
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

The First Order

"Can I buy on credit?" Li Zhi pointed to the door of the "low-level trading area" and asked the Pillar Brother.

"Your credit rating is too low!"

"So, it's not possible then?" Li Zhi stroked his chin, curious, and asked, "How do you know if I have money on me, and how long can I stay inside?"

The Pillar Brother smiled and replied, "The manufacturer's value has been converted by the Interstellar Trade Alliance." The fee system of the Interstellar Trade Alliance is very user-friendly. If you have money in your bank account or credit card, it will be deducted directly from your bank account. "When your cash balance is insufficient, you can also use your inventory as collateral, and the Interstellar Trade Alliance will send someone to facilitate the exchange."

Li Zhi rolled his eyes and said, "So, as long as you belong to the Interstellar Trade Alliance, you can't default on payments?"

"No member has defaulted on funds owed to the Interstellar Trade Alliance so far!"

You can't fight against the system. Since they dare to expand their business on such a large scale, they don't mind if others play dirty.

"I don't have enough funds at the moment, but I still want to see if there's anything here that I need." "What should I do?" Li Zhi asked.

The Pillar Brother smiled and said, "You can use the self-service machine of the Interstellar Trade Alliance." Many members of the Alliance choose to list their desired and available goods on the internal network of the Interstellar Trade Alliance to easily connect with potential buyers and sellers, saving time.

"Is there a charge?"

"Browsing information is free, but publishing product information, receiving orders, or accessing information beyond your own manufacturer level incurs a fee."

Li Zhi breathed a sigh of relief. It's free to look, but only within the scope of the "low-level trading area" to which he currently belongs. Information from the "high-level trading area" and "special trading area" would require payment.

However, the prices should be lower than those in the public trading area. Once inside, you are required to pay, whether you are buying or selling.

"Can I check the online information now?" Li Zhi asked.

The Pillar Brother said, "Of course, this is your private trading area." "Here, you can do anything without needing anyone else's permission!"

Li Zhi almost couldn't resist kicking it. What private trading area? How can I see without your help?

Suddenly, Li Zhi thought of a question and stared at the 'Pillar Brother', asking, "Do you charge for your services?"

"I am a service machine of the Interstellar Trade Alliance." "You can ask me anything for free if you don't understand it!"

"That's good!" Li Zhi was genuinely concerned that this individual might also be a paid accomplice. No wonder the Interstellar Trade Alliance can operate on such a large scale, with 'fee' clauses everywhere.

"What information do you want to select?" The Pillar Brother asked.

Li Zhi shook his head and said, "No need for selection, just show me all the trading information available!"

"Okay, please wait!"

About a quarter of a second later, Li Zhi's entire private trading hall lit up, filled with all the 'information' at once!

Li Zhi looked at the information one by one, but none of it was understandable to him!

"Can you simplify the information for better understanding?" Li Zhi asked.

The Pillar Brother smiled and said, "Yes, but this service incurs charges within the Interstellar Trade Alliance." "Would you like to activate it?"

Li Zhi smiled wryly and asked, "Is it expensive?"

"It's very cheap." "The monthly price is 3600 yuan, the hourly price is 120 yuan, and the annual service fee is 28,000 yuan!"

"RM currency?"

The Pillar Brother smiled and said, "Yes, the Interstellar Trade Alliance will convert the fee directly into the currency of the manufacturer's area for easy use!"

The price is not expensive. After careful consideration, Li Zhi promptly activated the 'annual' subscription.


Li Zhi had the phone with him, so he took it out to check. There was a bank transaction information prompt deducting the information service fee of 28,000 yuan from the Interstellar Trade Alliance company.

"Do you have a branch on Earth?" Li Zhi asked in surprise.

The Pillar Brother nodded, "Yes, only in this way can we better serve the members of the Alliance." If you need to order or sell a specific product, you need the Interstellar Trade Alliance to act as an agent.

Li Zhi deepened his understanding of the Interstellar Trade Alliance. It is not only huge but also terrifying!

"I am seeking to purchase 500 units of the 'Thunder' mobile phone, each priced at 6 billion US dollars." Urgently needed! Please contact me as soon as possible if you have a source.

"Selling one '587 Robot Production Line', 80% new, fully functional." It can build a factory upon purchase. The price is 6.4 billion US dollars.

"Selling 'Sea Dragon Fruit Canned', 500 boxes, price: 60 million US dollars."

"Selling the 'Wing Dragon Fighter,' a 6th-generation fighter with top-notch combat capabilities." Price: 80 million US dollars each.

"Selling the 'Sea Emperor' aircraft carrier, second-hand, for the price of 28 billion US dollars."

"Seeking to purchase a '9V Female Household Service Robot' production line." It must be over 90% new and intact. Please provide pricing details.


Li Zhi looked at the information in front of him and felt shocked. Indeed, everything is available for sale, ranging from small items like battle knives to large items like airplanes, tanks, aircraft carriers, robot production lines, and more.

He even saw information about buying and selling slaves.

The prices range from tens of thousands of RM to several hundred billion US dollars. As long as you have money, you can buy anything here.

In addition to buying, you can also sell!

Manufacturers all have their own products, and only by selling them can they exchange them for money to buy items from other people.

Due to Li Zhi's current financial situation, he can only window shop as he lacks the funds to make a purchase.

"Pillar Brother, please assist me in filtering the information and only retaining details related to purchasing food products!"


"Temporarily remove the information that exceeds my current storage capacity!"

"No problem!"

After filtering and selecting the information, only a few entries remained, but there were still tens of thousands of them.

There were all kinds of items for sale, and there were also many people seeking to buy!

Not all manufacturers choose to produce their own products. Welcome to the Interstellar Trade Alliance, dedicated to facilitating trade.

Traders and manufacturers within the Interstellar Trade Alliance are free to make their own choices, as the Alliance does not impose any restrictions.

"Seeking to purchase canned fruit." The production date must be within one year, the price cannot exceed 50 yuan per can, and the required quantity is 1 million!

When Li Zhi saw this information, a glint of light flashed in his eyes. Canned fruit for 50 yuan per can? That's not a low price!

"Can you help me contact this buyer?" Li Zhi turned to the Pillar Brother and asked.

The Pillar Brother nodded, "No problem!"

Soon, through the Pillar Brothers' connection, Li Zhi was able to communicate with the 'buyer'. The other party was a woman, and Li Zhi didn't know what she looked like. However, from her voice, he could tell that she was a woman, probably not too old.

She asked Li Zhi to call her 'Azure', and Li Zhi could understand her words through the translation provided by the Interstellar Trade Alliance.

"Price: $word-sub0, quantity: 1 million cans, urgently needed." "How long will it take for you to produce?" Azure asked.

Li Zhi stroked his chin and said, "It will probably take about a week!"

"No, that's too long." I can't wait. I can give you three days at most. If you can, I would like to place an order with you. By the way, you will need to pay the transaction fee. Is that okay with you? Azure shook her head and only gave Li Zhi three days.

Li Zhi turned to the Pillar Brother and asked, "How much transaction fee will I need to pay to the Interstellar Trade Alliance for this order?"

"Twenty-five percent of the total transaction amount," the Pillar Brother replied after checking.

For a business valued at 50 million yuan, the transaction fee would be 12.5 million yuan. Isn't that a bit too expensive? After calculating, Li Zhi realized that after receiving the money, he wouldn't have much profit left.

After hesitating for a while, Li Zhi replied to Azure, "No, the transaction fee is entirely on me, and it simply doesn't add up to the cost."

Azure fell silent for a moment before speaking, "How about we split the fee in half?"

Li Zhi calculated that if they split the transaction fee in half, the price of each can of fruit would be around 40 yuan, which would still leave him with a good profit.



You have received an order message!

The other party has already paid fifty percent of the payment. Please complete the order within three days; otherwise, it will be considered a breach of contract.

Breach of contract penalty: million.

A yellow indicator light illuminated, very noticeable in the expansive private trading hall spanning over a thousand square meters.

Azure had already paid fifty percent of the payment, and 25 million had already been credited. The remaining fifty percent will be paid directly at the end of the transaction.

"Is it done like this?" Li Zhi couldn't help but ask the Pillar Brother in confusion.

The Pillar Brother smiled and said, "Yes, congratulations!" You have received a manufacturing order!

"Thank you!" Li Zhi replied politely.

The reason he dared to take on this order was that Li Zhi remembered the most expensive canned fruit he bought at the supermarket was only a little over ten yuan per can, and that was the retail price. When buying and selling, the price difference should be significant enough to manage effectively.