
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Eighty Million? Not for sale!

Li Zhi received an unexpected call from Zhao Xueying. This woman, resembling a proud bird with feathers standing upright, her eyes fixed on the sky, is beautiful but not very likable, at least not to Li Zhi!

"I am Zhao Xueying, the general manager of Star Moon Bay Hotel."

"Do you need something?" Li Zhi asked, and the first "small" fortune in his life was earned from this woman.

Zhao Xueying didn't beat around the bush and said directly, "I am very interested in the technical equipment you have for producing fish meatballs."

"Oh!" Li Zhi responded. It was not surprising that she was interested in the technology for producing fish meatballs, considering she had tried them before.


Zhao Xueying cursed inwardly and said with a stern face, "Did you inform Huang Youwei that you were planning to sell this technology and equipment?"

"Did I?" "It's been too long, I don't remember!" Li Zhi replied with a smile.

"Forget it?" Zhao Xueying was infuriated by Li Zhi's words. She didn't believe that this guy could forget such a huge sum as eighty million.

Li Zhi smiled and asked, "So, Manager Zhao, are you planning to buy this equipment from me?"

Zhao Xueying was not in the mood for small talk and snorted, saying, "I don't want to buy the equipment from you; I want to buy the technology from you." By the way, have you applied for a patent for the technology to produce fish meatballs?


Li Zhi sneered inwardly. What is the purpose of applying for a patent for this equipment set designed to produce fish meatballs? Even if you apply, can others still pirate it? Li Zhi was planning to sell fish meatballs, not the equipment!


"No?" Zhao Xueying frowned. "How could you not apply for a patent for such an important technology?"

"Hehe!" Li Zhi chuckled.

Zhao Xueying was furious. If they were face to face, she would have retorted with, "Hehe, your sister."

"Stop the nonsense." "How much are you willing to sell this technology for?"

"Not for sale!" Li Zhi shook his head.

Zhao Xueying was taken aback and instinctively said, "Not for sale?" "Why not?"

Li Zhi grinned and said, "Why should I sell it?"

Zhao Xueying sat in her office chair, frowned in silence for a while, and then said coldly, "Thirty million." As long as you promise not to disclose or use the technology after signing the contract, thirty million in cash will be immediately transferred to your account!

"Not for sale!" Li Zhi refused without hesitation.

"Five million!"

"Not for sale!"

Zhao Xueying gritted her teeth and said, "Eighty million, just eighty million." You're lucky; this money is enough for you to spend a lifetime. "Now, come over immediately and sign the contract!"

Without waiting for Li Zhi to respond, she hung up the phone!

Li Zhi moved his phone away from his ear, looked at the unfamiliar number on it, and muttered, "Is she crazy?"

Sign the contract immediately? Can't she understand? He had already said, "Not for sale, not for sale, not for any amount of money."

If this had happened the day before yesterday, receiving a call from Zhao Xueying, he might have been ecstatic even with thirty million, but now, it was different.

Li Zhi put away his phone. Eighty million was not a small sum, but it was definitely not enough for him to spend a lifetime. His life was worth more than eighty million dollars.

Zhao Xueying was not a fool. If she was willing to spend eighty million to buy the technology for producing fish meatballs from Li Zhi, it meant that this technology was definitely worth more than just eighty million.

What can eighty million do?

It wouldn't even be enough to build a decent production workshop. But if he could start the "Happy Fishball Shop," it would be a "cash cow" that could be milked every day.

Li Zhi was indeed in need of money, but that didn't mean he had no dignity. Even if the "Fishball Shop" didn't make money, he would never sell this technology to Zhao Xueying because this woman simply did not respect him.

Damn it!

The image of Dong Xiaorou came to his mind, and Li Zhi smiled. Besides, he had promised her last night that the food factory was not only his but also hers.

A man should keep his word.

Zhao Xueying was very angry. After taking a deep breath, she reluctantly calmed down. In her mind, Li Zhi was perceived as a greedy and shameless man.

"Have a man named Li Zhi come to my office later," Zhao Xueying decided. Even if she signed the contract, she wouldn't be able to give him the eighty million so easily. A country bumpkin like him, has he ever seen what eighty million looks like? Hmph!

She waited and waited, not even stopping for lunch, until it was almost dark, but Li Zhi didn't show up!

Whether to sign the contract or not, Li Zhi had long forgotten about it. After arriving in the city, he took a taxi directly to the university town.

By the time he arrived at the university town, it was almost noon.

Today is Monday, and Mu Xiaomei should have classes. Since Li Zhi was here for business, he didn't call her.

The commercial street in the university town was about a kilometer long, with mostly three-story storefronts lining the street. The shops offered a variety of options including restaurants, snack shops, clothing stores, and jewelry stores. In this commercial area, there was also a large commercial plaza.

The rent at the commercial plaza was even more expensive, so Li Zhi ruled it out directly, at least for the time being.

His plan was to start small and then expand. He wanted to start small and then expand to open not just three, but at least ten storefronts in this area, with each one targeting a different university.

On the commercial street opposite Hai City University, there was a storefront available for lease. It wasn't the only one on the entire street, but Li Zhi felt that this one was the most suitable.

Located directly opposite the entrance of Hai City University, the location was excellent. The current owner was running a noodle shop specializing in various types of noodles. However, for some reason, the business was not doing well, so they decided to lease the storefront.

Li Zhi approached the owner, who didn't hesitate and directly offered a price of Once the money was in hand, he would leave, and everything in the shop would belong to Li Zhi.

The storefront was not large, about sixty square meters, but it would be considered decent for a specialized "fishball shop."

"Ten thousand." If it's okay, I can pay the money now, and I don't want anything from your shop. Li Zhi looked at the other person and said calmly. He didn't have in hand. After all the calculations, he only had about left, and there was still half a year's rent to pay. The annual rent was so this price was already high for Li Zhi. As for the items in the shop, what use did he have for them when he wanted to sell fishballs!

After some hesitation, the noodle shop owner agreed to the offer after discussing with his wife.

The original landlord was called in, and the lease contract was signed on the spot. Li Zhi paid a deposit of ten thousand yuan. After the noodle shop owner cleared out everything from the shop the next day, he would pay the remaining rent.

The landlord was a woman in her thirties with a scholarly air. She was very quiet, not adept at conversation, and not overly particular about many things. She was easy to talk to.

After the other party left, Li Zhi learned from the noodle shop owner that the landlord was a teacher at Hai City University.