
Interstellar Farm Girl

Sera Dustwood did not think she would one day transmigrate ! that too, not in to a first hand book or game , but in to god knows which rewrite of ' Interstellar Odyssey'. Unable to make a decision on which direction to go, she had to choose to be a mob rather than a named character just to survive. Only ... man plans ! god laughs ! Which direction did she choose to live ? Can she survive next plot turn ? What the ? Why is the villain sought by entire galaxy suddenly fainting on her door step ? wasn't he supposed to die in a star storm before the story even began ? Is that beast that is eating away her clover the legendary leviathan ? wasn't this beast supposed to starve to death some where in hydra ? Surrounded by death flags , Can she make it through at least first arc ?

miu_hozuki · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


" I am sorry, General Esgrot. We have tried our best to rescue Ms. Dustwood, but regrettably, the beast tide was too strong. I am sorry for your loss. " The dean of the Saint Louis Peacekeepers university apologized to Commander General Marx Esgrot of the galactic region 142. 

The commander looked stern and solemn. It must be practiced poker face, but it sent shivers down the spines of the university dean and the accompanying instructor. 

His wife, the lovely Emma Dustwood cried tears of pearls from her almond eyes. 

' A well bred young lady is a well bred young lady. Even during such sad times, she does not lose her elegance and beauty. ' The instructor thought. 

He felt bad for Sera. He should have tried to rescue her a little bit more actively if he had known she had a mother this pretty. 

Unfortunately, Sera Dustwood blackmailed him. Did she think her father, the commander, would avenge her ? 

Looking at the poker face of Commander, he put as much weight on his daughter as he did on the wall clock. 

Except for cleaning them once a year, no one looks at them. 

The dean, on the other hand, had a different opinion. 

He had known Emma in her childhood. She is clumsy, spoiled and a little sweet. 

For her to even sit with her back straight, her make up intact, not speak when her daughter died … it only meant one thing. Commander Esgrot had groomed his wife to the utmost possible limit. The old dean was not an innocent and pure official, but he was a good man. 

He owed favors to the Dustwood family, not commander Esgrot. Like all civil officials, he kept a poker face. As soon as he came out from the residence, he asked his secretary's office to bring out all the records about the test flight, examined them himself. 

" This year's freshmen hunting trip ? It was a grand success, Sir ! We have collected Ribbit meat up to twenty percent of the warehouse capacity. We were able to donate to all the planets under us. We were even able to collect funds for the operation by selling part of the meat to local construction crews. " The secretary opined. 

" All the same, Dotty ! I want all the details, and examine them once more to see if there are any discrepancies. " The dean ordered her. 

Dotty is like a little poodle dog. 

She looks cute and harmless, but she dared to hunt tigers. 

If Dotty can't find it, no one can. 

Dotty did not think there's anything wrong as she went to collect the information. 

But … as she went around, for the first time, she felt dean is indeed very intuitive. Perhaps that's the difference between a person in high position and not ? 

First, she went to collect videos. 

All the videos collected by Mecha are wiped, and they were wiped away due to a maintenance error while the mothership was flying. 

Second, All the videos taken from mothership surveillance cameras were wiped, including the ones installed in the factory. 

However, The instructor had the time to review videos and grade the freshmen before the videos were wiped. But he did not keep copies of the mecha videos, only kept grade records. 

The factory videos were put through safety guideline checks and passed. Thus, food quality could not be questioned, but actual videos were lost. 

The flying itinerary of the mothership is wiped away for maintenance. 

The logs of the mothership were wiped away due to an accidental reboot. 

The only video that survived from the entire trip was of Sera Dustwood's mecha being surrounded by Ribbits, then, the camera drilled through piled up star beasts into the interior of the mecha, only to see a slender white hand being bitten to the bone by a Ribbit… 

Blood sprayed on the camera, and the video ends. 

That's a fatal injury with the main artery being cut off, Dotty knew. 

But the entire operation was … just so fishy ! 

She returned to the Dean to report her findings. 

" There are no logs, videos or any other records of the entire test, save for Sera Dustwood's death on camera, sir ! It is far too suspicious. " Dotty answered. 

" I understand. You have done well, Dotty. Do not concern yourself with this matter any more. " The dean directed her. 

No matter what happened, Sera Dustwood's death is a truth. Perhaps at this point, they are just better served by just going with everyone else. 

" Dotty ! If someone comes to the university to take care of paperwork for Sera Dustwood, do not respond to it, for as long as possible. Also, keep our investigation confidential. " The dean ordered her. 

Usually, there is some amount of corruption in any sort of organization. The dean opened one eye, and closed one eye, so the employees could have any number of bagel parties, brand new computers, and a little bit more convenient fees from the students. 

However, killing a student ?! 

Dean Brian Tovol drew the line there. Injuring students willfully, and still expecting to serve on his staff ? Dream on. 

Among the five combat universities, Saint Louis ranked fifth. However, no one dared to look down on its Dean. The reason was simple. While rest are all battle maniac jarheads, Dean Brian is ex-investigation bureau. Cross him once, your affairs are revealed to your wife with all the legal evidence, cross him twice, your public and private asset list is added to previous. Cross him thrice ? Well, you could get prepared to drown in spit of thousands, unless you lived the life of a Gautama Buddha. 

For him, he had three helpers called three musketeers. They are the kind of friends who are bound by a web of secrets. 

What kind of secrets, you ask ?! 

' I could tell you, then I have to kill you ' The kind that suits a dialogue like this. 

The three musketeers went into investigation immediately. 

They dug up three sex abusers and one power abuser, all of whom got promptly fired and cleaned up within a week. 

All of a sudden, the instructor got afraid. Even if the dean is all too powerful, if the situation got too public, then he wouldn't deal with him, the instructor figured. 

Thus, he encouraged Lady Dustwood to throw a public funeral, with a closed casket. Then, he collected inspiring videos from all of Sera's friends in the class, who all of a sudden turned into Sera Dustwood's best friends. 

" Sera Dustwood ! We are not friends with her in everyday life, but we were her teammates during the final mission. I am not a particularly good student. I was very afraid to go deep into the forest. All my classmates did not want me on their teams, but Sera was not like them at all. She welcomed me to her team with both arms ! She even became the bait for the Rabbits by herself. She had no need to stay in the mecha at night, yet, she stayed in, to make sure we had caught star beasts in our traps by the morning. I am very thankful for her help. " Betty Marble told the media team tearfully.

" Initially, I thought she was a very spoiled girl, who had chosen me, only to order around like a maid. On the contrary, it is thanks to Sera that I am alive now. My boyfriend Marx has been stalking me for a year. I believe he had a plan to abandon me on the planet, amongst the higher level star beasts. You see, I have collected enough evidence for him to stay behind the bars for a long time, only submitting it to the police was left. If Sera did not choose me to be on her team, Marx would have found a way to get on my team, subsequently, harm me. Sera was very serious about the Dustwood philosophy. I believe she was trying to dig out a very invasive species of mutant plant. It is just that the situation went from recoverable to hopeless in an extremely short time. Now, the country has lost a hero ! " Eileen spoke passionately. 

Unlike others, Eileen really used her heart and soul to convince Sera to accept the rescue. 

The funeral of Sera had been arranged in a very vibrant stadium. The pitch is full of green grass, fairy lights hung on helium balloons dotted the entire area. Most of Saint Louis turned up with candles in their hands. On the half foot high stage, an elegant oakwood casket, decorated in roses lay. On either side of the casket, video from the broadcast channel is displayed alternatively. 

When the dusk fell, Charlene stood up on the stage, to deliver an Eulogy. 

" Sera Dustwood was my dearest friend growing up. We are bestest of friends. We shared everything in life. She saved lives of … " 

All of a sudden, the picture changed on either side of the coffin. 

Sera's dirty and battered up face appeared on the screen. 

" I can not bear this any more ! Mom ! What the f*** are you doing ? The kunt who salivates after my fiance's d**k is spouting shit at my funeral, yet you are standing there doing nothing ? How could you let that whore in at my funeral service ? .. and are those roses ? I fu**ing hate roses ! That whore's mother sucks my father's d**k, and this one's not even at drinking age, she's already sucking my fiance's d**k ! What the f*** Are you doing as my mother, not dragging that kunt out by the hair ? you still wait for her to do a pole dance and porn show on the dais ? .. " Sera continued her rant, one moment criticizing decorations, another moment criticizing seating charts .. and the live broadcast numbers reached millions first, then Billions as the broadcast continued.