
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Behind the Scenes

The idea of locating the "ingredient reserve base" on Fish Head Island Village is just Li Zhi's initial plan. Whether it can be realized depends on the willingness of Fish Head Island Village and other factors, such as the site. If Fish Head Island Village strongly opposes it, this matter cannot be accomplished.

However, the opposition from Fish Head Island Village should not be too significant. Dong Xiaorou and Heizi both have significant influence in Fish Head Island Village, and this situation greatly benefits the village.

Li Zhi is not planning to take the lead in this matter. He plans to let Huang Pangzi take the lead. If everything goes smoothly, the development of the ingredient reserve base and Fish Head Island Village are just the first steps. Next, he also wants to set up an amusement park, construct a five-star hotel, and enhance the road leading to the city. By then, this place will truly be transformed.

This afternoon, Li Zhi is preparing to conduct a field investigation with Huang Pangzi to determine the next steps.

After understanding Li Zhi's thoughts, Huang Yewei also feels that Fish Head Island Village is indeed quite good. With mountains and the sea, there are beaches, docks, fishing boats, and agritainment. If it is truly developed, it can cover all three levels: high, medium, and low.

If the ingredient reserve base of Zhuixing Building sees this place, there will be highlights. With publicity, it might really take off.

More importantly, the land price here is not expensive!

Li Zhi and Huang Pangzi parked the car by the sea and gazed at the beach in front of them. Huang Pangzi squinted as he calculated, "Boss, if we proceed with your plan, I estimate it will cost tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions!"

With the ingredient reserve base, amusement park, five-star hotel, land purchase, development, and various investments, even a small portion of this amount is required. Of course, this money does not need to be invested all at once, but it needs to be invested continuously.

Li Zhi knows Huang Pangzi's thoughts. His point is that it is unrealistic for Li Zhi to invest a significant amount of money in Fish Head Island Village and expect to recover the costs quickly. This money will take at least twenty years, or even longer, to earn back.

"If it is done really well, would this be considered our fixed asset?" Li Zhi asked with a smile.

Huang Yewei blinked and said, "Yes, it must be considered!"

Li Zhi continued, "Then it's settled." Since it is a fixed asset, it will take ten to twenty years to generate a profit. What does it matter to us? Our Zhuixing Building is still too small in scale. Do you think the store in the city can last for a hundred years?

"A hundred years?" Huang Yewei was stunned and shook his head with a bitter smile. "I think it would be good if it could last for ten years!"

However, Li Zhi smiled and said, "Rest assured, even if it's not ten years, as long as the Star Moon Bay Hotel across the street doesn't close down, I will continue to operate that store. In the future, there will only be two choices for stores in the city!

"What are those two choices?" "Asked Huang Pangzi."

"We will either buy the Star Moon Bay Hotel across the street and put up our Zhuixing Building sign, or we will buy the street opposite Star Moon Bay and continue to compete with the Star Moon Bay Hotel!" Li Zhi said with a smile.

Huang Yewei was sincerely impressed by Li Zhi. He raised his thumb and said with a smile, "Boss, your expectations are too high. I, Huang, can't even compare!"

"Stop flattering me!" Li Zhi scolded with a smile and continued, "The stores in the city will not relocate in the short term, but the profit-making potential of Zhuixing Building is not weak." If we invest all the money earned by Zhuixing Building into the development of Fish Head Island Village, what kind of impression do you think Zhuixing Building will give people in the future, one or two years later?

"Boss, are you suggesting that you want to turn this place into 'Zhuixing Bay'?" Huang Pangzi asked eagerly.

Li Zhi smiled and said, "The Star Moon Bay can't even see the shadow of the sea, and they dare to call it a bay." "At least here, we are facing the sea!"

The concept of "Zhuixing Bay" was first proposed by Huang Pangzi, and Li Zhi did not object.

"I'll leave this matter to you!" Li Zhi said.

Huang Pangzi scratched his head and asked, "What about the kitchen at Zhuixing Building?"

Li Zhi smiled and said, "Don't we still have Lao Li and the others?" "You're always hanging around there, but I haven't seen you spend much time in the kitchen."

"Hehe!" Huang Yewei chuckled. In Zhuixing Building, his position as the head chef was indeed dispensable. He talked more than he worked.

"Let Heizi help you." "Give him a hand first to establish the ingredient reserve base, and then we can discuss other matters!" Li Zhi said softly, looking in the direction of the sea.


Taking Huang Yewei to the fish ball processing factory, Li Zhi had seen it a few times. Furthermore, he believed that it was not advisable for Heizi to remain at the fish ball processing factory constantly. It was also a good opportunity to let Heizi have a say in Fish Head Island Village. He let Heizi follow Huang Pangzi to gain some experience.

Back in the city, Li Zhi left Huang Pangzi on the roadside and allowed him to take a taxi back to Zhuixing Building, while he drove away.

In the afternoon, Li Zhi finally appeared at the police station.

"Is everything okay?" Li Zhi saw Dong Ying's snow-white hair and asked with a smile.

Dong Yingsnow shook her head and said, "Everything has been investigated." Mu Xiaomei's roommates all accepted money from Sun Zhipeng, each receiving thirty thousand dollars. The money was placed in Mu Xiaomei's cabinet by Fang Yuanyuan. Sun Zhipeng was not easily defeated. He suffered a broken nose and lost three teeth, which can be considered minor injuries.

"Hehe!" Li Zhi laughed twice. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with hitting someone. People like Sun Zhipeng deserve to be criticized. If Dong Yingsnow and the others hadn't been there at the time, he might have been even more ruthless.

"Why are you laughing?" Dong Yingsnow gave him a look.

Li Zhi's smile faded as he remarked, "Sun Zhipeng is likely not the mastermind behind this, correct?" Could you please convey a message to Sun's family for me? I want to know who is trying to harm Mu Xiaomei behind the scenes. I dared to confront Zhao Sihai, so I won't be afraid of a few small fries. If this matter is not resolved, it won't be over!

Dong Yingsnow looked at Li Zhi and suddenly asked, "The relationship between Mu Xiaomei and you is extraordinary, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Li Zhi nodded as he looked at Dong Yingsnow and said, "She has been my partner for a long time." However, at that time, I was a bit of a jerk and never really took her seriously. It wasn't until my parents passed away and our family fell on hard times that I remembered her. Among all my friends and relatives, she was the only one willing to help me. So, I owe her. Whoever dares to harm her is harming me. If they harm me, we can negotiate, but if they harm her, I won't stop until it's settled!

As he spoke, a hint of coldness flashed in Li Zhi's eyes. You only know who cares about you when you fall on hard times.

Li Zhi had fallen on hard times, so he understood and appreciated what it meant to owe someone.

A favor is never forgotten. Especially the favor Mu Xiaomei had shown him was not something that could be repaid with just one favor.

Dong Yingsnow nodded and said, "I really like a man like you, with blood and flesh, and love and righteousness."

The words were good, but Li Zhi could sense a hint of something not quite right in them. He smiled bitterly, shook his head, but didn't say anything.

He didn't want to deceive Dong Yingsnow. Mu Xiaomei really meant a lot to him!

"Sun Zhipeng's father is also a well-known wealthy businessman in Haicheng, but his wealth is incomparable to Zhao Sihai's." "It would be more appropriate for me to take the lead than for you," Dong Yingsnow thought for a moment and said.

Her implication was that her influence exceeded that of Li Zhi. If Li Zhi takes the lead, Sun Zhipeng's father might not listen to him. Even if Li Zhi confronted him, it wouldn't produce results immediately. But if Dong Yingsnow took the lead, it would be different. Sun Zhipeng's father would definitely listen to Dong Yingsnow because she had the support of the Dong family, a powerful backing.

"Thank you!" Li Zhi said softly.

Dong Yingsnow didn't say anything and walked out. In no time, she brought Mu Xiaomei and Zhao Yafang over.

While talking to Mu Xiaomei, she had a smile on her face, but when she came to Li Zhi, her expression turned serious. "You can take them away now." If I have any results, I will call you!

Li Zhi knew that Dong Yingsnow was probably angry. Her anger indicated that she cared about him, but he couldn't do anything to appease her.

"Okay, thank you!" Li Zhi said, then took Mu Xiaomei and Zhao Yafang and walked outside.

After leaving the police station, Mu Xiaomei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, asked softly, "Did I cause trouble for you?"

Li Zhi smiled wryly and shook his head. "No, as long as you're okay, nothing else matters." Remember, if there's anything you can't solve, you must notify me as soon as possible. "No matter what, I'm here for you."

"I didn't expect this to happen yesterday." "Who knew Sun Zhipeng would do such a thing!" Mu Xiaomei's voice sounded somewhat despondent. She hadn't suffered any grievances yesterday, but everything that had happened would tarnish her reputation. In addition, all the other people in the dormitory had been arrested except for herself and Zhao Yafang. It was a betrayal. Thirty thousand yuan was enough to make these former friends betray her, and the thought of it was somewhat ridiculous.

Is everything in this world for sale?

"Alright, don't think too much about it." What happened is in the past. "I will help you resolve the matter with Sun Zhipeng," Li Zhi comforted her.

Mu Xiaomei bit her lip and asked softly, "Can you use your connections to get the police to release the people from my dormitory?"

Li Zhi was taken aback, turned to look at her, and said with a bitter smile, "They all betrayed you. Do you still want them to come back?"

Mu Xiaomei smiled wryly and said, "They couldn't resist the temptation." After all, we have known each other for a long time and lived together for so long!

Li Zhi shrugged. This girl was too kind. If she were the one taken away by the police and faced criminal responsibility, would her roommates speak up for her?

They couldn't resist the temptation, but they were willing to betray Mu Xiaomei for thirty thousand yuan.

If the allegations of Mu Xiaomei taking Sun Zhipeng's money were substantiated, who would be willing to hear Mu Xiaomei's explanation? Would she still have a place to stay on Haicheng University's campus in the future?

Zhao Yafang, who was sitting in the back, looked at the two of them talking in front and felt a bit envious. She also wanted a boyfriend who treated her well.

The next morning, Mu Xiaomei and Zhao Yafang's roommates were brought back by the police, along with a bruised and swollen Sun Zhipeng.

"Yesterday, I framed Mu Xiaomei." I, Sun Zhipeng, am a beast, not a human. Please forgive me, Mu Xiaomei. Don't lower yourself to my level. "I won't dare to do it again in the future!" Sun Zhipeng, holding a megaphone, stood at the door of the dormitory and shouted loudly.

Li Zhi sat in the car, watching from a distance. At that moment, his phone rang!

"Sun Zhipeng and Fang Yuanyuan both stated that they were instructed by a woman named Ren Lulu to do this!" Dong Yingsnow's voice came through the phone.

"Got it, thank you." How about dinner tonight? "I'll treat you!" Li Zhi said.

"No need, I don't have time!" Dong Yingsnow said and hung up.

Li Zhi held the phone, smiled wryly, and shook his head. As he looked out the window, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes. Ren Lulu? You're quite good at causing trouble.

Since you want to die, let's play!

Mu Xiaomei did not inquire about Sun Zhipeng and Fang Yuanyuan's situation, causing them to lose face. However, they couldn't stay in the same dormitory in the future.

This matter was easily resolved. Li Zhi rented an apartment for Mu Xiaomei directly outside the school. Zhao Yafang would accompany Mu Xiaomei to live there. Mu Xiaomei had enough savings to buy a car, so transportation was not an issue for her. Li Zhi had offered to give her a car, but Mu Xiaomei had refused, stating that she had her own money!

It was estimated that even if they met again in the future, these people would avoid Mu Xiaomei and her friends.