up any and all plot holes as needed.

But. The magical coma was only used when injuries were so severe it would take months to heal. Like multiple missing limbs or organs. The patient would have been at death's door when-

"Who attacked me?"

Lila shook her head, "We don't know. By the time you were found… Getting you to a healer was first priority."

In my novel, her sister was strewn out in pieces across the broken wreckage of a carriage, her own corpse mixing in with those of her fallen guards. She had left behind one of her knights when they departed from their inn that morning. He'd been having stomach trouble, and she was unwilling to wait. Their blood was long cold when he finally caught up. Mark pursued the assailants immediately, following their tracks all the way to the border of Printh, where the kingdom army stopped him. It is there that he learned the group he pursued were retreating Printh soldiers. The knights of Delmont loved the sisters dearly, Mark especially. Originally, the incident wad what sealed his hatred of Printh and made him Lila's most reliable agent when attacking Lithia.

But if he had somehow managed to find Carrie in time to save her, then of course he would have prioritized saving her. Saving me, I guess.

I just need to confirm it.

"What about my guards, are they-"

Lila ran her fingers down my cheek in comfort as she shook her head. I had to fight back a shudder. "There were no other survivors. It was only pure luck that Sir Mark had lagged behind."

There it was. I feel bad for the Carrie before me, but it seems she's already died. Which sucks for her, but works best for me. I don't have to worry about getting brutally killed off to fuel Lila's downward spiral.

But wait - if I was attacked two months ago…

"What about the prince?"

Lila was momentarily shocked. "What about him?"

I suppose it would be weird for the crown prince to be one of the first things Carrie asked about after waking up from a coma. But I need to know. "He- you, you're marriage was supposed to be announced, right?"

Lila leaned in close again, offering me a kind smile, "So sweet of you, always thinking about me." She returned her hand to my cheek at the same time she gave my hand a squeeze. "I know you were looking forward to having a brother, but it seems… we need to find another one."

So he did get married already. In the novel, the Delmonts lost their chance to object to the arrangement due to their bereavement period. Now it seems they either objected and were ignored or didn't object due to my recovery.

I put my hand over hers, "Lila, I'm so sorry. I know how much you wanted-"

"No, no, it's not your fault." She got too close, "Don't you think that for a moment. We just - George and I just aren't meant to be, that's all."


I did put in explicitly that her sister's death led to her obsessive hatred of Printhians. But maybe grief also intensified her love of the prince? That's… better, actually? Maybe I should have fleshed out the sister more? Made her close to George and Lila, maybe even add more about how Lila lost everything at once, and no one was there to help her out of her own depressive-spiral?

At least now I can…

I can what?

Carrie's not dead. She doesn't know Printh soldiers attacked her. She seems to genuinely care about my wellbeing more than winning back the prince.

I-if the villain has no motivation, what's going to happen to the plot?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! (leave comments) (or buy me a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/potatoburp )

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