
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Ascend to the Throne

Li Zhi dressed and left home at ten in the morning, prompted by a call from Huang Pang. Otherwise, he would have lingered at home a while longer.

"The Falling Star Tower" is having a soft opening today!

It didn't matter if he arrived early because there was no separate "office" in the Falling Star Tower. Would they ask him to help in the kitchen if he arrived so early?

The show must go on, and without Li Zhi present, it couldn't. So, whether he arrived early or late, it didn't matter much. That's what Li Zhi thought, but not everyone else would think the same.

When he arrived at the Falling Star Tower, half an hour had already passed, and someone else had arrived before him.

Zhu Ge Meili stood at the door, tilting her head and looking at Li Zhi with a smirk. "Oh, isn't this General Li?" Why are you up so early today? Did you have a wild night last night, with a single date or a double flight? I have a new American product: one pill lasts for five hours. Do you want to try it? "It's not expensive, and it guarantees a refreshing and vigorous day ahead!"

Li Zhi walked in, glanced at her, and said impatiently, "What, are you not pretending to be a deity today?" Selling fake medicine instead?

"Who is selling fake medicine?" Zhu Ge Meili glared and said indignantly, "What are you afraid of?" Overwork, exhaustion, and depleting your body. "I kindly recommended a special medicine to you, and you dare to say it's fake without trying it?"

Li Zhi rolled his eyes and said, "I'm in good health." "What makes you think I need it?"

Zhu Ge Meili interrupted Li Zhi's words with a playful smile and waved her phone. "So, you really did something improper last night." Fortunately, I was prepared. "I'll tell my cousin about it."

"Did you take the medicine?" Li Zhi asked as he walked into the Falling Star Tower, too lazy to argue with her. This so-called evidence was nothing. Even if he had spent the night talking to Dong Yingxue on the phone, would she care? Their relationship wasn't defined yet, and she was aware of Li Zhi's flirtatious nature. So, using this to threaten him could only mean one thing: she's out of her mind.

Zhu Ge Meili's eyes turned to follow Li Zhi into the tower. She noticed the two purple auras behind him, which had become more solid.

Although her character was not great, she was indeed a shrewd person. Whether he could rise to the top in the future would depend on his luck, or rather, on whether Miss Zhu Ge would wholeheartedly assist him.

Without Miss Zhu Ge's assistance, he would surely die soon and not have a good ending. The trouble from the Zhao family was just one example. There would be more troublesome things in the future, whether Li Zhi believed it or not. He believed it.

"General Li!"


When Li Zhi entered the kitchen, everyone was already busy. Li Zhi didn't see Huang Pang, but he nodded and asked with a smile, "Is everything ready?"

"In your words, everything is ready, just waiting for the final touch," replied Chef Lao Li, one of the three top chefs and the oldest in the kitchen. He was appointed as the deputy head chef by Li Zhi. The three top chefs Li Zhi recruited were all paid the same.

"Good!" Li Zhi nodded in satisfaction and asked, "Is there anything ready to eat now?" I'm hungry!

"I didn't have breakfast either!" Zhu Ge Meili chimed in.

Li Zhi turned to her, frowned, and asked, "Why did you come in?" "Can't you see the sign on the door that says 'No entry for idlers in the kitchen'?"

Zhu Ge Meili didn't care and said, "Who's an idler?" "Are you talking about me?"

"Of course, who else would it be?" "Is there anyone else here?" Li Zhi said impatiently.

"Fine, I'll come in." "What can you do for me?" Zhu Ge Meili rolled her eyes and continued, "Can't you even show a little respect?" "Do you think I'm not good-looking?"

"Respect?" Your cheek is thicker than mine. "Hmph, let me tell you, do you know what to do if you encounter a big problem?" Zhu Ge Meili looked at Li Zhi and deliberately lowered her voice.

Li Zhi shook his head with a smile, "I really don't know."

"Right now, only I can save you," Zhu Ge Meili blinked and said mysteriously.

"How much will it cost to be saved?" Li Zhi asked with a smile, not believing her words. He didn't trust her to save anyone, not even herself. Li Zhi didn't believe her sweet talk!

"It's free!" Zhu Ge Meili shook her head and looked at him, then shifted her gaze to the plate of fried fish. "Whether you believe it or not, when you truly believe, you will naturally come to me for help."

"Will you help me then?" Li Zhi asked with a smile.

Zhu Ge Meili smiled wryly and said, "I don't want to help, but I have to." I don't know how to describe you. In any case, in the future, you need to be more cautious in your transactions. The road you're going to take will be tough. "Of course, if you can persevere through it, you will be able to rise to the top and even become a king or emperor."

"Can I really become a king or emperor?" "That's impressive," Li Zhi laughed.

The porridge in the bowl was finished, and there were only a few pieces of fish left on the plate. Zhu Ge Meili had eaten most of the fish.

Without Li Zhi saying anything, Zhu Ge Meili already knew what he was thinking. She quickly set down her plate and swiftly removed the fish.

Li Zhi was quick and managed to grab two pieces of fish from the plate.

Zhu Ge Meili glared angrily at Li Zhi. "Hey, you, don't you know how to share?" It's your own restaurant. You can eat whenever you want. "Why do you have to compete with me over this meal?"

"This is my breakfast." I didn't say anything when you took half of it. "Are you still glaring at me?" Li Zhi said impatiently.

Zhu Ge Meili rolled her eyes and said, "But I didn't have breakfast." My cousin asked me to come and help you. Is this how you treat me?

Li Zhi couldn't argue with her when she mentioned Dong Yingxue. He said, "Fine, you can eat." If it's not enough, I'll ask Lao Li to fry another batch for you. But I'll remind you, the real feast is at noon. "Don't blame me for not warning you!"

"No need, as long as you don't compete with me, the rest is enough for me," Zhu Ge Meili said. Although she didn't fully believe Li Zhi's words, she could sense that something significant would happen today. Therefore, she decided to save her appetite for it.

Li Zhi ignored her and walked out of the kitchen.

Zhu Ge Meili didn't follow him. There were still a few pieces of fish left on the plate, and she planned to finish them before leaving. She took out her phone and called Dong Yingxue.

"Sister, I must tell you that the Falling Star Tower constructed by Li Zhi is truly impressive." You know what I saw outside just now? A big fish, as big as a wild boar. Although I don't know what kind of fish it is, it looks delicious. There are many good things, but they are all guarded. Even I wasn't allowed to see them. "They're so stingy," Zhu Ge Meili said as she continued eating.

Dong Yingxue listened to Zhu Ge Meili's munching and asked curiously, "What are you eating?"

"Fried fish is really delicious." When you arrive, I'll ask Li Zhi to have the kitchen prepare another batch for you. It seems to be made with salmon, crispy on the outside, and tender and fragrant inside. "The chef is really skilled."

Zhu Ge Meili continued to talk.

Dong Yingxue couldn't help but laugh and said, "I asked you to go help, didn't I?"

"I know, I know." Your little sweetheart won't have any issues. Even if the Zhao family shows up, what influence can they have in public? At most, they'll make a scene. "It won't be a big deal," Zhu Ge Meili said nonchalantly.

"That's not necessarily true," Dong Yingxue said. Li Zhi set up the Falling Star Tower across from the Star Moon Bay Hotel. Would the Zhao family just let it go?

"When are you coming over, sister?" Zhu Ge Meili asked.

"I have to wait until after noon to finish work before I can come." "Tell Li Zhi he doesn't have to wait for me," Dong Yingxue said.

"Really?" Hehe, I dare not say that. Okay, I've finished cooking the fish, and I'm heading out. "Let's talk about something else when you come over!" Zhu Ge Meili said and hung up the phone. She muttered to herself, "Ah, if only I hadn't brought her in." Now, I've caused trouble without reaping any benefits. Maybe I'll have to compensate for my silly sister in the future. It's a case of a small mistake leading to a big disaster!

Shaking her head, she walked out. The kitchen was spacious, bustling with numerous chefs engrossed in their individual tasks. No one came to greet her.