

He was one of the most renowned General in ancient China. He knocked down the enemies with only 500 cavalries, merciless in the battlefield, and deserved the title of God of War. On the other side, he also possessed a good personality, a kind heart, and gentleness. He always hid his handsome features beneath his golden mask. Yet, a twisted fate led him to his calamity. With his last breath, the general gritted his teeth and swore, “I, Gao Chang Gong, will take revenge for all of my sufferings!” She was an ordinary girl from 21st century. Because of a certain ancient mask, her soul time-traveled to the Northern and Southern Dynasties era and entered a weak body of an unfavored second young miss in Prime Minister manor. "Those who dare to put my handsome General into calamity will suffer from an endless humility!" "General Gao, I'm one of your die-hard fans! Can you give me your autograph?" "Wife, how about you wear a mask too?" This is a sweet story about a transmigrated young lady and a rebirthed God of War. [This is an original story, not a translation.] Author: itsmahandania Co-author and Editor: Primrose Zedley Proofreader: Marcelina Tiffani

Itsmahandania · History
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17 Chs

Chapter 03

That night, Zhao Xing couldn't sleep at all. The girl just tossed around in her bed with a mind full of anxiety. Her heart was full of restlessness as she couldn't predict her future in the prime minister's manor.

During the past four years, the transmigrator tried to adapt from her previous life into this dynasty's lifestyle. It wasn't easy for her, a modern woman, to survive in an ancient world.

She had a habit of using technology in everything she did, even her smallest activities needed the help of modern technology. But now, she was suddenly thrown into an era where drinking bobba tea was only her wishful thinking. Naturally, she needed a lot of time to adapt.

In the modern world, Zhao Xing loved to read transmigration novels to ease her boredom. She understood very well the protagonists always had a hard life in the capital city. Thus, she concluded that her life might be no better as well. Moreover, she knew that she already had a couple of haters waiting for her death!

On the bright side, the transmigrator had one motivation to quickly move to the capital. Silently, she's been waiting, expecting for this moment for such a long time.

Soon, she could meet him...

Zhao Xing could clearly remember how happy she was when she realized she was transmigrated in Gao Chang Gong's era.

This year, the great general was only twenty one years old, around four years older than her. He was still at the peak of his life, and was still far from his miserable end.

Although the girl was clueless about the real reason of her transmigration, she vaguely guessed it might be related to the general—since the time travel medium was his mask. Zhao Xing, strangely, also had a strong feeling that she had to find that same mask if she wanted to go back to her comfortable life in the modern world. However, to find that mask wasn't an easy thing to do. She had to be close to the general before she can have the chance to see that artifact.

Now that she had the chance to travel back in time, as Gao Chang Gong's number one fan, Zhao Xing naturally held a strong urge to save his life.

Back then, she always felt miserable upon knowing the general's ending. She would constantly cry a river whenever she read his historical records. He was such a good person, maybe one in a million, but he had to die in such unfair way.

Zhao Xing wanted wanted to curse at Siming[1] for his heartless scheme!

Soon after traveling back in time knowing Gao Chang Gong's existance, the young lady thought about the first thing she wanted to do—and that was to save him. Zhao Xing will definitely save him from his bad fate.

However, after a deep thought, Zhao Xing had thoughts about not having enough ability to do so. If, in the end, she could save his life, wouldn't that mean she's changed history? And what if that affects the lives of other people and the future of her whole nation? Should she sacrifice the life of people for her selfish wish?

On the other hand, Gao Chang Gong was truly a pure human being. His nature and personality was flawless. His heart was lived for the same of his nation and people. Should she let him have the same ending when she has the chance to save him? Of course not!

Zhao Xing definitely won't let him suffer from the same fate. But she also wouldn't leave the world in a mess just because of her selfish feelings for the general. She would try her best to carefully avoid any disastrous events that might affect history.

Sometimes, she had thoughts that maybe this transmigration was a gift from God for her and the general. Who knows?

Zhao Xing was about to close her eyes when she heard a soft knock on her window. Just before she could guess the possibility of it being a ghost, a familiar voice rang from outside.

"Xiao Xing, come out and see what I have for you."

Scrunching her willow-like eyebrows, Zhao Xing got up from her bed, reaching for her cloak and grabbed hand muffs made of fur before obediently going out of her room, heading straight to the small garden beside her pavilion to the source of the man's voice.

Zhao Xing immediately gaped in awe upon seeing countless of lanterns hanging across her garden. The perfect combination of the bright red lanterns with spotless white snowflakes became a dreamy scene in Zhao Xing's eyes. It was gorgeous to the point of her becoming speechless as she looked up at the sky.

When Zhao Xing was amazed with the view, Wu Ruyi's attention was all directed on the girl's happy face. He thought to himself if he could see that smile everyday, even if he had to reach for the stars, he would willingly do that.

At that time, a smile which was rarely seen on his face, bloomed rather brilliantly.

"I guessed you wouldn't be able to sleep, so I decided to hung these lanterns," Wu Ruyi spoke calmly.

The girl let out a helpless sigh upon remembering the reason why she couldn't sleep. Looking up at the beautiful lanterns, Zhao Xing stated dejectedly, "It's a pity I won't be able see this sort of view again."

"Who says?" The man interrupted, "I still can make it for you in the future!"

Wu Ruyi suddenly couldn't stand the idea of Zhao Xing, his one and only person, get so distressed at the mere thought of going back to the capital. They had such a peaceful life up here where no one will disturb them, how come the girl had to leave? He wanted to bask in this moment with her for as long as he could, ignoring the inevitable frostbite nipping at his fingers.

Zhao Xing laughed upon hearing Wu Ruyi's quick statement. However, in the next moment, the light in her eyes dimmed as she looked a bit down. "Ruyi-ah, the prime minister's manor is like a tiger's den. I might not be able to protect you and Xiao Yi in the future."

"Don't worry, they can't do anything to you!" Ruyi snorted in annoyance upon knowing the prime minister's manor might not be friendly to his young lady.

At least with me around you, I won't let them touch you...

The man didn't want her to go back at all. Zhao Xing has been up here for quite some time, who knows what changes have been made in the capital? He was afraid of other people bullying her. It made him bite his lip rather harshly.

Wu Ruyi was used to seeing the bright side of Zhao Xing. In his eyes, she was a bundle of joy who spread happiness everywhere she went. She was so lively, warm and selfless. It pained his heart to see her gloomy like now.

"Ruyi-ah, do you remember the first time we met?" Zhao Xing gazed at the snowflakes, falling profusely from the gloomy sky. The girl smiled sweetly as she reminisced the past.

"En." Wu Ruyi looked down at the girl's stunning face.

"At that time, I thought you were a mute," The second young miss let out a crisp laugh before continuing on, "well... only until you finally revealed your name to me, Ruyi."

The man secretly turned away after she spoke his name. It was soft and gentle, like a simple caress. It made his cheeks flush red and it didn't take very long for him to grow a bit hot with embarrassment, even though it was freezing ouside.

After that, there was a peaceful silence between the two of them. They weren't willing to break the gentle atmosphere, so they happily watched, silently enjoying the enchanting view of the falling snow and those enchanting lanterns.

As they watched, Zhao Xing glimpsed ever so slightly at Ruyi, who immediately noticed and gave a gorgeous smile.


The female looked away with a small sigh. Really, he was too charming in this sort of scene. If only, Ruyi was born in a royal family or noble family, his future must be so bright. With his skills and devilish beauty appearance, he would definitely have a lavish, comfortable life and a good partner.

"We're used to the peaceful life of this villa. And starting tomorrow, our lives will no longer be this simple." Zhao Xing let out a heavy sigh. She looked up and stared right at the man's eyes. "Ruyi-ah, you used to be free and unrestricted. I'm not a favorable daughter of my father, and I might cause you trouble in the future. So I think I should let you go—"

"Nonsense!" Ruyi looked away from her gaze. Snorting, the man that was two years older than Zhao Xing mumbled under his breath, "You've taken care of me this far only to abandon me? In your dreams! Tsk!"

Because of the harsh winds slightly picking up, Zhao Xing couldn't clearly hear what he said. However, she could caught the abandon from his lips. Afraid that he may have misunderstood her good intentions, the girl quickly tried to explain.

"I didn't mean that-"

"I still disagree. You've already intervened with my life the moment you saved me that day, now you have to take responsibility!"

The tips of Zhao Xing's lips twitched upon hearing his ambiguous declaration. Big brother ah, why are you so dramatic?

Suddenly, Zhao Xing sneezed. She immediately cupped her nose with her hand muffs and exhaled deeply, watching her breath turn into mist.

Wu Ruyi noticed her complexion becoming paler and quickly stood right next to her, pulling her close in his embrace. Without thinking, he pulled her hands out of the hand muffs and brought the palms of the girl's hands near his mouth, providing warm puffs of his breath to comfort her.

Zhao Xing didn't say anything. She already knew he was this sort of person, he would always worry about her health since she was comparably weaker than the average female, so she let him continue to warm her hands by blowing hot, stale air.

"It's getting late. We need to set off early in the morning. Quickly go rest, I don't want your sickness to relapse during our trip back to the capital." Ruyi's words was so domineering, without a space to compromised. He felt a bit guilty for not letting her bundle up in warmer clothes.

Zhao Xing nodded. "Okay."

The two of them glanced one last time at the scenery before Wu Ruyi carefully escorted the young miss back into her room. Although he wanted to watch the lanterns with her longer, he definitely didn't want the girl to fall sick like she did in the past.

So with an uneasy smile, he bid her goodnight and quietly vanished into his own courtyard, anxiously contemplating for Zhao Xing's departure tomorrow.

Author's Note:

[1] Siming (Chinese: 司命; pinyin: Sīmìng) refers to a Chinese deity or deified functionary of that title who makes fine adjustments to human fate, with various English translations (such as, the Master of Fate, Controller of Fate, Deified Judge of Life, Arbiter of Fate, Director of Allotted Life Spans, and Director of Destinies).