

I draw for the fans.....that aren't many...

BobaCat · Realistic
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Part 1

I have no idea who's decision this was to have me interviewed by some nonprofessional interviewers but I apparently can't find any way out of it.


I was quite annoyed with them and I just wanted to get it over with already. "Fine, I will answer your questions," I said. They had then given me a sheet of paper with the questions typed on it. So, I started, "My name is Kane Jackson, and uh I like to write and draw."

I answered all of the questions besides the last one. The last question asked me to explain how I came to love what I love. At first I had no idea what that question meant but they quickly explained to me so it was beginning to become more and more clear to me. Just then, I told them my entire life story, from beginning to end.

I was about 3 years old when I started drawing. Back then, I drew only mere box shaped people, which indeed came in handy for the future. At the age of 5, I started to use more tools for my drawings and eventually started line art. My sisters, Lily and Sara both gained interest in my drawings and thought I could go to art class. Sadly, my parents didn't want me, at my age, to go out near strangers that were probably older than me. I guess I should thank them for not taking me to take classes because if it wasn't for that small action, I probably wouldn't be where I am now. When I grew older, I began to know more words and how to use them so in first grade, our teacher wanted us to write a short story. I wrote "The puppy who time traveled" and it got popular throughout the school. I would share the story with the world but I don't have a way to share it without using too much time in this interview. Eventually, I started to draw comics. Comics to me were like stories but as a drawing. I understood that visualizing stories for some people isn't too easy so I decided, why not make it easier by lessening the work of trying to visualize what is happening in the story. My comic story got quite popular and was a nominee for winning in the top 10 best web novels of the year. Haha your wondering about how Lily and Sara are doing at this time? Well, I was about 12 when this happened so Lily was in her last year of high school and Sara was in her sophomore years.

"Time's up for today," the interviewers said.

Well then, that's my cue, time to get outta here.

The story "The Puppy Who Time Traveled" was a story I indeed wrote but in 3rd grade and it got popular throughout the classroom.

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