
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Introducing an Employee

Dong Xiaorou put away her smile and took out the notebook she was carrying. The notebook was purchased from a small seaside shop, and many tourists had pre-ordered fish meatballs to be delivered by tomorrow morning. The quantity was quite substantial, at least more than the amount sold at the seaside today.

"How many kilograms?" Li Zhi leaned over, smiling mischievously, and discreetly sniffed the faint fragrance of Dong Xiaorou's hair. She paid no attention to his actions and replied, "There should be quite a few!"

Li Zhi glanced at the notebook. The elegant handwriting displayed names, required quantities, and customer contact information, making it easy to understand at a glance.

Given the large numbers, Li Zhi had to use a calculator to add them up.

"The total is two hundred and sixty-eight kilograms," Dong Xiaorou said with a smile. Today's income exceeded her expectations, and she was delighted about it.

"Is it possible to calculate such a large amount just by looking at it?" Li Zhi asked, astonished.

Dong Xiaorou closed the notebook and handed it to Li Zhi. "You don't know about mental arithmetic, do you?" "It's not uncommon!" With that, she walked back into the house.

Li Zhi scratched his head and chuckled. He had heard of mental arithmetic, but wasn't it something only children used on TV? He had never seen an adult use mental arithmetic to calculate or keep accounts; they always used calculators.

The sky outside had darkened, and the weather was not as hot. There was a slight breeze, making it quite pleasant.

First, they earned two hundred thousand yuan by processing large yellow croaker fish meatballs for Zhao Xueying, the owner of the Star Moon Bay Hotel. Then, they set up a stall at the village beach with Dong Xiaorou, selling over a hundred kilograms of fish meatballs and pre-ordering nearly three hundred kilograms. From the trial production onwards, it was definitely a perfect start.

"We owe a lot to that girl, Tang Tang." Without her enthusiastic promotion, we wouldn't have sold so well. "And I have to say, the more I see that girl, the more I find her charming!" Li Zhi followed Dong Xiaorou inside.

"Her assistance with promotion is one aspect, but the delectable flavor of our fish meatballs is equally crucial." Without the great taste, no amount of promotion would have worked," Dong Xiaorou replied.

Seeing that she had no intention of leaving, Li Zhi couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. He thought to himself that there might be something going on, but he knew it in his heart.

These past few days have been busy, and Li Zhi hasn't thought about anything else. But now, things were different. They were making money, and he didn't know how to spend it. As the first female employee in the factory, she felt like a boss now. Shouldn't he…

"What are you thinking about?" You're smiling so smugly. Let me tell you something! Dong Xiaorou found a small stool to sit on.

"What's so smug about it?" Be careful, or I'll deduct your salary! Li Zhi retorted. "Tell me what's the matter, seriously." Do you want to hear it or not? If you don't, I'll leave. I have to go home and feed the pigs. "I don't have time to chat with you here!"

"Listen, listen." Hehe, Miss Dong, Miss Manager, from now on, you are the general manager of our processing factory. The factory is not only mine but also yours. "If you have anything to say, just say it!" Li Zhi found a small stool and sat opposite Dong Xiaorou, grinning.

Dong Xiaorou asked, "If I'm the general manager, what does that make you?"

Li Zhi chuckled, "Me?" "I'm the chairman and CEO, your superior, the big boss."

Dong Xiaorou rolled her eyes at him and said nonchalantly, "It's the same inside and out." "You're the boss, and I'm just a worker!"

Li Zhi laughed and said, "That's not necessarily true." "Tomorrow, I'll hire three—no, five—subordinates for you, so you won't have to do everything yourself!"

"Let's talk about serious matters!" Dong Xiaorou didn't waste time with Li Zhi and went straight to the point. "First of all, let's address the manpower issue you mentioned earlier." Although there are only two of us in the factory now, it's barely enough. We have to go to the dock early in the morning to pick up goods, and in the future, we may have to deliver goods to the city. We can't let you, the "big boss," do all the running around. "It's quite tiring, don't you think?"

"Yes, absolutely," Li Zhi nodded repeatedly. He understood what Dong Xiaorou meant. The factory was indeed short of manpower. Today, both Li Zhi and Dong Xiaorou went to the village entrance, leaving only one person to guard the factory. There wasn't even a dog in the yard. This situation couldn't continue.

Furthermore, following the trial production, the machines in the factory will need to commence mass production. At that time, the machines in the factory ran 24 hours a day, requiring someone to operate them at all times.

So when Li Zhi said he would "assign" five subordinates to Dong Xiaorou, it wasn't just a joke. He had his own ideas.

Dong Xiaorou looked at Li Zhi and said, "The factory is not yet on the right track." It's just barely showing some hope. We don't need that many hands. "With you and me, plus one efficient assistant, it should be enough."

"Just one?" Li Zhi asked.

Dong Xiaorou looked at him and said, "How many do you plan to hire?" An employee's monthly salary is three thousand yuan. Five people doing nothing would cost fifteen thousand yuan. "It's not a small amount of money to spend without a clear purpose."

After a brief pause, Dong Xiaorou continued, "During the start-up phase, do you, as the big boss, plan to do nothing and just stand aside?" Let me tell you, the money we earned from Zhao Xueying is not sufficient. If we want the factory to thrive, we need to put effort into our own products!

"Okay," Li Zhi chuckled helplessly. He thought to himself that he didn't intend to be lazy, but he didn't argue with Dong Xiaorou. Her words were for his own good. He didn't want to upset her. If he dared to offend her, she wouldn't talk to him starting tomorrow. It didn't matter if they made or lost money; it had nothing to do with him.

In fact, Dong Xiaorou wasn't that noble. The words she had just said were merely a prelude. The following sentences highlight the key points.

"Well, I have a younger brother." I want to introduce him to work at our factory. "What do you think?" Dong Xiaorou tucked her hair behind her ear as she spoke, a simple gesture that exuded a strange charm, causing people to feel a sudden dryness in their mouths.

This girl was undeniably extraordinary, radiating a charm that emanated from within.

Li Zhi muttered to himself, "The village near Fish Head Island is close to the sea." "Could she be a mermaid from the sea, or a pearl spirit, coming ashore to cause trouble?"

If she wasn't a monster, why was there such a strong 'demonic' aura around her?

"Your younger brother?" Do you have a younger brother? "What does he do?" Li Zhi was surprised.

Dong Xiaorou smiled calmly and said, "Not bad." People like you, whether ten or eight, mean nothing to me!"

Li Zhi didn't know why people in Fish Head Island Village rarely dared to provoke Dong Xiaorou. It was because, apart from her bad luck, she also had a rumored 'overcoming' attribute, and she was not to be trifled with. Everything else was just talk; real fighting was what mattered.

A strong fist can be used anywhere.

"Is it really as mysterious as you say?" Li Zhi smiled, not entirely believing what Dong Xiaorou had said.

"Shall we try it?" Dong Xiaorou didn't care. Ordinary people like Li Zhi would be a piece of cake for her.

"Let's leave it for another time!" Li Zhi shook his head with a smile. He didn't want to try it. If he hit himself, he would feel bad, and if he hit Dong Xiaorou, he would feel bad too. It was uncomfortable either way, so why bother with it.

"Can you give me an answer?!" Dong Xiaorou looked directly at Li Zhi and asked.

Li Zhi gritted his teeth and nodded. "Yes, I dare not say no to anyone you introduce to the factory, Dong Xiaorou." "But there's one thing I have to make clear to you."

"What is it?" Li Zhi put on a bossy air and said, "This is a regular factory." Romantic relationships between employees are strictly prohibited. If discovered, they will be immediately dismissed. It will be strictly enforced!

Dong Xiaorou rolled her eyes, stood up from the stool, and said as she walked out, "You can rest assured, Mr. Li." As long as you don't have any bad intentions towards me, I guarantee I won't seduce you. "It's easy to find a three-legged toad, but two-legged men are everywhere!"

"Hey, stop right there!" Why are you dragging me into this? "I'm talking about relationships between employees in the factory..." Li Zhi was left speechless as Dong Xiaorou disappeared into the night outside.

After Dong Xiaorou left, Li Zhi moved a small stool to sit at the door between the factory and the small house. He muttered to himself with a bitter smile, "Dong Xiaorou, oh Dong Xiaorou, who exactly are you?"

He didn't expect that Dong Xiaorou not only knew Zhao Xueying but was also her best friend. This was not all. From Dong Xiaorou, Li Zhi not only felt the demonic aura but also recognized her talent. This woman was not simple.

But Li Zhi had no idea whether she would continue to follow him.

With a small factory valued at a hundred thousand yuan, twenty thousand yuan in cash, and an additional ten thousand yuan in loans, Li Zhi's net worth was likely quite ordinary to others. There was nothing outstanding about him.

"People should aim high." Hehe, just wait. I, Li Zhi, will definitely come back. By then..."