
Interstellar Drifter

Interstellar Drifter is an enthralling tale that follows the extraordinary journey of Elijah, a seemingly ordinary high school student, who finds himself transmigrated into the body of an inconspicuous extra in a sci-fi world filled with magic and other monstrous wonders.

UnoriginalTomato · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


The wind whipped around me, causing my obsidian-black coat to billow dramatically as I stood atop a speeding train, a sword firmly gripped in my right hand.

I slowly moved toward the front of the train. I was being pushed back with every gust, but I persevered.

The reason I was here is because the train was taken over by terrorists. They are the first enemies you encounter in the game. They call themselves the Blue Liberation Front and they are funded by the aliens that have been trying to take over this planet for years. This time they decided to try to kidnap a bunch of noble children. Obviously, they will fail to kidnap anyone important because the main character stops them.

This is supposed to be the tutorial level. In the game the further you move toward the driver the stronger enemies you will encounter. This level is supposed to teach you about different enemy types and how to handle them in combat.

I can easily get around those enemies by climbing onto the roof but what I forgot to do is ask myself an important question: how did they board a moving train?

This is an important question because the moment I ascended onto the roof the spaceship they used to board the train noticed me on its radar.

Well, everyone makes mistakes.

The spaceship looked like a Boeing ch-47 helicopter without rotors if someone stuck a bunch of thrusters onto it.

The vessel they were using was just a refurbished cargo ship with a shield generator stuck on it. I shouldn't have any problems blowing it up with my plasma cannon.

The galactic transport moved above my position, the cargo door on the back of the ship opened and two people dressed in black with gas masks covering their faces descended from the ship. Their clothes were painted with skulls, and they had blue fabric tied around their left hands.

I pulled my plasma cannon out of Krypto's inventory and aimed for the ship. I could feel the heat emanating from the weapon as I pressed down on the trigger. After charging the weapon to half its maximum output I let go of the trigger.

A meter-wide ray of plasma erupted out of the barrel and cut a sizable hole into the ship's hull. The ship shook when it received the shot, making one of the soldiers descend too quickly. The soldier tried to compensate by cutting his rope but ended up being flung off the train into a metal fence. His body crashed into the fence with the speed of a freight train, cutting him into hundreds of tiny pieces and killing him immediately upon impact.

I almost lost my balance from the recoil but in the end, I managed to stabilize myself.

The second soldier managed to safely land on the train and draw his sword.

He landed in front of me which meant that he had his back turned towards the wind. If I were to shoot him his body might still hit me.

I stored away the plasma cannon and pulled out my photon sword. I willed for the sword to enlarge into a broadsword. Since the sword was made out of light and therefore completely weightless it didn't really matter how big I made it.

My enemy dashed towards me with a piercing movement using the wind that was hitting his back to boost his speed. 

I could feel the adrenaline rush as I jumped into the air to try to gain some space between us.

He flew directly under me and stopped his flight by stabbing his sword into the train roof.

I slashed at him with my photon sword while I was airborne but unfortunately I missed.

I unsheathed my metal sword and tried to stop my flight, but my strength was severely lacking compared to the terrorist. I slid back several meters and managed to put quite a distance between me and the soldier. 

He pulled out a gun and fired a few shots at me, but they just bounced off my energy shield like raindrops bounce off an umbrella. 

With deliberate steps, I advanced towards the terrorist, employing my photon broadsword as both a protective shield, ready to parry any sudden dash, and my metallic sword as a makeshift walking stick.

Every gust of wind shook me, and I could feel my hand ache whenever my sword stabbed into the train roof.

My enemy realized that despite being stronger he was at a disadvantage because my weapons were too powerful. 

He decided to risk it all by dashing toward me once again and this time he was targeting my giant sword because he wrongly assumed that I could barely support its weight.

Well, my hands were shaking but not because of the weight. 

I deliberately slowed my movements since I enlarged my sword to give the impression that the sword held some weight and he fell for the trap.

The moment he stepped into my range I flicked my wrist and sliced the terrorist in half.

"Krypto show me inside of the train."

Krypto started transmitting what he could detect with his infrared sensors to my monocle.

I slowly walked towards the front of the train while stabbing every terrorist that I encountered through the train roof. The terrorists inside the train quickly realized that there was someone standing on top of the train poking holes through the ceiling, but they couldn't do much about it since their spaceship selfishly escaped after I shot at it. 

After I eliminated most of their crew, I stopped so that they wouldn't start killing hostages in panic.

The terrorists realized that their mission failed when they couldn't contact their spaceship and their comrades were dying because some lunatic was killing them through the ceiling.

They all ran towards the driver's cabin to try to avoid me. I saw through my monocle that the train's engine was becoming hotter by the second.

I realized that they must have found a way to overload the engine and were trying to derail the train.

I gripped my photon sword with both hands and willed for the blade to enlarge even further. 

When I reached the limit of around four meters, I used the sword to cut off the wagon I was standing on.

The front part of the train kept accelerating while the other wagons started to slow down because of friction.

I re-entered the train through the giant hole I cut into it, hid all my gear into Krypto's inventory, and started running towards the back of the train.

By the time the terrorists noticed what I had done the front wagon with the engine and the passenger wagons were already a few kilometers apart and our speed had greatly decreased.

When they realized that they had lost all their precious hostages they went insane and decided to commit suicide.

They slammed the brakes on the front wagon and since for some reason only their wagon's brakes were working, I knew we were going to crash.

I managed to reach the VIP bar where I was sitting earlier in time.

There were quite a few passengers there with confused and panicky expressions. Some were holding hands, murmuring between themselves, and some were trying to get hold of emergency services.

I opened my suitcase grabbed some fabric and started tying my hand to the nearest metal pole.

The people who were standing next to me looked at me with confused expressions. When the realization of what I was doing set in it was too late.

I grabbed the metal pole with all my strength and the next moment a loud screech could be heard as the brakes finally kicked in.

The people were flung all over the wagon and I could see a man getting impaled with someone's walking stick.

A horrifying screeching sound could be heard as metal crashed against metal. The front few wagons were completely deformed but thankfully they were more or less empty.

I woke up to the sound of a voice screaming over a communication device.

"Is anyone still alive?"

It was the communication device I stole from one of the dead terrorists. The terrorists on the spaceship were checking whether there was still someone from their team alive.

I grabbed the comm and replied: "Your plan failed."

"Who are you?"

"That's not important. What's important is that I know where Red leader is being kept."

I typed a location and a short message into the comm and sent it over.

"One month from now in this location."

"How do we-"

I dropped the comm onto the floor and smashed it with my heel.

Well, at least I got something out of this trainwreck. They might not grab the bait but there will still be plenty of opportunities. 


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