
Emerging Victorious

Having killed Mirage for the second time in his life, Erich now found himself in a precarious situation. If he did not manage to destroy the facility and escape with his life, then the mission would be a failure, and he would have to do it all over again.

Of course, if he were to attempt this training operation again, then he would be unlikely to scavenge another set of stealth power armor. Thus, he was extremely cautious with each step he took, as he slowly and covertly made his way to the bunker's reactor, which powered it. 

After all, this was the plan that Tia had come up with that had the most likely chance of success. With this in mind, Erich stalked through the hallways, hiding behind whatever cover he could whenever he encountered another person, while making sure his active camouflage was maxed out in its power.