
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Life Plan

"Who was the young man following you and taking pictures just now?" "Could it be your admirer?" Li Zhi started the car and drove away from the police station gate, smiling as he asked.

Dong Yingxue shook her head. "Don't guess randomly." There's no one pursuing me at the police station!

She didn't know why she had to explain it to Li Zhi. It was obvious that Xiao Zhang was instructed by Xiao Wang to secretly take pictures of her. If they dared to gossip, she would show them how she could handle it!

Li Zhi didn't ask further, smiling as he said, "Really?" A beautiful woman like you, and no one is pursuing you? Are all your male colleagues blind?

Dong Yingxue rolled her eyes at him and grumbled impatiently, "Do you think everyone is like you, unable to walk without a beautiful woman by their side?"

"Do I?" Li Zhi chuckled and touched his nose.

"Do you not know?" Dong Yingxue turned her head to look out of the car window. She suddenly wondered why she was so concerned about this man. They didn't seem to have any special relationship. Was it because of Zhu Ge Mei Li's words, or was it because she was interested in him as a person?

"What are you thinking about?"

Dong Yingxue snapped out of her thoughts, shaking her head with a wry smile. "I was thinking that you really are as poisonous as my cousin said." It seems I should keep my distance from you in the future!

"Poisonous?" Li Zhi was puzzled and looked at her. "What kind of poison?"

"…," Dong Yingxue ignored him.

Li Zhi laughed and said, "Speaking of poison, I almost got poisoned today. Luckily, I was clever."

"Poisoned?" Dong Yingxue furrowed her brow. "What happened?" "Did Ren Lulu poison you?"

"It wasn't Ren Lulu, it was Zhao Yingxue." This woman is really ruthless. She put a strong laxative in the food and drinks I ordered. Fortunately, I was quick-witted. Otherwise, I would have been in a terrible situation. "It's not just about losing face; whether I could come back alive is another matter!" Li Zhi said with a smile.

"Did you go to the Star Moon Bay Hotel?" Dong Yingxue asked.

"Yes!" Li Zhi nodded. "I received Ren Lulu's contact information from you and invited her to join us." As you may know, the Fallen Star Tower is only suitable for dining, not for conversations. I chose the Star Moon Bay Hotel as the location. I thought that with the Zhao family's support, Ren Lulu wouldn't be afraid of me. But who would have thought that Zhao Xueying would plot against me behind the scenes!

Dong Yingxue turned to look at Li Zhi and asked, "Could it be that Zhao Xueying poisoned you, and you made Ren Lulu and the others eat it?"

Li Zhi shrugged and said with a smile, "I thought about it, but it was close." Zhao Xueying arrived just in time to intervene.

"You, can't you be more stable?" Dong Yingxue scolded.

"Can't blame me for this, can you?" Li Zhi said with a bitter smile. "I am also a victim." Zhao Xueying's motives are impure.

"She has impure motives, but you went to her." "Who can you blame?" Dong Yingxue snorted. She was well aware of the grudges between Li Zhi and the Zhao family.

Li Zhi didn't dwell on this topic. He just said that even if he wanted revenge, he wouldn't let Dong Yingxue stand up for him. As a grown man, there was nothing he couldn't handle, and he didn't need a woman to intervene.

"By the way, what is the situation with Ren Lulu?" Li Zhi thought of something and couldn't help but ask.

Dong Yingxue calmly said, "It's something that shouldn't be said, but considering your knowledge of Ren Lulu, it's likely not a secret."

After a brief pause, she continued, "Ren Lulu has organized a group called 'Golden Flower', recruiting a group of girls to sell themselves." She is also suspected of forcing others to engage in prostitution, kidnapping young girls, and potentially being involved in drug trafficking in Haicheng. Additionally, she is running an underground casino.

"Do you have evidence?" Li Zhi asked.

Dong Yingxue nodded. "Yes, there is concrete evidence." She probably won't be able to run for long. So, I advise you to keep your distance from her. "She's a dangerous person."

"Me?" If she doesn't come to provoke me, I'll just let it go. "Do I need to go to her?" Li Zhi said with a bitter smile and shook his head. If Dong Yingxue said there was evidence, then Ren Lulu was most likely in trouble.

It was good. After Ren Lulu went in, Li Zhi wouldn't have to worry about her anymore.

After dinner with Dong Yingxue that evening, they went to the park on the third floor to relax. Li Zhi wanted to put his arm around her, but Dong Yingxue scolded him and told him to back off. Looking at her expression, it didn't seem like she was joking, so Li Zhi didn't dare to make any moves.

"We are just ordinary friends now." Until you establish clear boundaries with those women around you, we can only be ordinary friends!" Dong Yingxue looked at Li Zhi expressionlessly and said.

Li Zhi touched his nose. He couldn't answer, and he didn't know what to say. Establish clear boundaries. With whom? Mu Xiaomei? Dong Xiaorou?

Was it possible?

Li Zhi would never make promises he couldn't keep. Although he wasn't a gentleman, he didn't want to deceive women with sweet words. Even if he managed to deceive them today, his true nature would eventually be revealed, and the situation might not be as pleasant as it is now.

"I think you should consider it carefully," Dong Yingxue said softly.

"Think about what?" Li Zhi asked in return.

Dong Yingxue looked at him and said, "Think about yourself, your future, and your life! Do you have a solid plan for yourself, your life, and your future?"

A plan?

He asked himself, "Did he have one?"

It seemed that he didn't. Ninety-eight percent of Li Zhi's thoughts were focused on the present. A significant portion of his mindset was still focused on living in the present moment.

"Time changes everything, including you." It can make you arrogant, or it can make you destitute. You have everything now - money, women. But what about the future? "Can you guarantee that they will always be by your side?" Dong Yingxue asked softly.

Seeing Li Zhi's silence, Dong Yingxue continued, "You can't, can you?" Think about it. Your life is long, but not permanent. "You need to plan for the next ten years, the next twenty years."

After a brief pause, she added, "Perhaps at your age, thinking about these things seems unnecessary, but you are not an ordinary person." Everyone likes women, money, and power. "There are very few who can restrain their desires."

Li Zhi asked with a bitter smile, "Yingxue, what are you trying to say?"

"I don't want to say anything!" Dong Yingxue shook her head. "I believe you should contemplate your future and the path you wish to follow." Although I don't know what you're thinking, I can sense that you are not only confused but also a little panicked and fearful of the unknown in your heart!

"How did you figure that out?" Li Zhi looked at her in surprise.

Dong Yingxue suddenly smiled and said, "Because I am a police officer!"