
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Finding a Boyfriend for Cousin

"What is the most expensive car here?"

As they arrived at the car dealership, Zhuge Meili took out a pair of coffee-colored sunglasses from her handbag and put them on. Then she linked arms with Li Zhi and walked in with him.

But the first words spoken in the dealership made even the thick-skinned Li Zhi want to cover his face.

Opening her mouth, she asked, "What is the most expensive car here?"

The nouveau riche aura emanating from her made Li Zhi want to distance himself. He said to the surrounding onlookers, "I don't know this girl."

"Miss, we have a limited edition Lamborghini that just arrived two days ago, priced at twelve million." "Would you like to take a look?" The salesperson at the dealership replied with a smile.

"Only twelve million!" Zhuge Meili muttered to herself, then turned to Li Zhi and sweetly said, "Boss, do you want to buy it?" "It's a limited edition Lamborghini, only twelve million, not very expensive!"

Li Zhi rolled his eyes and muttered, "Speak properly!"

He had twelve million dollars, but he didn't want to spend it on a car. In the early stages of his business, he was too extravagant. Twelve million dollars was enough to expand the processing plant several times over.

"What car models are available in the one million two hundred thousand price range?" Li Zhi asked the salesperson.

The salesperson at the dealership was also a woman with a pleasant appearance. There was a hint of mockery in her eyes, but it wasn't very obvious.

At the one million two hundred thousand price range, there were many car models and plenty of options to choose from.

"Just this one!" Li Zhi pointed to an off-road vehicle in the BMW section and asked, "Do you have it in stock?" "One black, one red, both top-of-the-line models!"

"The sports car looks better, doesn't it?" "Why don't you give me the money for the car, and I can contribute my own to purchase a nice sports car!" Zhuge Meili looked at Li Zhi eagerly.

Li Zhi looked at her and asked with a smile, "Have we met before?"

"Huh?" Zhuge Meili didn't understand what Li Zhi meant.

"You see, I haven't slept with you, have I?" Li Zhi smiled and said, "We don't have a close relationship, so why should I give you a car?" Do I owe you something? One car is for me to drive, and the other is for the company to use. "What does it have to do with you?" With that, he walked away.

Zhuge Meili blushed and stomped her foot. She thought Li Zhi had bought two BMW X5s and was planning to give her one.

"Dare to provoke me, and you're dead!" Zhuge Meili gritted her teeth.

The two cars totaled more than three million two hundred thousand dollars. Li Zhi drove away in the black car that was in stock, but the red one needed to be ordered and would arrive within three days. He would have Dong Xiaorou come and pick it up herself. If she couldn't drive, it didn't matter; she could hire a driver. Dong Xiaorou was now Li Zhi's top lieutenant and couldn't be shortchanged.

Moreover, when going out to negotiate business, a good car is needed to make a positive impression. He hadn't bought one before because he didn't have the money, but now that he did, there was nothing he couldn't bear to part with.

As Li Zhi left the dealership, he drove and glanced at the sulking Zhuge Meili in the passenger seat. He smiled and asked, "Where do you want to go?"

Zhuge Meili gave an address, thinking Li Zhi was going to take her back. However, he found a place for her to catch a cab and said, "Take a cab back; we're not going the same way!"


As Li Zhi drove away, Zhuge Meili got out of the car. She didn't show any signs of anger; instead, she furrowed her brows slightly.

Muttering to herself, she said, "Strange, too strange." It's only been a short time, but not only has the purple aura become thicker, but his destiny has also changed. It's becoming increasingly difficult to see through. Who is this guy? "I need to go back and investigate."

Back at the police station, Dong Yingxue had already forgotten about the incident at lunchtime and was busy working. It wasn't until the afternoon turned dark that Zhuge Meili called, and she remembered once more.

Lying on the large bed at home, Zhuge Meili lazily asked, "Sister, what are you doing?"

"I'm working overtime at the office." "Do you need anything?" Dong Yingxue said.

Zhuge Meili got straight to the point, "Do you have any feelings for Li Zhi?" Tell the truth; it's important!

Dong Yingxue furrowed her brows and asked, "I almost forgot, what did you mean at lunchtime?"

"Sister, the purple aura surrounding Li Zhi has intensified in just two days, and not only that, his destiny has also shifted." It's becoming increasingly difficult to see through. I want you to spend some time with him and see how it goes. "Even if you don't get married, just dating him will bring endless benefits to you in the future." Zhuge Meili said.

Dong Yingxue thought for a moment and asked, "If, and I say if, I take away the purple aura from Li Zhi, what impact will it have on him?"

Zhuge Meili thought for a moment and shook her head, "It shouldn't have much of an impact." If the purple aura is inherent to him, it may regenerate after you take it away, so it won't have much of an effect on Li Zhi himself.


"Absolutely!" Zhuge Meili blinked and said confidently. She patted her chest and thought to herself that she wasn't lying. If Li Zhi were just an ordinary person, removing the purple aura wouldn't have much of an impact, but if he were in business, his luck might change.

What is the purple aura?

In simple terms, it means good luck. With good luck, one can rise step by step. This saying not only applies to officialdom but also to the business world and even the world of romance.

Compared to Li Zhi, Zhuge Meili naturally had to stand by her "own people." She couldn't favor an outsider.

"How can I get that purple aura from him?" Dong Yingxue asked out of curiosity.

Zhuge Meili thought for a moment and said, "It's not too difficult." Just spend some time with him, share intimate moments, and then leave the rest to me. It's very simple.

Dong Yingxue blushed. She understood the meaning behind Zhuge Meili's words about "spending time with him and sharing intimate moments."

"You always dabble in these crooked ways." Can't you take the right path? Taking without permission is stealing. Has the reputation of the Zhuge family deteriorated to this extent in your generation? This matter ends here, and you are not allowed to mention it to me again. "I don't need that purple aura!" Dong Yingxue said.


The change in attitude was too sudden, catching Zhuge Meili off guard.

"Sister, taking without permission is stealing, but wouldn't it be better to ask him?" If he willingly gives it to you, then the purple aura on him won't be of much use, but it will be different for you. "You'll rise to great heights, guaranteed to reach…" Before Zhuge Meili could finish her sentence, Dong Yingxue interrupted her, saying, "Enough of this nonsense." You think you're Zhuge Liang, always meddling in other people's affairs. This matter ends here, and you are not allowed to mention it to me again. I don't need that purple aura! With that, she hung up the phone.

Zhuge Meili put her phone aside, her eyes flashing as she muttered to herself, "Sister, it's not that I think I'm Zhuge Liang, but I am a descendant of Zhuge Liang, and a female one at that." Your affairs are not something I want to meddle in, but I must intervene in them. "Whether you like it or not, sometimes you don't have a choice!"

She picked up her phone again and dialed her grandfather's number.

Her grandfather was her maternal grandfather!

"Grandpa, it's Meili." Are you doing well? I want to talk to you about something; it's about Dong Yingxue. Yes, I have found a boyfriend for her. He is very kind, and it will be very beneficial for her in the future. If she dates him, she will reach the peak of her career before she turns forty. Oh, how could I lie to you? It's really beneficial for her. "Whether you want to make the decision yourself, I don't care anymore."

Zhuge Meili was the only one in the third generation who dared to speak to her grandfather in this manner. Even in the second generation, no one dared to speak to him on equal terms.

Although Zhuge Meili was her grandfather's granddaughter, she was also a member of the Zhuge family, belonging to the 182nd generation of the Zhuge clan. With this identity, even her grandfather had to think carefully about what she said.